
369 pulls wildly, and then goes back to Taobo

author:Serious lamb OcC

Recently, the much-talked-about e-sports player 369 ended his journey in the World Championship and returned to his original team, Team Taobo. This news has attracted the attention and heated discussions of the majority of e-sports fans. As a top esports player, 369 performed well in this year's Worlds, showcasing excellent technical and teamwork skills. His return has injected fresh blood into the team and made many fans ecstatic. The return of 369 will undoubtedly improve the strength of the Taobo team and put more pressure on other teams. As a professional esports player, 369's career is full of legends.

369 pulls wildly, and then goes back to Taobo

During his career, he led the team to win several domestic championships and became a superstar in the domestic esports industry. However, he wanted to prove himself on the international stage, so he joined JDG and competed fiercely against the world's top players.

369 pulls wildly, and then goes back to Taobo

In the World Championship, 369 showed strong individual strength and won many important matches for the Taobo team. The return of 369 signifies his loyalty to the Taobo team and his love for domestic esports. Many believe that his return will bring more opportunities and accolades to the team.

As a top player, the return of 369 will inject new vitality into the Taobo team and enhance the strength and cohesion of the entire team. His return will also inspire more young people to devote themselves to the cause of e-sports and make greater contributions to the development of China's e-sports industry. However, the return of 369 has also brought some skepticism. Some people believe that he returned to the Taobo team to pursue better treatment and bonuses, rather than truly loving the Taobo team and the Chinese esports career. In response to these doubts, both the Taobo team and 369 himself expressed their attitudes and positions. The team said they welcome the return of 369 and believe that his addition will help the team's development. 369 himself also said that his return to the Taobo team is out of love for the team and confidence in China's e-sports industry. As a global competitive sport, e-sports has developed into a major industry in China.

369 pulls wildly, and then goes back to Taobo

More and more young people are turning to esports as their career choice, devoting themselves to this passionate and competitive field.

369 pulls wildly, and then goes back to Taobo

The return of 369 has undoubtedly brought more attention and expectations to China's e-sports industry. His experience and strength will further enhance the overall level of Chinese e-sports players and make Chinese e-sports more brilliant on the international stage. Overall, 369 ended his journey at Worlds and returned to Team Taobo.

369 pulls wildly, and then goes back to Taobo

His return has undoubtedly injected fresh blood into the Taobo team and enhanced the team's strength and cohesion. His return will also inspire more young people to devote themselves to e-sports and promote the further development of China's e-sports industry. The return of 369 is an important milestone for both the team and the entire Chinese e-sports community, injecting new impetus into the rise of Chinese e-sports.