
The quarterly work meeting of the Xuhui District Party Committee and the economic operation analysis meeting and the safety and stability situation study and judgment meeting were held

author:Thoughtful client

On October 13, the quarterly work meeting of the Xuhui District Party Committee and the economic operation analysis meeting and the safety and stability situation study and judgment meeting were held. Cao Liqiang, secretary of the district party committee, Zhong Xiaoyong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor, Shen Quan, deputy secretary of the district party committee, and district leaders Wang Hongwei, Liu Qi, He Ya, Tan Weishi, Qin Liping, Xi Tingsong, Xu Guowen, Gao Shiyun, Wang Zhihua, Luo Huapin, Yu Xiaohong and other leaders attended the meeting. Cao Liqiang presided over the meeting.

The quarterly work meeting of the Xuhui District Party Committee and the economic operation analysis meeting and the safety and stability situation study and judgment meeting were held

In the morning, 2 district leaders and 6 units exchanged views on economic operation analysis and deployment of quarterly work.

Cao Liqiang pointed out that the fourth quarter plays a decisive role in the work of the whole year, and it is necessary to grasp the end of the year's sprint with one hand and the work plan for next year with the other hand, so as to cheer up the spirit, overcome difficulties, and win decisive battles, ensure the completion of the annual economic and social development goals and tasks, and build a new Xuhui and forge ahead on a new journey.

Strengthen confidence and grasp the current development situation

It is necessary to dialectically grasp the current economic situation, strengthen confidence, maintain determination, take the downward pressure of the economy, the difficulties of the real economy, and the fulcrum of deterministic hedging uncertainty as the direction of work, make every effort to complete the set goals, and strive for better results.

Sprint at full strength to complete the year's goals

It is necessary to focus on the work of stabilizing economic growth, put the stabilization of the overall economic market in a more important position, amplify the effectiveness of policies, grasp key areas, and promote the sustained improvement of economic operation. It is necessary to make every effort to ensure the indicators of people's livelihood, seriously make up for shortcomings, focus on the people's hearts projects and people's livelihood facts that the masses care about, grasp the nodes, progress and results, so that the implementation is more visible and the masses have a greater sense of gain.

Dare to open up a new situation and plan strategic measures for next year

It is necessary to make plans as early as possible, estimate the difficulties more fully, strengthen confidence, seek progress in a stable manner, and strictly guard against risks. It is necessary to unswervingly forge long boards, promote advantages, and play a few "trump cards" for artificial intelligence large-scale model industries, productive service industries, and cultivation of first-class local enterprises; We must unswervingly accelerate the transformation of kinetic energy, resolve to shift economic growth to rely on innovation-driven, and improve the efficiency of resource allocation; We must unswervingly promote urban renewal, grasp spatial transformation and layout adjustment; It is necessary to unswervingly deepen the governance of people's livelihood, promote the construction of a "15-minute community life circle", and accelerate the implementation of people's livelihood projects such as medical care and education.

Promoting Work through Learning Carry out thematic education in a down-to-earth manner

It is necessary to deepen the guidance of party building and resolutely complete the goals and tasks of the whole year as the best test of the effectiveness of thematic education. The study style requires reality, persists in integrating theory with practice, and effectively transforms learning results into quality and effectiveness of economic and social development. The style of work should be pragmatic, and implement the linkage rectification mechanism of the research information database, the rectification problem database, the "12345" citizen hotline database, and the "four databases" of the letter and petition reflection problem database, and solve the problem of concentrated feedback from a number of enterprises and the masses. The work should be solid, enhance the sense of urgency that cannot wait, cannot wait, and cannot sit still, find methods, integrate resources, catch up with learning, and take the initiative to show new achievements and create new achievements.

Zhong Xiaoyong demanded that we go all out to grasp the sprint, ensure the successful conclusion of all work this year, and lay a good foundation for the start of next year. Promote economic stability and progress. It is necessary to grasp key indicators, strengthen the arrangement for calculating income next year, and promote the stabilization and improvement of key indicators such as foreign trade import and export, actual foreign investment, real estate, and taxation of key enterprises. It is necessary to grasp industrial upgrading, focus on important industries such as artificial intelligence, life and health, commerce and trade, and industry, take multiple measures at the same time, and continue to make efforts. It is necessary to pay attention to attracting investment and "recruiting, retaining, cultivating and increasing", paying close attention to new buildings and key enterprises, maximizing cohesion, and attracting and retaining good projects and good people. Continue to enhance the source of science and technology innovation. It is necessary to promote the operation of the service system as soon as possible, and accelerate the physical operation of the district scientific and technological achievements transformation service center and proof of concept center. It is necessary to promote the acceleration of the growth of science and technology innovation blocks, do a good job in the decomposition of the construction tasks of the six science and technology innovation blocks, and have a special person responsible and a special person to follow up. It is necessary to promote the release effect of new research and development institutions, follow up the incubation and transformation of institutional scientific research projects, and effectively amplify the spillover effect. It is necessary to promote the strengthening of science and technology finance, operate science and technology venture capital funds, and guide social capital to invest early and invest in small investments. Decisive battles to win major projects. It is necessary to grasp the goal of opening and completing the whole year, increase the coordination of lagging projects, go all out to tackle tough problems, bury our heads in sprints, and strive to form more physical quantities. It is necessary to study and clarify the respective development goals, functional positioning, industrial orientation, and core advantages of the five functional areas as soon as possible, and further rationalize the relationship between the management committees and offices of the five major functional areas and the five major war zones, the five major renewal headquarters and various streets and towns, and form a joint force in work. Accelerate the improvement of people's livelihood. It is necessary to grasp the difficult points, tackle tough problems, promote the "three old" and "three new", accelerate the implementation, grasp the construction of an excellent layout, promote the construction of the "15-minute community life circle", grasp the progress of official insurance, and promote the implementation of major social and people's livelihood projects. We should pay close attention to planning ideas for next year's work. Set goals, arrange projects, and budgets, and plan and layout for next year's key work.

The quarterly work meeting of the Xuhui District Party Committee and the economic operation analysis meeting and the safety and stability situation study and judgment meeting were held

In the following afternoon, 4 district leaders and 6 units exchanged views on the situation of security and stability.

Cao Liqiang pointed out that at present, all tasks are sprinting to the end, and it is necessary to tighten the string of safety, prevent risks and ensure safety with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", and ensure the safety and successful conclusion of the year's work.

Guard the bottom line Alarm bells are ringing

It is necessary to conscientiously study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on national security, keep in mind "100-1=0", and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency for doing a good job in security work. It is necessary to strengthen bottom-line thinking, deeply understand that safety is the underlying logic of work, and ensure that no major accidents occur and things that break the bottom line do not occur. It is necessary to strengthen the sense of responsibility, take the initiative to assume the main responsibility of enterprises, the responsibility of department supervision, and the territorial responsibility of streets and towns, and continue to improve the "multi-branch operation" mechanism of joint law enforcement and group operations.

Enhance skills, be courageous and resourceful

It is necessary to master the methods, respond scientifically, and grasp the safety work more actively, in an orderly and effective manner. To prevent risks, we must be sensitive, grasp the node, pay close attention to public opinion, and comply with laws and regulations. It is necessary to have the initiative to resolve contradictions, take the initiative to carry out carpet exploration of key areas, and take the initiative to sort out and systematically study and judge key issues. It is necessary to continue to deepen party building and lead grassroots governance, adhere to the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and solve problems before the masses speak.

Clear tasks to grasp to the end

It is necessary to focus on safe production, implement the "1+8+X" special action, pay close attention to key areas such as road transportation, building construction, fire protection, hazardous chemicals, special equipment, medical and health, cultural tourism, and underground space, increase the investigation of potential gas safety hazards, and promote timely and comprehensive rectification of various problems. It is necessary to focus on the work of petitions, strictly prevent the initial petition from turning into repeated petitions, do a good job in "preventing return", firmly absorb key personnel in the territory, and effectively achieve four "zero indicators" and three "no occurrence". It is necessary to focus on seasonal work such as cold and frost prevention, focus on the protection of "one old and one small", and make pipeline maintenance and material preparations in advance to ensure the safety of residents in old communities through the winter.

Zhong Xiaoyong asked to be vigilant at all times and keep the bottom line of safety. It is necessary to strengthen the rolling investigation and rectification of hidden dangers and eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents from the root cause. It is necessary to transmit pressure at all levels to implement responsibilities, and earnestly fulfill leadership, territorial and regulatory responsibilities. It is necessary to continuously promote the grid, refinement, intelligence and rule of law of risk prevention, and take risk prevention, safety and stability protection more actively, meticulously and effectively. The threshold was moved forward to strengthen emergency response. It is necessary to strengthen risk early warning and prediction, focus on resolving major stability risks, strengthen on-duty duty, strengthen the handling of emergencies and public opinion response, and promote the transformation of public security governance mode from rapid response to risk prevention.

Source: Shanghai Xuhui

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