
This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

author:Eyebrows are a few controversial

In the hustle and bustle of the city, everyone longs for a safe haven of their own. It is a unique world, and every corner reveals the warmth and tranquility of home. But have you ever thought that a home, no matter how delicate its structure, is not properly stored, and the comfort will be greatly reduced.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

Today, I will take you to see how a neat and harmonious place can be created through clever design in a limited space of 107 square meters. The protagonist of the story is a new home with three bedrooms, two living rooms and one bathroom, and its owner is a family of three, and occasionally an old man appears. For them, home is not only a place of life, but also a meeting point of love and warmth.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

And to find the balance between storage and aesthetics in such a home, it does take some skills. Let's start our exploration at the entrance. Are you still looking for a traditional independent space? Here, the designer breaks with the norm and replaces the elaborate partitions with a Japanese-inspired curtain, and the shoe cabinets on either side cleverly outline the small foyer.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

Through the door curtain, it seems that all the hustle and bustle has been gone, and you are greeted by the warmth and nature of the wood element. This is not only a change in form, but also a subtle switch in mood. When you step into the living room, the natural tone continues. The elaborate ownerless lamp at the top, cleverly concealing the lighting fixtures, everything seems to call for a return to the basics.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

The video wall is stunningly simple, without the need for elaborate decorations, but with sophistication at every turn. Inadvertently, you may be attracted by the audio-visual feast brought by surround sound, which is another enjoyment of home. And the seemingly randomly placed finished shoe cabinet is actually a perfect supplement to home storage, and its ingenuity is amazing. In the blink of an eye, our eyes were drawn to the entire wood veneer on the background wall of the sofa.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

Not only does it hide the door from the master bedroom, but it also brings a touch of life to the living room. Contrasting with the gray fabric sofa and wooden rocking chair, sitting around the disc-shaped coffee table of different sizes, the happiness of life is spontaneously born at this moment. Next up is the restaurant, an often overlooked corner. Here, the designer cleverly saves space with a dining table that fits snugly against the wall.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

You might worry that it will look cramped, but the slender legs give it a sense of lightness. The locker hidden in the wall of the second bedroom on the wall next to it inadvertently solves the trouble of storage. The space flow between the kitchen on the left and the bathroom on the right seems to tell us that a well-designed home is ubiquitous with the convenience and comfort of life.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

The design concept of the whole home is to show the delicacy of life in the details. The concealed and clever storage design, the clever use of wood elements, and the careful planning of every inch of space together weave a home full of warmth, neatness and natural beauty. Storage may be just a small detail, but it is such details that make our lives better.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

Isn't this kind of design exactly what every one of us who pursues a perfect home life yearns for? Let's bring this concept into our lives from now on, so that our home can become a real comfort zone. In this fast-paced era, home is no longer just a simple living space, it is a stage for us to express our personality and a canvas for us to show our taste of life.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

Today, we are not talking about the trend of pursuing the latest technological products, nor are we talking about the fantasy journey of the virtual world, but how to turn an ordinary home space into a practical and beautiful work of life. Having said that, have you ever wondered how an ordinary home can become both stylish and full of fun through clever design?

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

Now, I'm going to take you into a real case and discover the secrets. First of all, the owner of the home in front of him has put a lot of effort into the decoration. They not only pursue practicality, but also pay more attention to the layering of aesthetics. And the restaurant is the epitome of this pursuit.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

You see, the design of the compartments on the wall, which not only beautifies the space and creates an elegant and fresh atmosphere, but also serves as a display function. You can place your favorite vase or souvenir here, and each small object tells the story of the owner. Next, our eyes turned to the pull-out cabinet hidden next to the dry area of the bathroom.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

This is no ordinary cabinet, it is subtly integrated into the wall, as if it is part of the wall, showing the ultimate subtlety of the space design. When it comes to the bathroom, the design of dry and wet separation improves the convenience of life. You see, whether it is a washbasin cabinet, a mirror cabinet, or a wall storage shelf, every detail highlights practicality.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

The independent design of the shower ensures that the space is tidy, and the hanging toilet is also convenient for cleaning. Every little detail reflects the owner's pursuit of quality of life. The design of the kitchen is even more ingenious. The two-stage design of the kitchen, with an open western kitchen area on the outside and a closed stir-fry area on the inside, not only retains the transparency of the space, but also cleverly solves the problem of oil smoke.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

The western kitchen area is not only a place for cooking, it is also a bridge for communication between families, so that the kitchen is no longer just a simple work area, but also a warm corner of home. You may ask, with so many design details, does it seem a bit complicated?

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

But when you actually walk into this space, you will find that these designs are exquisitely integrated into every corner of life, and instead of bringing the slightest sense of clutter, they make the whole home look orderly, full of harmony and beauty. Now, let's get to the bedroom. The master bedroom is matched with white and wood colors, with gray elements embellishment, revealing elegance in simplicity.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

The combination of desks on the TV wall cleverly solves the problem of not having an independent study. The second bedroom, on the other hand, continues the color matching of the master bedroom, creating a unified and harmonious atmosphere. There is also a crib for parents, taking care of the subtleties of family life. As for the children's room, it is not currently needed, but the owner has carefully arranged it to reserve room for possible changes in the future.

This is the best new home I have ever seen, full of details, warm and tidy

Don't worry, our quest isn't over yet. The balcony is often an overlooked corner, but in this home, it becomes a relaxing area with a powerful storage function. This is not only a place to dry clothes, but also a space for entertainment and rest with various storage configurations. After reading this case, have you been impressed by the homeowner's meticulous arrangement of the details of life?

They make the most of the space without missing a single corner, and each place is designed to improve the storage capacity of the home, while also taking into account the Xi habits and needs of family members. Does the story of this home evoke your infinite reverie about your own home?

Whether you are a beginner in home design or a decoration expert, every small idea here is worth learning from and practicing. After all, home is not only a shelter from the elements, it is also a private stage for us to show our attitude to life. Let's create our own warm little world together!

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