
Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

author:Xiaofa Ji said

Netizens suspected of Qin Fen's girlfriend broke a shocking news, saying that she was hurt by Qin Fen, and also exposed the dirty relationship between Qin Fen, which attracted the attention and comments of netizens.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

Who is Qin Fen?

Qin Fen, a "rich second generation" born into a wealthy family, his father Qin Zhigang is a well-known real estate businessman with a fortune of billions of dollars. Qin Fen, who has lived a life of brocade clothes and food since he was a child, is not only handsome but also talented, once a basketball player, and later turned into a music producer and actor.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

Qin Fen, who also has a lot of contacts in the entertainment industry, has had scandals with many actresses, the most sensational of which is the relationship with Gillian. Gillian is one of the members of the Hong Kong girl group "Twins", and is also an actress with both appearance and strength. The two have been photographed traveling intimately many times, and there are even rumors that Gillian gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses for Qin Fen.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

It was revealed that his girlfriend was hospitalized for rescue

On September 20, the "rich second generation" Qin Fen, suddenly appeared on the hot search list, because one of his girlfriends posted on Weibo to expose his evil deeds. The girlfriend's name is "NPD Dog Don't Talk", she posted photos of her injuries and hospitalization on Weibo, and accused Qin Fen, a pervert, devil, and almost killed her.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

"NPD Dogs Don't Talk About It" also posted a photo of himself taking notes at the police station, and said that he would slowly sort out the materials to expose Qin Fen's true face. As can be seen from the transcript, Qin Fen's presence and signed.

This revelation has aroused widespread attention and sympathy from netizens, who have left messages expressing support and comfort that "NPD dogs don't talk about it", and questioned why Qin Feng treated his girlfriend like this. Some people also ridiculed that the "rich second generation" Qin Fen, was finally defeated by the "rich third generation".

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

Involving Gillian and rich father and son

Just when netizens were upset about "NPD dogs don't talk about it", the whistleblower exposed more shocking news in the comment area, including Gillian. She hinted that Qin Fen's abnormal relationship with his father and Gillian, and said that there were many stories in it.

As soon as this revelation came out, netizens were even more shocked, after all, there had been many scandals between Gillian and Qin Fen, but I didn't expect to pull out Qin Fen's father, which was simply an incest drama. Someone also broke the news that Qin Fen, his father had raised Gillian, this matter has long been no secret in the wealthy circle, in order to avoid the limelight, Qin Fen's went abroad, abroad, Qin Fen's play is even crazier.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

Although this revelation is not known to be true or false, netizens have picked up a lot of evidence to support this statement. Before Gillian posted a photo with Qin Fen, she celebrated her birthday in a high profile, and sent a kissing emoji, and ate Qin Fen, at that time, many people thought that Gillian was officially announcing her relationship, and the scandal spread since then, which Gillian did not deny.

Then the paparazzi filmed Gillian and Qin Fen's appearance in the basketball hall together, and Gillian accompanied Gillian outside the court when Qin Fen's play, and the two behaved intimately during the break, and got along very naturally. The paparazzi also filmed Qin Fen's ears pulling Gillian's ears, to which Gillian looked shy, like a small couple in love, flirting and scolding very sweet.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

In the photo posted by Gillian, Qin Fen's figure was also suspected to be exposed, and after comparison, it was found that the other party's dress and hat were very similar to Qin Fen.

Later, it was revealed that Gillian gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses to Qin Fen, saying that they were born in Shanghai, and there was a period of fat before, which was because they had just given birth. During that time, Gillian was indeed a little fat, just like hormones, more than 30 pounds of weight, and the whole body was swollen obviously. I also took photos of Gillian's rounded waist and even slightly convex, and during that time, Gillian also changed into flat shoes, which changed a lot.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

However, Gillian explained that it was because of the needs of the characters that she gained weight, but the subsequent films broadcast by Gillian did not have characters that needed to gain weight,

Obviously, this statement does not dispel suspicion. Even the paparazzi "Zhang Xiaohan" once drew comics to break the news, saying that the Shenyan actress and the rich second generation secretly had a child, and also rewarded her with a mansion, but the two did not get married. At that time, some people speculated that it was Gillian and Qin Fen, but there were also revelations that it was Gillian and Qin Fen's father, although it felt outrageous at the time, but combined with the current revelations, everything is really traceable.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

The whistleblower suddenly changed his mind

With the fermentation of the turmoil, the whistleblower has deleted the news breaking news, and changed his words to say that he was not harmed by Qin Fen, and sent three dynamic clarifications and apologies in succession. The whistleblower said that all the information said on the Internet was false information, many pictures were PS, and there were malicious provocations among people to stir up contradictions, and Qin Fen's own knowledge was not known.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

She publicly apologized to Qin Fen, saying that her impulsive remarks had caused public misunderstanding, causing unnecessary harm and loss of his reputation. also explained that he was tricked into being hospitalized because of heart discomfort, not other online reasons, and after communication, it was found to be an oolong, and the design involved innocent people to apologize here, but I didn't expect to cause such a big misunderstanding.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

However, before this, the whistleblower swore that this matter was uneven, and it was not something that money could solve at all, but he didn't expect that the whistleblower would change his mind in just a few hours, was it to collect money? Or what is the reason? Netizens have expressed distrust and doubts, and the Weibo of "NPD dogs don't talk about it" has also been reported and complained about in large numbers. Some people also suspected that this whistleblower was not Qin Fen's girlfriend at all, but a water army that specialized in creating topics.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

At present, the whistleblower has turned off the comment function and deleted the previous revelation, I don't know if the incident will be reversed, squat a follow-up, I don't know if Gillian will respond publicly.

Qin Fen's girlfriend broke the news that she was hospitalized for rescue, and also involved the unbearable past of Gillian and the rich father and son

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