
After driving for 36 hours, the vegetables were finally delivered! Many measures were taken to cope with the cold wave, and the prices of vegetables in the Shanghai wholesale market were stable and sufficient

author:Labor Daily
Abstract:Multiple measures to cope with the cold wave, the price of vegetables in Shanghai wholesale market is stable and sufficient
After driving for 36 hours, the vegetables were finally delivered! Many measures were taken to cope with the cold wave, and the prices of vegetables in the Shanghai wholesale market were stable and sufficient

6. When the cold wave hit, a reporter from the Labor Daily visited the wholesale markets of Jiangqiao and Jiangyang in Shanghai and learned that the current supply price of vegetables and agricultural products in Shanghai is stable and sufficient. The average daily supply of vegetables in Jiangqiao Wholesale Market is 6,000 to 7,000 tons, which can meet the needs of the public.


The price of the Shanghai vegetable wholesale market is stable and sufficient, and the reporter visited the Shanghai Jiangqiao wholesale market (video). Labor Daily reporter Lu Yanting photography

Tired and persevered

Fresh vegetables were brought in

"From Kunming, Yunnan Province to Shanghai, a full 36 hours, finally delivered this truck of Yunnan vegetables!" At the entrance of Gate 1 of Jiangqiao Wholesale Market, a large truck with a body length of about 17.5 meters was parked.

Bai Mengmeng told reporters that he has more than 10 years of driving experience, and generally travels back and forth to Shanghai every three or four days, but this time the transportation of vegetables is very "boiling".

"For 36 hours, for safety, I had to stop for 20 minutes every 4 hours and then go on my way. The truck is long and full of vegetables, so it is easy to move forward, but it is very skillful when reversing. Recalling the cold wave on this part of the transportation road, Bai Mengmeng said that when he passed through Guizhou, it was foggy, and when he arrived in Jiangxi, he was stuck in traffic, and he only stopped in Hunan and slept for about an hour. "Tired and persevering, I finally sent these fresh vegetables to Shanghai. ”

In addition to the truck drivers like Bai Mengmeng, there are also many merchants wearing cotton clothes and military coats in the Jiangqiao Wholesale Market. While unloading, while docking with buyers, the cold morning is "in full swing".

"The wholesale price of Chinese cabbage on the 16th has risen slightly, about 0.5 yuan a city catty, and the 17th has fallen back to 0.45 yuan a city catty. Today, after falling by 5 cents, it can be said that the price of vegetables has stabilized. Wang Zhihao, a businessman, told a reporter from the Labor Daily that these cabbages were transported from Qianjiang, Hubei, and the supply was continuous, and the price was basically not affected by the cold wave.

After driving for 36 hours, the vegetables were finally delivered! Many measures were taken to cope with the cold wave, and the prices of vegetables in the Shanghai wholesale market were stable and sufficient

Merchants dressed in cotton clothes and wrapped in military coats were busy. Labor Daily reporter Lu Yanting photography

"Winter bamboo shoots are about 160 yuan a box, 18 catties a box, and the price is currently at a low level. There are also fresh bamboo shoots, lilies, and cone chestnuts, which are all popular items that are available in winter. Ran Chao, who was wrapped in a military coat, was an old merchant in Jiangqiao Market for more than 20 years, and his team staff had been unloading goods in the market at 4 o'clock in the morning of the 17th to ensure that the cold wave continued to be supplied.

After driving for 36 hours, the vegetables were finally delivered! Many measures were taken to cope with the cold wave, and the prices of vegetables in the Shanghai wholesale market were stable and sufficient

Ensure supply, and the wholesale market price is stable and sufficient. Labor Daily reporter Gong Junqi photography

Swap into a fluorescent vest

Walk through 10,000 steps to guard the order

In the Jiangqiao Wholesale Market, while the merchants are busy, there is also a group of "guardians" who wear fluorescent vests in the cold wind, and they walk tens of thousands of steps through the market every day to guard the market order.

"I came to the morning shift today at 5 o'clock and went to work before 6 o'clock. In fact, there are people in the market 24 hours a day, and the colleagues of the previous shift have just left work early in the morning. Wang Zongjun, the leader of the field affairs team of the vegetable department of Shanghai Jiangqiao Wholesale Market, put on a fluorescent vest in addition to his work clothes, "There are many vehicles in the market, all of them are large trucks, and the body has a visual blind spot. ”

Wang Zongjun told the Labor Daily reporter that due to the cold wave, there may be a slight delay in transportation, and some trucks have fixed parking spaces but occasionally arrive late. To this end, he is already familiar with the topographic map of the market, and arrives early to arrange parking spaces, and makes arrangements in advance for some late vehicles, so as to ensure that the vehicles in the entire market are parked smoothly and are convenient for quick unloading.

"We work outdoors and make rounds almost every hour. Standing or walking, at least 10,000 steps a day. Wang Zongjun, deputy head of the vegetable department of Shanghai Jiangqiao wholesale market, told the Labor Daily reporter that when the goods arrived in the early morning, many truck drivers drove all night, so as to communicate effectively, arrange parking points and let the drivers rest, and ensure that the order in the market is in order at any time.

The supply is sufficient and the price is stable

Offering winter "heart-warming tea"

"The cold wave is coming, and the market has prepared emergency plans in advance to ensure supply. Wang Wenming, deputy general manager of Shanghai Jiangqiao Wholesale Market, told the Labor Daily reporter that in the past two days, the average daily vegetable supply of Jiangqiao Market has remained at 6,000 to 7,000 tons.

The Labor Daily reporter learned that last week, Shanghai Jiangqiao Wholesale Market and Yunnan Huize County Government signed a cooperation agreement, Yunnan 15,000 acres of plateau vegetable base to become Shanghai's extension base, is expected to be able to reserve 20,000 tons of vegetables for Shanghai in winter. Recently, the awarding of the 2023 "Shanghai Waiyan Vegetable Production Base" and the "Hainan University Agricultural Industry-University-Research Demonstration Base for Tropical Universities" has also been launched, which will deepen the cooperation between Shanghai and Hainan and promote high-quality "Danzhou good products" to enter the "Shanghai market".

After driving for 36 hours, the vegetables were finally delivered! Many measures were taken to cope with the cold wave, and the prices of vegetables in the Shanghai wholesale market were stable and sufficient

Merchants are unloading goods in an orderly manner. Labor Daily reporter Gong Junqi photography

In addition, this weekend, Shanghai Jiangyang Market also opened an on-site docking of Henan Agricultural Excellent Products to promote high-quality agricultural products from Henan Province to enter the Shanghai market and go to the national market. It is reported that at present, the average daily supply of vegetables and agricultural products in Shanghai Jiangyang market has also reached about 1,500 tons, which has also supplemented the demand for vegetables of Shanghai citizens to a certain extent.

"While ensuring the demand for food, due to the cold weather, we also provide winter ginger tea to the merchants and front-line workers in the market in a timely manner, warming their hands and hearts. Wang Wenming said.

Header photo: Bai Mengmeng, a truck driver, drove 36 hours to deliver more than 30 tons of vegetables to Shanghai before the cold wave. Labor Daily reporter Lu Yanting photography

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