
Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

author:Eyebrows are a few controversial

Hong Kong, known as Asia's cosmopolitan city, hides a reality of life that is very different from the glittering skyline. With small spaces and high housing prices, the living conditions here are often staggering. However, have you ever imagined that in the cracks of these high-rise buildings, someone can create a delicate and warm home in less than 20 square meters? Let me take you into the miniature life of a young lady in Hong Kong. This small home, only 20 square meters, her story subverts our inherent perception of small spaces.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

As soon as you enter, you'll be drawn to that cramped shoe cabinet. The entrance is not wide, but the heroine uses the wall to cleverly design this storage space. Although the shoe cabinet is not spacious, and some shoes have to be placed outside, it is not difficult to find that there is no lack of pink decoration in the shoe cabinet, revealing a delicate girl's mind. Next is the living room, maybe you will be a little unimaginable to describe "five or six square meters", but when you walk in, you can feel the owner's intentions.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

Instead of the large furniture of a traditional home, there is a small desk and a small cabinet on one side. On the cabinet is a vanity mirror, and here is her simple dressing table. Although there is no luxurious decoration, it reveals the owner's taste and wisdom everywhere. So, what does a kitchen look like in such a cottage? Imagine what it would be like to have a one-square-meter kitchen in a place like Hong Kong, where land is expensive?

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

Refrigerator, microwave, oven... Appliances are compactly arranged, and although the countertops are crowded, they are also available. The shelves on the wall, with bottles and cans of condiments, save space and look orderly. Don't look at this small space, the decoration may be a little old, but you can feel that there is a hostess who loves cleanliness and life. Every corner is cleaned up, and every furnishing reveals the owner's intentions.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

Her home, perhaps in the eyes of many people, is not a mansion, and can even be said to be a "snail house". But in a place like Hong Kong, where every inch of land is at a premium, she uses limited space to create a warm harbor. Her story teaches us that happiness doesn't have to be spacious and expensive, but a place where you can express yourself and your soul dwell. Housing in Hong Kong is not just small and expensive.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

In this mini-space, we see the display of wisdom and creativity, the attitude of love for life, and the careful creation of personal space. The young lady's small home makes us believe that even in a high-pressure living environment like Hong Kong, we can find our own piece of the world. This story may give you a new understanding of Hong Kong and the people who live in a small space. It is not only dazzling lights and surging crowds, but also such a group of people who use wisdom and patience to create a warm corner.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

The next time you walk the streets of Hong Kong, you might as well think that in the gap between those high-rise buildings, there are many warm little families like the young lady who are quietly telling the story of life. In this fast-paced era, many people dream of a spacious and bright home, but for Hong Kong girl Xiao Zhou, her home is the opposite: compact and warm, small and exquisite. Land prices in Hong Kong are high, and between the endless high-rise buildings, a small piece of space of one's own is precious.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

Xiao Zhou's home is such a place, although the bathroom with an area of less than one square meter and the bedroom without windows are unimaginable, but it also reveals a different kind of life wisdom. Imagine opening that ordinary door and walking into Xiao Zhou's home. The first thing that catches your eye is the tiny bathroom. You may wonder how you can accommodate a sink, toilet and shower area in such a small space, but when you look at the clever shelves on the wall, you can understand how Xiao Zhou uses the space.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

Towels, toiletries, and even space for groceries are all under control. Turn to the bedroom and you'll feel a sense of warmth. Although there is not much furniture, each piece is just right. The most striking thing is the unique design that has no windows. The location of the windows was replaced by a window air conditioner, which meant that in broad daylight, the room also relied on lighting. Some may feel that this is a sacrifice, but Xiao Zhou has transformed it into a feature.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

The decorations placed on the top of the WiFi storage cabinet are a testimony to her careful arrangement. Her home is like a textbook about the wisdom of life. Xiao Zhou's choice of home furnishing is an art of living. Eschewing traditional furniture choices and simplifying the home, every furnishing is carefully considered, making the home not just a place to sleep, but a space full of warmth and personality. Every corner of the home reveals her unwilling to be ordinary in life. Aren't these details a reflection of the quality of life?

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

Although Xiao Zhou's home is small, it reveals quality everywhere. Of course, such an arrangement did not happen overnight. For Xiao Zhou, every home change is a rethinking of life. She wants to realize infinite possibilities in a limited space, which is a strategy game about the use of space and a challenge to the attitude of life. Those friends who lamented their small family in front of the screen, will they be touched after seeing Xiao Zhou's story?

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

Many netizens have expressed their amazement in the comments: "After seeing her home, what reason do I have to complain?" Yes, Xiao Zhou used her wisdom and efforts to tell us: It is not the size of space that determines the quality of life, but our choice of space and life attitude. So, what prompted Xiao Zhou to turn an ordinary small apartment into an enviable and exquisite space? There must be a lot of unknown hardships and efforts behind it.

Hong Kong girls live in a small home of 20 square meters, the bathroom and kitchen are less than one square meter, and the walls are full of shelves

From choosing furniture, to color matching, to the layout of the space, every step of the decision is fraught with challenges. Let's follow Xiao Zhou's footsteps to explore the secrets of her home furnishing and understand her philosophy of life, and perhaps in this process, we can find inspiration for the transformation of our own living space and redefine the concept of "small but beautiful".

Xiao Zhou's story is not only a case of home furnishing, but also a vivid classroom that inspires people to live with their hearts, constantly break through limitations, and pursue a higher quality of life. In this seemingly inconspicuous little home, there are countless life wisdom that we can learn Xi and think about.

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