
Explosive potential! The 360 Dianjing platform is fully upgraded, and the new gameplay of surprise marketing!

author:The military master said something

The fastest and most revolutionary AIGC technology in history has aroused widespread attention from the whole society. It has not only become the consensus of thousands of industries, but also reshaped the logical links and workflows of the marketing industry, and provided a new solution for brand competition. Recently, the 360 smart brain model was officially opened to the public, marking the acceleration of the application of AIGC technology in subdivided industries and scenarios. AI technology is changing the development pattern of various industries with its excellent effect improvement ability. In the field of marketing, AI technology has made an important contribution to improving conversion results. Through AI technology to reconstruct the materials in high definition, the image quality has been significantly improved, which in turn enhances the effect of brand promotion.

Explosive potential! The 360 Dianjing platform is fully upgraded, and the new gameplay of surprise marketing!

In addition, AI technology can also efficiently mine keywords, which can be completed in only 4 seconds, which greatly improves work efficiency. The application of AI technology does not stop there, it can even assist in the production of materials for the game industry. Compared with the traditional drawing process, AI technology enables the three steps of background design, foreground screen design and character design to be completed by machines, saving a lot of drawing time. According to Helen, a designer, with the help of AI, the efficiency of mapping has increased by 30%, and the CTR click rate of AI-generated materials has increased by 64%.

Explosive potential! The 360 Dianjing platform is fully upgraded, and the new gameplay of surprise marketing!

360's continuous and in-depth exploration in the field of AIGC will further promote the combination of AIGC technology with vertical industries and segmented scenarios. In the future, we can expect more AI capabilities to land, such as video generation, picture biographs, picture text, AI color matching, etc., which will further tap the value of customers and bring new opportunities for the growth of enterprises and the innovation of the industry. The rapid development of AIGC technology will undoubtedly bring revolutionary changes in various industries. It not only improves marketing effectiveness, but also provides a completely new solution for brand competition. It is believed that with the passage of time, AIGC technology will show its great power in more fields, bringing more convenience and innovation to our lives.

Explosive potential! The 360 Dianjing platform is fully upgraded, and the new gameplay of surprise marketing!

References: 1. "Application Exploration and Practice of AI Technology in the Field of Marketing" 2. "360 Intelligent Brain Model Officially Open to the Public, Application of AI Technology Accelerated"

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