
How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

author:Everybody is a product manager
In all marketing routines, it tells us how to follow the characteristics of the product to carry out marketing communication, if it is negative and reverse, what to do? In this article, the author shares the methods of reverse marketing, which can be done through products like ChatGPT, hoping to help everyone.
How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

This feeling is like you meet a man on a dating app, with a foreign study background, a foreign company executive, a sports enthusiast, no bad habits, and a handsome appearance...... You will wonder, is this a pig killing plate?

In fact, if merchants can appropriately take the initiative to expose their shortcomings, show themselves sincerely, and not follow the crowd, they can win the trust of consumers more.

That's reverse marketing.

I went through the cases on the market, and to sum up, reverse marketing is mainly these 4 ways.

01 4 Ways of Reverse Marketing

1. Communicate sincerely and keep your profile down

When there is a crisis in the brand, take the initiative to admit your mistakes and take responsibility that may exceed your own, which can win the trust of consumers.

This reminds me of Luo Yonghao's live broadcast a few years ago.

At that time, in order to repay his debts, he personally brought goods live and gained a lot of traffic, but at the same time, it also brought a crisis.

It is said that he broadcast 7 live broadcasts and overturned 5 times, and was complained because the quality of Party A's products was not up to standard, but his sincere attitude not only did not lose his reputation, but made consumers trust him more.

How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

What's going on? Next, I will use the case of Luo Yonghao selling flowers to tell you how Lao Luo's sincere communication made people turn black into fans.

One year, on the eve of 520, Lao Luo brought goods to a bouquet brand called "Take a Moment" in the live broadcast room, and it sold a lot that day.

However, after receiving the goods, the consumer reported that "the flowers received were withered and the leaves were rotten".

The consumer asked for a return, but was rejected by the brand, Lao Luo came out to apologize as soon as possible, and stood with the consumer, denounced Party A, and declared on Weibo:

If this is not done to satisfy both consumers and us, Siemens is a lesson for you.

How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

You must know that in 2011, in order to protect his rights, Lao Luo smashed three Siemens refrigerators downstairs at the Siemens headquarters, causing an uproar.

This wave of righteous words of warning is very deterrent for brands.

After apologizing and warning, Lao Luo urged the brand to give consumers a full refund and equivalent cash compensation.

On this basis, he also paid out of his own pocket and provided an additional cash compensation of the original price, with a total value of about 1 million yuan.

In other words, consumers who bought the brand's bouquet in Luo Yonghao's live broadcast room can get double compensation.

For this reason, Luo Yonghao also issued a long article to apologize, in which the measures were announced.

How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

In the apology letter, nothing touched me more than this sentence:

"We have also considered some kind of appropriate gift to express our apologies,

But I always feel that as a commercial organization, there is no more sincere compensation for consumers than cash.

That's why I made that decision anyway."

Such words are not pretentious, simple, and full of sincerity.

Be brave enough to admit your mistakes, and show full sincerity to take responsibility and communicate with consumers.

It is more able to win everyone's respect than to hide it.

2. Be brave and black

说起雷军,大家应该对他那蹩脚的英语“Are you ok?” 印象深刻。

And Internet tycoon Zhou Hongyi often laughs at himself as "a bit two".

This kind of self-blackening is very artistic, instantly shortening the distance between the bigwigs and ordinary people, and at the same time providing emotional value:

The big guy is so good, isn't it the same as me, has shortcomings?

He can say it generously, what can't I let go?

For brands, it is very good to be self-black and joke with their own shortcomings.

21During the Spring Festival, the major video platforms are promoting in the way of pulling people's heads and sharing money, often dividing billions, but LETV Video has gone the opposite way, putting the information it owes 12.2 billion on the LOGO, publicizing it, forming a strong contrast with the many penniesAPP, but it has gained a lot of downloads.

How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?
How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

Luo Yonghao also tried this method, and he opened his own training class in a building full of training business.

Since he is a new business, he is not famous and cannot recruit students, in order to attract students, his artist made a poster and typed these words:

XX training class, hot registration.

Lao Luo looked at it and said that this is not good, isn't this a lie?

Where is the slightest sign of heat?

So the art was changed to:

XX training course, indifferent registration.

Such a real and self-black way can arouse the attention of parents.

3. Turn negative into positive

It's not enough to be bold enough to speak out about your shortcomings, you also need to turn your shortcomings into strengths.

Sometimes, the biggest disadvantage can be the biggest advantage.

For example, the famous tea brand Chayan Yuese is often complained about its slow delivery and long queues.

So it graciously admits this, and writes on the ticket why it is so slow.

Because the production of tea requires several processes, and in order to maintain its best taste, the method of extraction is adopted.

That is, after the consumer orders, they start to do it from 0, instead of using "semi-finished products" to quickly blend.

Burger King has also been complained about because of frequent fires before, and the brand took this opportunity to issue a set of posters.

How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

On the one hand, it admits that "there are indeed many fire accidents", and on the other hand, it also explains that the reason why there are many fires is because Burger King has been baking with "real fire" since 1954.

Compared with other brands that are fried in oil, Burger King has more advantages.

4. Anti-overrun effect

My two children used to like to eat salted egg yolk and meat dumplings, so my mother wrapped a lot of them, and ate them every day for a while, but later, when they heard the dumplings, they shook their heads and never wanted to eat them again.

This is called the overrun effect.

When the stimulus is excessive, too strong or the action time is too long, it causes the psychological phenomenon of extreme impatience or rebellion.

This phenomenon is also common in business marketing.

For example, every year on 618 and Double 11, major e-commerce platforms have come up with strange tricks to increase efforts to promote various preferential methods to attract consumers to buy.

NetEase Yanxuan did the opposite on Double 11 in a certain year, announcing that it would "withdraw from Double 11", and called on consumers to buy rationally, not to buy unnecessary things because of discounts, to go their own way, and not to be tricked by complex gameplay.

How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

So, can such reverse marketing be achieved with ChatGPT?

Let's take a look at the results first.

02 Reverse marketing copy produced by ChatGPT

This is a digital management software for medium and large enterprises, consumers criticize it for being too expensive and too responsible to use, and there are many simple and cheap software on the market, which catches it off guard.

Let's take a look at the reverse marketing copy generated by ChatGPT:

How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?
How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

How's that, isn't it attractive?

Let's take a look at what the specific command looks like.

03 Specific Orders


A master of reverse marketing copywriters, with the following skills:

1. Communicate honestly and keep your profile down: I can help brands take the initiative to admit mistakes and take responsibility through a sincere attitude and transparent communication strategy in the face of crises or consumer dissatisfaction. This builds consumer trust and demonstrates a responsible attitude towards the brand.

2. Be brave and self-deprecating: Use humor and self-deprecation to make your brand image more accessible and credible. This strategy mitigates potential negative effects and demonstrates the brand's confidence and self-knowledge in a light-hearted way.

3. Turning Negative into Positive: It can help brands identify and transform their potential weaknesses into strengths, and turn seemingly weaknesses into unique selling points for brands through creative and strategic methods.

4. Anti-overrun effect: A deep understanding of the oversaturation of promotions and advertising in the market environment can help brands adopt a reverse strategy to attract consumers who are looking for novelty or don't like to follow the trend by reducing the intensity of promotions or publicly announcing their withdrawal from promotions.


When merchants are doing marketing promotions, they always say from the front, how good my sales are, how awesome my products are, and over time, will you have a doubt: Are these true?

This feeling is like you meet a man on a dating app, with a foreign study background, a foreign company executive, a sports enthusiast, no bad habits, and a handsome appearance...... You will wonder, is this a pig killing plate?

In fact, if merchants can appropriately take the initiative to expose their shortcomings, show themselves sincerely, and not follow the crowd, they can win the trust of consumers more.

That's reverse marketing.

I went through the cases on the market and concluded that there are mainly these 4 types of reverse marketing:

1. Communicate sincerely and keep your profile down

When there is a crisis in the brand, take the initiative to admit your mistakes and take responsibility that may exceed your own, which can win the trust of consumers.

This reminds me of Luo Yonghao's live broadcast a few years ago. At that time, in order to repay his debts, he personally brought goods live and gained a lot of traffic, but at the same time, it also brought a crisis. It is said that he broadcast 7 live broadcasts and overturned 5 times, and was complained because the quality of Party A's products was not up to standard, but his sincere attitude not only did not lose his reputation, but made consumers trust him more.

What's going on? Next, I will use the case of Luo Yonghao selling flowers to tell you how Lao Luo's sincere communication made people turn black into fans.

One year, on the eve of 520, Lao Luo brought goods to a bouquet brand called "Take a Moment" in the live broadcast room, and it sold a lot that day. However, after receiving the goods, the consumer reported that "the flowers received were withered and the leaves were rotten".

Consumers asked for returns, but were rejected by the brand, Lao Luo came out to apologize for the first time, and stood with consumers, denounced Party A, and declared on Weibo that if this matter cannot be done to satisfy consumers and us, Siemens is your example.

You must know that in 2011, in order to protect his rights, Lao Luo smashed three Siemens refrigerators downstairs at the Siemens headquarters, causing an uproar. This wave of righteous words of warning is very deterrent for brands.

After apologizing and warning, Lao Luo urged the brand to give consumers a full refund and equivalent cash compensation, and on this basis, he also paid out of his own pocket to provide an additional cash compensation of the original price, with a total value of about 1 million yuan.

In other words, consumers who bought the brand's bouquet in Luo Yonghao's live broadcast room can get double compensation.

For this reason, Luo Yonghao also issued a long article to apologize, in which the measures were announced.

In the apology letter, I was most moved by this sentence: "We also considered expressing our apologies with some kind of appropriate gift, but we always felt that as a commercial organization, there is no more sincere compensation to consumers than cash, so we made this decision anyway."

Such words are not pretentious, simple, and full of sincerity.

Bravely admit your mistakes, and show full sincerity to take responsibility, and communicate with consumers, rather than hiding it, you can win everyone's respect.

2. Be brave and black

Speaking of Lei Jun, everyone should have "Are you ok?" in his broken English. Impressed. And Internet tycoon Zhou Hongyi often laughs at himself as "a bit two".

This kind of self-blackening is very artistic, instantly shortening the distance between the bigwigs and ordinary people, and at the same time providing emotional value:

The big guy is so good, isn't it the same as me, has shortcomings? He can say it generously, what can't I let go?

For brands, it is very good to be self-black and joke with their own shortcomings.

21During the Spring Festival, the major video platforms are promoting in the way of pulling people's heads and sharing money, often dividing billions, but LETV Video has gone the opposite way, putting the information it owes 12.2 billion on the LOGO, publicizing it, forming a strong contrast with the many penniesAPP, but it has gained a lot of downloads.

This method,Luo Yonghao also tried,When he opened his own training class in a building full of training business,Because it is a new business,No fame、Can't recruit students,In order to recruit students,His artist made a poster,Marked with these words:XX training class,Hot registration。 Lao Luo looked at it and said that this is not good, isn't this a lie? Where is the slightest sign of heat?

So the art was changed to "XX training class, indifferent registration". Such a real and self-black way can arouse the attention of parents.

3. Turn negative into positive

It's not enough to be bold enough to speak out about your shortcomings, you also need to turn your shortcomings into strengths. Sometimes, the biggest disadvantage can be the biggest advantage.

For example, the famous tea brand Chayan Yuese is often complained about the slow meal and has to wait in line for a long time, so it generously admits this, and writes on the receipt why it is so slow, because the production of tea requires several processes, and in order to maintain its best taste, it adopts the method of extraction, that is, after the consumer orders, it starts to do it from 0, rather than using "semi-finished products" to quickly blend.

Burger King has also been complained about because of frequent fires before, and the brand took this opportunity to issue a set of posters, on the one hand, admitting that "there are indeed many fire accidents", and on the other hand, it also explained that the reason why there are many fires is because Burger King has been baked with "real fire" since 1954, and compared with other brands that use fried production, Burger King's advantages are more prominent.

4. Anti-overrun effect

My two children used to like to eat salted egg yolk and meat dumplings, so my mother wrapped a lot of them, and ate them every day for a while, but later, when they heard the dumplings, they shook their heads and never wanted to eat them again.

This is called the overrun effect, when the stimulus is excessive, too strong or the effect is too long, thus causing a psychological phenomenon of extreme impatience or rebellion

This phenomenon also often appears in commercial marketing, such as the annual 618 and Double 11, and the major e-commerce platforms have made strange moves to increase efforts to promote various preferential methods to attract consumers to buy.

NetEase Yanxuan did the opposite on Double 11 in a certain year, announcing that it would "withdraw from Double 11", and called on consumers to buy rationally, not to buy unnecessary things because of discounts, to go their own way, and not to be tricked by complex gameplay.


Based on the merchant's information, write reverse marketing copy


1. Guide users to provide information about the business (what are the products or services offered, target groups, shortcomings of the products, and what problems they face)

2. Analyze which method is suitable for reverse marketing and explain the reasons (choose only 1 option)

3. Analyze this way, what information needs to be provided by the provider for the user to provide

4. Based on the previous steps, write an outline of your reverse marketing copy

5. According to the outline, write a heartfelt copy


I'm your reverse marketing copywriting assistant, please say start and I'll do the task for you

04 运行过程(ChatGPT4.0)

How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?
How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

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How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?
How to use ChatGPT for reverse marketing?

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