
Cao Jiarui: Because of his beauty, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, refused to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and returned to the village to teach at the age of 37

author:Mystery Maple FiR

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In the entertainment industry, labels such as "unspoken rules", "seeking superiority", and "no lower limit" seem to be attached to actresses, making people wonder if any actresses can maintain their innocence in this big dye vat. However, Cao Jiarui, who was once praised by Zhao Benshan, dared to reject these unspoken rules, and her persistence brought different voices to the entertainment industry, but also paid a price.

The story begins

Cao Jiarui, born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1986, not only has an excellent appearance, but also is loved for her lively and active personality. She has been actively involved in various school activities since she was a child, and is not only loved by her family and peers, but also often wins awards for her outstanding performance.

Cao Jiarui: Because of his beauty, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, refused to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and returned to the village to teach at the age of 37

Cao Jiarui's charm gradually emerged, especially after learning dance, her temperament clearly surpassed that of her peers. In 2003, Cao Jiarui participated in a company-sponsored "Smile Ambassador" competition and won this title effortlessly.

In 2004, she was admitted to Benshan Art College of Liaoning University, however, she did not foresee that she would be appreciated by Zhao Benshan, let alone that she would become "Xiaoyun" in the TV series "Ma Dashuai". This opportunity was because Zhao Benshan personally named him, so Cao Jiarui's acting career officially began.

Cao Jiarui quickly rose to prominence in the entertainment industry, in addition to participating in the first two films of "Ma Dashuai", he also got the opportunity to "Mr. Kanto", thanks to Zhao Benshan's promotion. Zhao Benshan not only recognized her acting skills, but also gave her a lot of resources and network support, which made her deeply impressed by the audience. However, just as her career was booming, she suddenly disappeared, sparking widespread concern and speculation.

Cao Jiarui: Because of his beauty, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, refused to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and returned to the village to teach at the age of 37

Cao Jiarui's decision

Cao Jiarui's career seems to be about to take off, but her "disappearance" is puzzling. In fact, her "disappearance" was triggered by an unexpected decision. When the "unspoken rules" of the entertainment industry came, she resolutely refused, which disappointed Zhao Benshan. Although Zhao Benshan promised to accompany the meal, Cao Jiarui understood that things would not be so simple. She refused the invitation without hesitation, and thus changed her relationship with Zhao Benshan.

This refusal disappointed Zhao Benshan, who originally had high expectations for Cao Jiarui. Cao Jiarui's refusal caused Zhao Benshan to gradually distance himself from her, hoping that she would change her mind, but Cao Jiarui's insistence made Zhao Benshan feel frustrated. He didn't want to wait too long, and Cao Jiarui's decision became the end of her career in the entertainment industry.

Cao Jiarui: Because of his beauty, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, refused to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and returned to the village to teach at the age of 37

Cao Jiarui's turn

Although she is still very young, Cao Jiarui understands that rejecting Zhao Benshan may mean that she cannot gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. Unwilling to succumb to evil deeds, she made an unexpected decision and left the entertainment industry. She knew that it would be difficult for her to succeed in this circle without Zhao Benshan's support, but she would rather leave early than compromise on this moral bottom line.

Cao Jiarui chose to stay away from the entertainment industry and came to a small mountain village and became a mountain village teacher. At first, people regarded her as a high-ranking star, but over time, it was discovered that she was an amiable "big sister", and her star aura gradually faded and she got along well with the students. This job allowed her to find the life she longed for, away from intrigue and socializing, and her mind was relaxed.

Cao Jiarui: Because of his beauty, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, refused to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and returned to the village to teach at the age of 37

In the mountain village, she found love and married Li Ming, a local villager. Although Li Ming is not a wealthy person, their family is full of happiness. Cao Jiarui's transformation was also impressive, she quit her teaching position, ran a farm with Li Ming, and lived a simple rural life.


Cao Jiarui's story shows an actress's firm attitude of daring to reject the "unspoken rules" of the entertainment industry. Her choice may have made her lose her career opportunities in the entertainment industry, but she found happiness in her new life. Her firmness

The issue of "unspoken rules" that have been controversial in the entertainment industry for many years has surfaced again. This undesirable phenomenon has always plagued the entertainment industry, but Cao Jiarui's persistence shows that not everyone is willing to sacrifice the bottom line to pursue success.

Cao Jiarui: Because of his beauty, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, refused to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and returned to the village to teach at the age of 37

Cao Jiarui's courage and firmness have given the entertainment industry an important revelation: morality and the bottom line should not be given up for short-term success. Her refusal is not only a proof of her tenacity, but also a call for the entertainment industry to need more people like her who dare to say "no" to clean up this environment that has been polluted for many years.

Although Cao Jiarui's career in the entertainment industry has ended, her story still inspires many young people and makes them realize that on the road to success, they should not sacrifice their dignity and bottom line. She chose a path that was different, but one full of truth, perseverance and innocence.

In the end, Cao Jiarui's decision led her to a new life full of love and happiness. Her story teaches us that success should not come at the expense of morality and principles, but should be achieved on the basis of sticking to one's own bottom line. I hope that Cao Jiarui's tenacity can have more influence in the entertainment industry and make this industry more clean and dignified.


Cao Jiarui's experience has given us some important inspirations. First, she shows that not everyone is willing to compromise or chase short-lived success without giving up the bottom line and morality. In the environment of the entertainment industry, full of temptations and unspoken rules, she dares to stick to her principles, which shows that people can make strong decisions in the face of difficulties and moral choices.

Second, Cao Jiarui's choice emphasizes the importance of valuing innocence and honor. She was unwilling to get to the top through improper means, but chose an ordinary job and stayed away from the temptation of the entertainment industry. This reminds us that success is not always tied to power, fame and fortune, and that personal inner satisfaction and moral values are equally important.

Most importantly, her story underscores the need to stand up bravely and stand up to unethical behavior. The bad phenomena in the entertainment industry need to be changed, and this requires more people like Cao Jiarui, who are willing to bravely say no and oppose those immoral rules and behaviors. Only by working together can we return a cleaner and healthier future to the entertainment industry.


Cao Jiarui's experience shows a young actress's determination to stick to the bottom line and principles in the entertainment industry. Starting from her natural beauty and talent, she gained Zhao Benshan's attention and support, but in the face of the "unspoken rules" in the entertainment industry, she dared to say no and refused to participate in immoral entertainment. This decision may have led to the early end of her career in the entertainment industry, but her persistence and sobriety show that not everyone is willing to chase power and success and give up the bottom line of morality.

Cao Jiarui's choice also emphasizes the importance of personal values, she gave up fame and fortune, chose a simple life, and became a mountain village teacher. This tells us that success is not just measured by power and fame, but that inner satisfaction and moral values are just as important.

Most importantly, her story reminds us of the need to resist unethical behavior. The bad phenomena in the entertainment industry need to be changed, and this requires more people like Cao Jiarui, who dare to stand up against unethical rules and behaviors. Only when everyone works together can we create a cleaner and healthier future of the entertainment industry.

In addition, Cao Jiarui's choice also reflects her maturity and tenacity. She was a starter in the entertainment industry, but she was not confused and kept a clear head. She refused Mr. Zhao's request, even though it could cost her an important supporter. This steadfastness shows that she is able to stand up for her principles in the face of pressure and moral choices, which is a very valuable quality.

Cao Jiarui's life choices are also an important revelation. She gave up the opportunity in the entertainment industry and chose to return to the countryside to become a teacher, while finding love in the process. Her choice conveys an important message: Success doesn't always mean chasing fame and power. She found satisfaction in life and lived a simple but happy life. This reflects a more balanced and healthy outlook on life, a philosophy of life that pursues inner satisfaction and happiness.

Finally, Cao Jiarui's story reminds us that we need more people like her who dare to uphold moral principles and resist immoral behavior. The problem of "unspoken rules" in the entertainment industry is not only a problem within the entertainment industry, it also reflects the values of society. Only when more people say no as firmly as Cao Jiarui can we expect a more just and moral society.

Overall, Cao Jiarui's story teaches us to stick to the bottom line, pursue inner satisfaction, resist immoral behavior, and bravely oppose such behavior. Her determination and choice provide us with a powerful example of how to stick to our principles and pursue true happiness and success when faced with moral choices. Only then can we collectively build a cleaner, more ethical and healthier society.

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