
Highly efficient! The 30-year-old national player played in the NBA, scored 12+6, shot 5 of 6, and became a men's basketball leader, focusing on Choi Yong-hee

author:Lin Xiaoxiang Sports Channel

In the NBA regular season, the Timberwolves defeated the Jazz 123-95, and the naturalized national player Li Kaier played efficiently, shooting 5 of 6 and scoring 12 points, 3 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 steal and 2 blocks, plus 2 of 2 free throws.

Highly efficient! The 30-year-old national player played in the NBA, scored 12+6, shot 5 of 6, and became a men's basketball leader, focusing on Choi Yong-hee

Unlike struggling with the national team, in the Timberwolves, Kyle Lee has teammates with better individual ability, so his ability to share the ball and connect with the ball after breaking through will be better and can help the team more effectively.

Highly efficient! The 30-year-old national player played in the NBA, scored 12+6, shot 5 of 6, and became a men's basketball leader, focusing on Choi Yong-hee

It is worth mentioning that although Li Kaier plays in the NBA, he also pays attention to the performance of his teammates in the national team, forwards the data of Cui Yongxi's game against the Shenzhen team on ins, and at the same time encourages Xiao Cui with a text.

Highly efficient! The 30-year-old national player played in the NBA, scored 12+6, shot 5 of 6, and became a men's basketball leader, focusing on Choi Yong-hee

Li Kaier's behavior seems to be very heartwarming, in fact, he had a good relationship with Choi Yongxi when he was in the national team, and the two will have a lot of exchanges, whether on or off the field, the relationship is very good. After the end of the Basketball World Cup, despite the poor performance of the Chinese men's basketball team, Li Kaier made it clear that he wants to grow up with Chinese basketball, and he is fulfilling his promise with practical actions.

Highly efficient! The 30-year-old national player played in the NBA, scored 12+6, shot 5 of 6, and became a men's basketball leader, focusing on Choi Yong-hee

For Choi Yong-hee, Lee Kaier is a good role model, able to enter the NBA without outstanding personal ability, Lee Kaier has many aspects worth learning from Choi Yong-hee, as a striker, how to better organize with the ball, how to make good use of his advantages, how to adjust his mentality in a high-level league, these are all things that Choi Yong-hee needs to learn from Lee Kaier. If Choi Young-hee wants to become an NBA player or become stronger, he needs to absorb more of the experience of his predecessors.

Highly efficient! The 30-year-old national player played in the NBA, scored 12+6, shot 5 of 6, and became a men's basketball leader, focusing on Choi Yong-hee

Li Kaier is now 30 years old, in the context of the Chinese men's basketball team's failure to participate in the Paris Olympics, the possibility of Li Kaier representing the Chinese men's basketball team in the World Series in the future is very low, the next basketball World Cup is in 2027, when Li Kaier is 34 years old, and it is unknown what his personal status is. In addition, by 2027, young players such as Cui Yongxu, Zeng Fanbo and Wang Junjie may have become strong enough, and the forward position of the national team will be full of talent.

But Li Kaier still insists on paying attention to the development of the Chinese men's basketball team, he still has a great sense of belonging, and hopes that he can provide more experience to guide young players, so that more new stars can become stronger and strive to impact the NBA.

(Lin Xiaoxiang)

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