
After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".


Flowers bloom in the light summer, sketch sorrows and joys, in the hourglass of time, there are birds dripping, petals falling, there are fragments of the past, in a small chestnut, accompanied by the warm sun, all things can be drenched with poetry, a lifetime of joy, peace in the world.

Cooking porridge on the stove, the wind blowing the flowers and willows, the three meals are warm and full of food and the wind and the moon are boundless, and a period of tactful and clear beauty is blurred in the fireworks world, only in one side of the world, offsetting the sourness of the world, and placing the true heart, which is what life should be.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

And want to make this cottage more poetic, warm beauty, in addition to adding some flowers and plants, cute ornaments, you can also add a log element in the house, and live for a year and a half, the most regrettable is to pave the wooden floor, it is much stronger than "tiling", let's take a look at it.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

For example, the home owner @ Wei Sanqi's home, when arranging the home, gave priority to the element of logs, and when decorating, he chose the decorative style of "shallow walls, middle ground, and deep furniture";

To put it simply, it is to choose pure white walls + oak wood floors + cherry wood furniture, and the warm and clean background color provides soft decoration, which makes the space more layered and avoids being top-heavy.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

The owner of the house said frankly that he did not regret choosing the wooden floor, the wooden floor was paved, the ground would not visually cut the space, it was large and transparent, and the foot feeling was good, warm and textured, and in the sunshine and warmth, it was gentle and gentle;

Of course, the shortcomings of the log floor are also very obvious, the first is the high cost, the second is easy to deform, especially easy to expand and contract, after the wooden floor is laid, it is really beautiful, and if you do a good job of processing, you can avoid a lot of trouble in the later stage;

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

Installation process

The installation of wood flooring is a delicate and patient project, and the entire installation process needs to be carried out in accordance with certain steps to ensure the stability and beauty of the floor, the following is the specific installation process:

(1) Preparation:

  • Measure and determine the construction area: Determine the specific area where the wood flooring will be laid and take precise measurements in order to purchase enough wood flooring material.
  • Prepare tools and materials: Prepare the required tools such as chainsaws, hammers, screwdrivers, electric drills, and the required materials such as wooden floors, wooden keels, screws, glue, ground solids, moisture-proof mats, etc.
After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

(2) Ground treatment and keel installation:

  • Clean the ground: Clean the ground in the construction area, making sure it is dry, flat, dust-free, and free of cracks.
  • Springline Positioning and Mounting Wooden Keels: Use the Springline tool to determine the baseline and then install the wooden keels to ensure they are flat and evenly distributed. Punching, punching wooden wedges, fixing wooden keels.
After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

(3) Laying of moisture-proof mats:

  • Laying moisture-proof mats: Laying moisture-proof mats on wooden keels ensures that the floor is not damp and provides some sound insulation.

(4) Wooden floor laying:

  • Wooden floor layout and laying: Starting in a corner of the room, lay the wooden flooring block by block. Use the "3, 6, 9" method to ensure that the floor gap is even. Pay attention to cutting and installing corners and specially shaped floors to ensure a tight fit.
After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

(5) Improve details and deal with special circumstances:

  • Dealing with corners and doorways: Pay special attention to special situations such as corners of the floor and doorways to ensure a tight fit and aesthetics of the floor.
  • Use a plank flattener: Make sure the floor surface is flat, use a plank flattener for the necessary treatment.

(6) Follow-up treatment and maintenance:

  • Ground treatment: After the main body is laid, the ground is sanded and waxed to improve the gloss and wear resistance of the floor.
  • Care and maintenance: Provide instructions for use to inform customers how to maintain the floor, avoid scratches, wet water soaking and other operations, and ensure the long-term use and aesthetics of the floor.

The strict implementation of the above steps requires experienced construction personnel to operate to ensure that the floor is flat, firm and beautiful.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".


There are a few key considerations and typography recommendations to pay special attention to when laying wooden floors:

【Ground Preparation】

Before the wooden floor is delivered, it is important to ensure that the ground is clean and dust-free, and use a small shovel to remove impurities such as putty paste and cement blocks on the ground;

Then, vacuum it thoroughly or mop it twice with a wet mop to ensure that the floor surface is clean and dust-free, and that, once the floor is cleaned, it can be brushed to increase the durability of the floor and provide a better user experience.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

【Keel Installation】

If the wooden floor needs to be installed with a keel, be sure to determine the spacing of the keel in advance, usually, the default keel spacing of the master is 30 cm, but if the selected floor is a large slab, it is recommended to encrypt the spacing of the keel to less than 25 cm to reduce the possibility of deformation of the wooden floor.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".


After laying the keel, be sure to use a vacuum cleaner to clean it again, this time the cleaning is mainly to remove the wood chips generated when cutting the keel, to ensure that the ground is level and unobstructed, personal experience shows that vacuum cleaners are more effective than brooms and mops, can more thoroughly clean wood chips and dust.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

Advantages of wooden flooring throughout

Moreover, after moving in, you will find that there are still many advantages of wooden flooring, no wonder more and more people choose to lay wooden flooring:

【Comfort & Warmth】

One of the biggest advantages of wood flooring is that it provides a more comfortable and warm feeling for the feet, compared to cold tiles or stones, wood flooring feels warmer and more comfortable, especially in the cold season, which can effectively reduce the discomfort of the soles of the feet;

This makes wood flooring ideal for bedrooms, living rooms and living spaces, making it feel closer to nature.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

【Natural Beauty】

Wood flooring has a natural aesthetic that brings a warm atmosphere and a natural visual effect, each piece of wood flooring has a unique texture and color, so the floor in each room is unique; The natural beauty of wood flooring can be matched to a variety of interior decoration styles, whether modern, traditional or rustic.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".

[Easy to maintain and repair]

Wooden floors are relatively easy to maintain and repair. Compared to ceramic tiles, wooden floors are not easy to break or crack, and if they are scratched or damaged, they can be repaired with sandpaper sanding or touch-up paint, in addition, wooden floors can be renovated to restore their original beauty and luster and extend their service life.

After a year and a half of staying, the least regrettable thing is the wooden floor, which is much better than "tiling".


The above is the home furnishing topic in this issue, more knowledge related to it, welcome to pay attention, we will see you in the next issue!

(Original article, some pictures are from the Internet, please contact for infringement, like the attention, help forward)

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