
How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

author:Persistent planet kVJ

How the West mocked Bashar back then: how many steps did it take for the leader to become a "tyrant"

Recently, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who visited China, went viral on our network. People praised the president tough guy, his wife, and their two handsome sons and a daughter.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

With two sons and a daughter, he followed Bashar and his wife and toured Hangzhou Lingyin Temple.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

In 2021, a family of five walked through the ruins of war in Aleppo, Syria's second-largest city.

The Bashar couple's visit to China is the longest stay abroad in 12 years. This is probably the highest acceptance rate ever.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

Syria may be one of the most tragic countries in the world, and Bashar al-Assad may be known as the leader of the most powerful country in the Middle East.

Before the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Syria had been used as the largest "driving ground" for all parties. At that time, Bashar al-Assad faced a powerful and comprehensive siege rarely seen in the world - counterinsurgency forces + religious extremist militias + Arab League + almost the entire Western world.

Moreover, Russia has not yet sent troops to intervene in the first year or so. With the exception of a few Iranian volunteers, the Confucian regime fought largely alone. At the most critical moment of the situation, the rebels occupied the headquarters of the General Staff of the Syrian Army, less than 5 kilometers from the president's home.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

At the most critical moment, the government forces only controlled the red area on the map, almost dying and the country perished.

Even before the Arab Spring swept through, many of the Middle Eastern "magnates" who seemed to be much more powerful than him were dead.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

As a result, most people feel that Assad will soon collapse. He will either resign and go into exile, be captured alive like Gaddafi, or be tried like Mubarak - no matter what. It won't take long.

Unexpectedly, Bashar refused to go anywhere, let alone bow his head, so he insisted until the following summer, when Russia officially sent troops to Syria.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

For a long time after that, his life remained difficult. Fighting insurgents, fighting sects, fighting Islamic State, fighting Kurds, until finally the United States and Israel personally launched air strikes, Bashar still refused to admit defeat and did not bow his head.

But at the most critical moments, he maintained a polite demeanor and dressed cleanly. Although Bashar is often much more excited than Zelensky's president, he has never had a beard in front of the camera, nor does he wear a concave tough guy-style "wartime suit", hysterical and sensational. Incoming call.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

At present, the two countries have severed diplomatic relations

This is the scene where Phoenix TV reporter Fu Xiaotian was invited to conduct an exclusive interview with Bashar al-Assad in November 2015.

Bashar personally greeted guests with a smile on the steps of the presidential hall. Every time he entered, he would let the guests go first with gentlemanly manners.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

Fu Xiaotian later recalled the experience in the show.

At the president's doorstep, Bashar greeted them with a happy face. After shaking hands and saying hello, he said enthusiastically - please, please, tea or coffee ... It gives a very humble, optimistic, relaxed atmosphere. Feel.

During the interview, Bashar also seriously asked Fu Xiaotian about the meaning and pronunciation of his name. He repeated it several times on the spot and asked Tianxiao to correct it (below).

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

You know, the current Syrian government is facing the double blow of the rebels and the "Islamic State". On that day, the front line of the fighting between government forces and opposition forces was located on the outskirts of Damascus, about 40 to 50 kilometers away. In the urban area where the president's house is located, the sound of rocket launchers can be heard even in the distance.

Fu Xiaotian reminded,

Far from being the "bloodthirsty tyrant" many reports portray, President Assad is more of a likable scholar.

Obviously, almost all of these "quite a few reports" came from the West.

As for why the West dreams of killing Bashar al-Assad, if you are interested, you can read my previous article, which will not be repeated here. In short, Bashar does not want to cooperate with the United States as a "puppet"!

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

But if the United States wants to kill him, it will be difficult to find a particularly good reason.

1. Bashar al-Assad is a professional ophthalmologist who received a Western education from an early age, speaks English like a native language, and has a very Western lifestyle. The outspoken Bashar al-Assad generally has good relations with the West, as long as he remains as independent as possible. The couple was once the "guests" of the head of state. They had dinner and tea at Buckingham Palace, Elysee Palace and Royal Palace Madrid.

European media even praised First Lady Asma's abilities, hailed as the "Rose of the Desert" and "Diana of Arabia." In 2009, World Fashion Court named her the world's most dressed woman, ahead of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's supermodel wife.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

In the UK

In Spain

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

In France

Senior U.S. officials have also visited Syria several times and received warm receptions.

Moreover, Syria is unlikely to have weapons of mass destruction, the "washing powder" formula does not apply (the Western-backed opposition "directs and staged" the so-called chemical weapons attack "on its own", and Bashar does not understand the "evil deeds" of Colonel Kader, there is fermented evidence.

Therefore, the United States cannot directly attack Bashar al-Assad, as Saddam Hussein, but can only start from within Syria.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

In 2009, in a lively atmosphere, John Kerry, then chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, happily had lunch with the president and his wife.

2. It does not pose a special military threat to neighboring countries, and relations with neighboring countries are also good. Moreover, the Syrian Golan Heights have been occupied by Israel for decades and are victims of the hegemony of neighbouring countries. 3. Syria is a secular society, and ethno-religious conflicts are not acute.

Bashar and Asma are an intersectarian couple (one Shia, one Sunni). Bashar's sister married a Christian.

Especially after Bashar came to power, he continued to unite Christians in the country (14% of the population) and gave them Christmas.

But in the ensuing civil war, Western-backed opposition burned the church and blew the thousand-year-old monastery into ruins.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

In addition, Bashar has tried to appease Sunni Muslims (himself a minority of Shiite "Alawites" who make up only 15 percent of the country's population), promised autonomy for the Kurds, and released hundreds of opponents. He was imprisoned by his father for a long time.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

At the same time, the Syrian government has also vigorously promoted the construction of the Internet and loosened its control over the media and speech... Along with the economic reforms organized by Bashar that year, it is known as the "Damascus Spring".

As a result, the last sentence laid the groundwork.

Although Bashar's own style is neither "bloodthirsty" nor "tyrannical", the United States said yes through some "modernization" and repeated, of course he said yes.

The opportunity came quickly.

In 2010, affected by the economic crisis, international oil prices and other commodity trading prices began to fall. Syrian industry is relatively isolated, and the main profitable sectors are energy-related, which makes it increasingly difficult for the domestic economy to function.

Later that year, with the outbreak of the Arab Spring, West Asia and North Africa continued to struggle, and Syria's other pillar industries – tourism and fashion – were also hit hard.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

Syrian Fashion Week promotional poster. Damas was once known as the fashion capital of the Middle East.

At this time, it also coincided with the West's imitation of Bashar in carrying out economic reforms, and serious disobedience occurred. As a result, inflation and unemployment in Syria began to soar, and some discontent with the government gathered.

So, taking advantage of the momentum of the "Arab Spring" sweeping the Middle East this year, Syrians took to the streets to protest, causing some riots.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

As a result, through the "rhythm" of some "invisible hands", a large number of rumors about Bashar al-Assad's "tyranny" appeared, and it is difficult to distinguish whether they are true or false.

For example, in order to punish the city of Daraa, where the demonstrations took place, water tanks and pipes were deliberately destroyed in the city;

Schoolchildren with anti-Bashar, anti-presidential slogans graffiti on the walls were captured and brutally mutilated (have you watched too many horror movies like this?). )

mass shooting of peaceful protesters with tanks and machine guns;

putting wounded protesters in hospital freezers for execution;

confiscation of ambulances to prevent injured protesters from receiving help;

Put children on tanks as human shields to avoid opposition attacks, etc.

Of course, it turned out later that these rumors were basically made up, and all videos used "rumors" and took words out of context. To be honest, these made-up "monsters" now seem to be rationally evaluated by others, but in the context of the "Arab Spring" it is difficult to say.

Everyone needs to know this. Do not underestimate the bombardment of public opinion. It can paralyze your mind until you believe everything the Western media says.

And for a party with weak public opinion, even if they know the truth, few people are willing to speak out to help.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

Everyone needs to know this photo of Syrian diplomat Bashar Jafar at the UN

In addition, a major political stain on Bashar al-Assad's father is the Hama massacre (the suppression of the 1982 anti-government uprising of Islamic extremists). For those who are dissatisfied, they are arrested and imprisoned. If you are not satisfied, you will simply "get lost".

But if Bashar was really as ruthless as his father, then what happened later may have been a different story.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

The Assad family in the 90s of the 20th century

Since the Arab Spring, his wife Asma, in addition to portraying Bashar as a "tyrant", has also become the main target of blackmail by these "forces with ulterior motives".

Her Chanel bag, Louboutin shoes, Jimmy Choo sunglasses, and high heels were all pulled out to create an image of a spender, a "tyrant" and the dictator's wife.

Here is a statement by the Washington Post comparing Asma to the Syrian version of "Queen Mary." Yes, she is the wife of King Louis XVI of France, who was willful and flamboyant in history and was eventually guillotined.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

This is despite these luxury items recently hailed as fashion icons in the Arab world and role models for women in politics.

As a "crime", his shopping list was made public, and even detailed DVD cartoons purchased for three children, £3 for a pillow, £5 for a pillow ...

You know, Asma, who graduated from a prestigious school, was a senior white-collar woman in an investment bank before marriage. He was also born into a wealthy family and had properties abroad. Asma grew up rich. He didn't know Bashar. I used to have a hobby, which was wearing luxury goods.

More interestingly, in April 2011, the French fashion magazine Vogue published an article in the "Spring Overview" section - "Desert Rose", accompanied by a photo of Asma wearing a purple cashmere scarf. Photo (bottom).

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

At the moment, the situation in Syria is chaotic.

Eventually, Vogue had to urgently withdraw the issue and delete the article to conform to Western public opinion.

However, the White House and the French government are still not satisfied with the action. Finally, Wintour, the magazine's editor-in-chief, had to make a public statement: Vogue's harshest condemnation of the Confucian government. The author of this article, Ms. Barker, known as the "godmother of fashion", was actually fired!

What is even more tragic is that because of his "stain", not a single European magazine will dare to sign with him in the coming years. She makes a living selling expensive watches, bags, shoes and accessories.

In Ms. Barker's own words, she lived like a leper, and everyone revolved around her.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

Ms. Barker received continuous treatment

Free speech? Do you agree to talk only about "romance"?

Even the fashion industry must always keep up with Western politics. If you can't keep up with the rhythm and "political sensitivity is not enough", don't get involved!

During the ensuing Syrian civil war, Western media repeatedly spread rumors that Asma fled to Russia or Iran.

Syrian officials immediately released videos and pictures of the first lady's latest event to refute rumors and counter Western smears.

Even the news that he is sick can become material to discredit him.

In August 2018, Syrian officials confirmed Asma had been diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

This is a photo of Bashar al-Assad visiting his wife in a hospital room in 2018, released by Bashar al-Assad's presidential headquarters in Syria.

Soon, some Western media began to report that the Syrian first lady abandoned the Syrian people and fled to Moscow under the pretext of seeking medical treatment.

It was confirmed that he had undergone removal surgery at a Syrian military hospital and had not left the country.

However, the Western media still refused to let go of the mother of three children with cancer. CNN Newsroom host John Watts publicly quipped, "In the Syrian civil war, Mrs. Assad, who was in better health, used her privilege to usurp the medical resources of the Syrian people." ”

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

Asma, who lost her hair to chemotherapy, tenaciously carried the disease and participated in various comforting and motivating activities.

Perhaps Asma is still Asma, and even the reporters and editors who report on her may still be the same group of reporters and editors, but from praising her to humiliating her, it is only a matter of one sentence.

Finally, it should be clarified that the reason for the outbreak of civil war in Syria is indeed related to the authoritarian model passed down by the Assad family father and son that has caused a certain "people's grievance".

In 2000, after Assad's death, Syria's parliament quickly amended the constitution to change the minimum age for president from 40 to 34.

Why is it so accurate? If not 10, it must be 5. 4 What's the point?

That's because Bashar al-Assad is only 34 years old.

Initially, if Bashar's brother had not died young, Bashar could have worked diligently as an ophthalmologist in the UK. But he was suddenly shelved as a "spare tire".

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

It used to be a free family

There is an American drama "Tyrant" that alludes to the Syrian Assad family, but in the end it is "bad".

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

According to reports, the original ending should be that the male protagonist is unconscious and killed by the "force of justice". As a result, this "prototype" did not really match the organization of the script, but it really took off and gained more friends. Then of course this American drama can't continue.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

Twelve years after its expulsion, Syria returned to the Arab League and succeeded in improving relations with other Middle Eastern countries (except, of course, Israel).

In fact, family rule and cult of personality under the color of military junta have long been common problems in Middle Eastern countries.

The bloody facts in Iraq, Libya and other countries show that in the Middle East, only political strongmen can suppress the wolf-like extremist religious forces, tribal separatist tendencies and international interest groups.

The army is a staunch defender of the secular line.

In fact, the set of "democratic values" and political construction that Europeans and Americans are vigorously promoting are not compatible with local national conditions and people's conditions.

How the West blackened Bashar: it took several steps to mold a leader into a "tyrant"

So-called "democracies" detached from the relevant geopolitical and resource patterns eventually become governance tools for certain foreign interest groups. They are not only bringing light and hope to their own people, but they are also destroying the Arab world. This is just another trigger for ideological conflict, buried in chaos and cannot be resolved. As a result, everyone disliked each other, claiming that they heard the words of Allah best and best represented the will of the Allah.

In this case, at the instigation of "forces with ulterior motives" and "invisible hands", they began to speculate on each other, distrust each other, and even hostility to each other. When this hostility "broke out" further, a brutal war of mutual condemnation under the guise of God's "elimination of heresy" ensued.

Only published in the headline number, all other platforms are porters

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Original is not easy, welcome to forward!

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