
Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng

author:Huainan Daily

Ren Zefeng emphasized at the on-site office meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to learn and practice the fine tradition of "four grassroots units" and the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to Shou County

Strive to be the "vanguard" and do a good job as the "main attacker" to promote all work to move forward and step forward

Zhang Zhiqiang delivered a speech, Chen Rujiang and Cai Yihua attended


On the morning of November 3, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee learned and practiced the fine tradition of "four grassroots units", and went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting to listen to the demands and suggestions of the county face-to-face, and solve the outstanding problems in high-quality development. Ren Zefeng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Lin Hai, leader of the Seventh Circuit Supervision Group of the Provincial Party Committee's Theme Education, participated in the whole meeting and guided. Zhang Zhiqiang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, delivered a speech. Chen Rujiang, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Cai Yihua, chairman of the CPPCC, members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and relevant responsible comrades of the municipal government attended the meeting.

Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng

Ren Zefeng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng

Lin Hai, leader of the Seventh Circuit Supervision Group of the Provincial Party Committee's Theme Education, participated in the whole meeting and guided.

Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng

Zhang Zhiqiang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, delivered a speech.

Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng

Chen Rujiang, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, attended.

Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng

Cai Yihua, Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attended.

At the meeting, Shou County reported on the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 11th Municipal Party Committee and the economic and social development since the beginning of this year, and put forward important matters that need to be solved at the municipal level. Sun Lianghong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, replied on relevant matters. Municipal leaders and responsible comrades of municipal departments responded to relevant matters.

Ren Zefeng pointed out in his speech that the establishment of the on-site office work mechanism of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee is a practical action to implement the requirements of the "four grassroots units", that is, through the way that the district and county give the answer to the problem and the city puts forward the requirements of the district and county to grasp the implementation, the major matters are upgraded and supervised, and the top level is coordinated, so as to help the district and county solve policy problems and unload the burden of development, so that all districts and counties can go into battle lightly to grasp development, let go of their hands and feet to grasp the implementation, and create a new situation in various tasks with new measures and new states. The relevant departments of all counties, districts, and municipalities should coordinate up and down to jointly solve the pain points and difficulties that restrict high-quality economic and social development.

Ren Zefeng pointed out that since the beginning of this year, Shou County has adhered to the general tone of seeking progress in stability, conscientiously implemented the new development concept, and coordinated the work of stabilizing growth, promoting reform, adjusting structure, benefiting people's livelihood and preventing risks.

Ren Zefeng emphasized that it is necessary to focus on building a strong industrial county, take the high-quality coordinated development of the three industries as an important direction, and make every effort to promote agriculture to climb to "high", industry to "new", cultural tourism to "finance" development, and continuously improve the "gold content" and "new content" of industrial development. It is necessary to continue to expand effective investment, put the project work in a more prominent position, unswervingly do a good job in attracting investment, do everything possible to do a good job in project planning, unremittingly focus on major projects, go all out to build a park platform, and strive to form more physical workload. It is necessary to promote urban and rural development as a whole, develop and build new cities, protect and utilize ancient cities, transform and upgrade rural areas, vigorously implement urban renewal and rural revitalization actions, strengthen characteristic development, dislocation development, and coordinated development, and strive to form a new pattern of integration of urban and rural development. It is necessary to create a good development environment, create an ecological environment with blue sky and green ground, a business environment with efficient services, and a harmonious and stable social environment, so as to provide strong support for high-quality development. It is necessary to continue to improve people's livelihood and well-being, focus on issues of general concern to the people, provide more reliable livelihood guarantees, run education that satisfies the people, and accelerate the high-quality development of health care, so that the people's sense of gain, happiness and security will be more fulfilling, more secure and more sustainable. It is necessary to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, strictly implement the general requirements of party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era, solidly carry out the second batch of theme education, encourage cadres to take responsibility, strengthen the construction of party style and clean government, and earnestly grasp the specific and in-depth work of party building in various fields.

Zhang Zhiqiang pointed out that all departments directly under the city and Shou County should firmly establish the city's awareness of "a game of chess", conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the on-site office meeting, and actively act, take the initiative and take responsibility to ensure the detailed implementation of the agreed matters. Support Shou County to strengthen confidence, raise the benchmark, work hard and quickly, be the "vanguard" of high-quality development, achieve greater achievements in accelerating the rise, and make greater contributions to the city's high-quality leapfrog development. It is necessary to unswervingly grasp the integration of Hehuai and Huai, seek breakthroughs in cooperation and co-construction, project construction, and service support, and fight the "active battle" and be a good "bridgehead"; We will unswervingly do a good job in the construction of large transportation, accelerate the completion of the shortcomings of urban and rural transportation infrastructure, vigorously develop the port economy, and truly transform the transportation hub into a logistics hub, a market hub and an economic hub; Unswervingly grasp the integrated development of culture and tourism, pay close attention to the main line of "ancient city and one mountain", do a good job in planning, make sufficient characteristics, and provide excellent services, and strive to build a strong county with high-quality tourism; We will unswervingly improve people's livelihood, accelerate the completion of shortcomings in public services, and make the fruits of development better benefit all people. It is necessary to increase the planning of projects in key areas, actively strive for progress, and promote more projects to enter the national and provincial plates.

Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng
Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng
Learning and practicing the fine tradition of "four grassroots", the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to Shou County to hold an on-site office meeting presided over by Ren Zefeng

Meeting scenario.

Huainan Daily all-media reporter Zhang Jing Liao Lingyun produces

Huainan Daily all-media reporter Zhang Yue photography

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