
A 26-year-old female kindergarten teacher in Japan was arrested for child abuse, and her good looks amazed netizens: Korean actress

author:The sound of the waves is still the same
A 26-year-old female kindergarten teacher in Japan was arrested for child abuse, and her good looks amazed netizens: Korean actress

Kiyorai Sakuma, a 26-year-old female kindergarten teacher, was arrested by police for child abuse. The kindergarten teacher, who was supposed to be the guardian of the children, became a demon who harmed the children. She angrily pulled the boy's hair, causing the boy to fall to the ground and causing the boy to suffer multiple injuries, and when confronted with the police investigation, Sakuma Kiyorai only lightly stated that he did so because he was feeling anxious.

A 26-year-old female kindergarten teacher in Japan was arrested for child abuse, and her good looks amazed netizens: Korean actress

Unexpectedly, after the incident was exposed, the focus of netizens was a little "off". Many netizens praised Sakuma Kiyorai's good looks, saying that she was like a Korean actress.

It's so good-looking without makeup, and it will only look better with makeup.

A 26-year-old female kindergarten teacher in Japan was arrested for child abuse, and her good looks amazed netizens: Korean actress

Good figure, beautiful and have a job, I don't know what to be anxious about.

A 26-year-old female kindergarten teacher in Japan was arrested for child abuse, and her good looks amazed netizens: Korean actress
A 26-year-old female kindergarten teacher in Japan was arrested for child abuse, and her good looks amazed netizens: Korean actress

If it weren't news, I thought it was a new drama by Yurika Nakamura.

A 26-year-old female kindergarten teacher in Japan was arrested for child abuse, and her good looks amazed netizens: Korean actress

We should focus on how to protect the physical and mental health of children, rather than being confused by the appearance of suspects.

I hope that such tragedies will not happen again, and that every child can grow up in an environment full of love and care.


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