
54 seconds! Neither China nor Russia was adopted, and the Palestinian-Israeli Security Council reached a ceasefire agreement

author:Qin eucalyptus 1212

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Title: International Call for Ceasefire, US Arches Fire: The Controversy Behind the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Recently, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has aroused widespread concern in the international community. Russia, China and many countries in the Middle East have called on Palestine and Israel to cease fire and hold peace talks as soon as possible to reduce the suffering of civilians. However, the United States and other Western countries seem to take different positions, arching the Palestinian-Israeli situation, causing controversy.

At the Security Council, representatives of various countries voted on the draft Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire proposed by Russia. Five countries, China, Russia, Mozambique, Gabon and the United Arab Emirates, supported an early ceasefire, while the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Japan voted against, resulting in a 5:4 ratio of yes to no votes. However, the United States, Britain and France have "one veto power", which prevented the passage of the ceasefire draft.

54 seconds! Neither China nor Russia was adopted, and the Palestinian-Israeli Security Council reached a ceasefire agreement

The United States maintains its position that the Russian resolution does not condemn Hamas's actions and therefore does not support the draft ceasefire. However, Russia's draft already condemns all acts of terrorism and violence against civilians and calls for the release of hostages, calling into question the U.S. case.

The representative of Russia noted that the real purpose of the United States was to help Israel achieve its military goal, namely, the elimination of Hamas. US President Joe Biden also said that Hamas must be completely eliminated, and the Palestinian-Israeli situation will not stop until Israel responds to Hamas's attack.

54 seconds! Neither China nor Russia was adopted, and the Palestinian-Israeli Security Council reached a ceasefire agreement

Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said that the conflict has led to a large number of civilian casualties and humanitarian crises, stressed that force is not the solution, and hoped that relevant countries will adopt an objective and fair attitude to avoid the escalation of conflicts and humanitarian disasters. At the same time, he proposed to ensure the safety of humanitarian workers and United Nations personnel, open humanitarian relief corridors as soon as possible and restore basic livelihood supplies to the people of Gaza.

Despite the international community's call for a ceasefire, the United States has sent more military forces to support Israel, making the Palestinian-Israeli situation even more tense. This action has been widely criticized and opposed by the international community.

54 seconds! Neither China nor Russia was adopted, and the Palestinian-Israeli Security Council reached a ceasefire agreement

The settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict requires the joint efforts of the international community, not the continuation of the escalation of violence. All countries should promote a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine and reduce the impact of the conflict in accordance with the principles of objectivity and impartiality.

54 seconds! Neither China nor Russia was adopted, and the Palestinian-Israeli Security Council reached a ceasefire agreement

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