
What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

author:Machine Vision Knowledge Recommendation Officer
What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

At the same time, two topics were once again on the top of the hot search: #What is the level of monthly income over 10,000##Do you have a monthly income of more than 10,000#.

The topic is full of complaints:

"If I don't reach the average, I'm dragging the country back. ”

"I suspect that I am not receiving a salary, but a subsistence allowance. ”

Indeed, every time the average salary of various provinces and cities or industries is announced, it will always explode a lot of waves in the hearts of many people:

"People with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan are really everywhere? I still have a salary of a few thousand yuan, am I only worthy of being a poor person?"

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

The average monthly salary per capita is more than 10,000 yuan

It is the biggest illusion of this class of workers

In recent years, we have seen too many myths of high salaries on social platforms.


#华为员工月收入平均6 5 thousand#

Even Tencent, which is constantly caught up in layoffs and salary cuts, announced an average annual salary of 1.025 million yuan last year.

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

These overwhelming information often give people the illusion that in the golden age everywhere, a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan is just the lowest starting point.

As long as you give yourself a chance, you can easily earn a million a year.

Even many college students who have not yet graduated have a good vision.

According to a survey by China Youth Daily:

More than 20% of college students believe that they can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month after graduation, and 67.65% of college students believe that they can earn 1 million yuan a year within 10 years after graduation.

But what is the actual situation?

Let's take a look at individual income tax data.

After the implementation of the new tax law in mainland China in 2018, the individual income tax threshold was adjusted from 3,500 yuan to 5,000 yuan, and the number of taxpayers dropped from 187 million to 64 million.

In other words, the actual monthly salary is more than 5,000 yuan, and the number of people who need to pay taxes is only 64 million, accounting for about 5% of the total population.

Even if it is 2023, this number will not increase by more than 7%.

What about college students who are confident about the future?

In 2022, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million, exceeding 10 million for the first time, a record high.

In the "2022 College Student Employability Survey Report" released by Zhaopin, the average contracted monthly salary of graduates is 6,507 yuan, a decrease of 12% from last year.

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

It's brutal, but that's the reality.

We've all been deceived by social media, and it's only a handful of people who really earn high salaries.

Most of these people are industry elites, with a high level of education and cognition, and correspondingly have more Internet discourse power.

They gather in large numbers on Internet platforms and make good use of various channels to speak for themselves.

In addition, the self-media often use the exaggerated way of "monthly salary of 100,000" and "annual salary of million" to catch everyone's attention, which makes people unconsciously fall into "survivor bias".

Many people think that these filtered information or phenomena are the real income level of ordinary people, and think that they can be the same as them.

As everyone knows, "thinking that money is easy to make" is the biggest delusion of adults.

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

The so-called average salary

It doesn't have much to do with ordinary people

Seeing this, many people may be relieved: as long as they are not the worst one, it's fine.

There will also be people who are anxious about regeneration: It is also Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, why didn't I get this salary?

Analyst @蒋亦凡 gave two examples.

Suppose the salary of three people is 12,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan, 8,000 yuan, and the average is 10,000 yuan, then their income level is good.

But if the salary of three people is 23,000 yuan, 4,000 yuan, or 3,000 yuan, although the average is 10,000 yuan, there are actually two people whose income level is relatively low.

Therefore, the so-called average salary lacks actual reference value for individuals.

Taking the average salary ranking of various industries in the first quarter of 2023 as an example, the occupations that can really reach the monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan are mainly distributed in the high-tech manufacturing, financial and Internet industries.

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

The high wages in these industries have always been well known, often tens or millions of annual salaries. But in the middle, how many ordinary front-line workers have averaged their wages.

According to the 2022 annual financial report released by Tencent Holdings, Tencent's net profit in 2022 was 188.2 billion yuan.

As netizens ridiculed: "You and I have an average salary with Ma Huateng, and we can beat 90% of the people in the world." ”

Therefore, for ordinary people, the average is really just a hilarious.

The truly representative "medians" and low-income groups don't care about the so-called data at all, and they don't have time to speak for themselves on various social software.

Most of them just look at their bank card balances, worrying about next month's income, the children's training class is due again, and how to save a few dollars in red envelopes.

But having said all this, we are not trying to create anxiety and convey pessimism. On the contrary, we want to cut through the mess for everyone quickly, and then untie it for a long time.

If you don't analyze all this carefully, be blindly optimistic, and fantasize about the future, it is very likely that some people will eventually fail to accept the gap between expectations and reality, and thus fall into a state of decadence.

Or, under the influence of various asymmetries and false information, they are passively involved in various anxieties, disrupting their original rhythm.

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

The truth about making money for ordinary people


Before, there was a story about a Hangzhou mother that was very popular on the Internet.

In order to earn a little more money, she worked 3 jobs a day.

During the day, she is a clerk in the company, working from half past eight in the morning to half past five in the evening, with a monthly salary of 6,500 yuan, fortunately, she can occasionally pick up and drop off children not far from the company;

In the evening, she is the anchor's assistant, assisting the anchor from 7 to 9 p.m. three days a week, checking and sorting out products, recording product sales data, and earning a monthly salary of about 2,000 yuan;

Other times, she also works part-time as a writer, 30 yuan a piece, and can receive about 40 articles a month, she uses the lunch break and weekend time to write wildly, and can get 1200-1500 yuan a month.

Many people marveled at her time management and thought it was too hard.

But she said something like this:

"I often see people saying that they earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and I'm embarrassed to comment. In your eyes, it seems easy and normal to earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, but I can barely earn more than 10,000 yuan a month by working 3 jobs a day. ”

There are indeed rich people in this world, and there are also people who make money easily.

A classmate who is a businessman can earn several million yuan a year; a neighbor's child earns 20,000 yuan a month just after graduating from college; and a relative who is less than 30 years old buys a house and a car.

But there are really too few such people.

Most people are actually like you and me, getting up early and staying up late, working overtime and staying up late, and finally getting thousands of dollars after a month of hard work.

A reader has left me a message.

Her husband worked overtime until 11 o'clock for 200 yuan in working hours, and he didn't eat or drink water.

When I got home, I happily shared with her:

"I'm lucky today, and I've earned half a month's diaper money for the baby!"

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

Some people also told that they took the bus fare to go out to do errands to reimburse, but the boss said that the bus fare was not reported.

"It's not a lot of money for him, but for me I can buy a few pounds of eggs. ”

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

There are even people who do a complete anesthetic gastroscopy, cut out 3 stomach polyps, can't eat breakfast, but still continue to go to work groggily on an empty stomach.

"Just for the boss, don't deduct 300 yuan from me. ”

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

What is the truth about how ordinary people make money?

I guess that's it.

People who can earn 10,000 a month are not low in any city.

But the reality is that 10,000 yuan is not enough to spend in big cities, and small cities cannot earn it.

And ordinary people can only earn money piece by piece, save every penny, and even have to worry about buying a few pounds of eggs.

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

Look up to the happiness of others

It's better to live your own life

Making more money and living a better life is certainly our innate instinct.

But we are not discussing this controversial issue today to prove that high income is necessarily happy and low income is necessarily unhappy.

In this world, there are people who have no worries about food and clothing, but are physically and mentally exhausted, and emotionally lonely, and there are also people who are materially lacking, but their hearts are full and their families are harmonious.

The economic base determines the quality of life to a certain extent, but it cannot measure a person's living state 100%.

Our values should not be limited to the acquisition and consumption of money.

Health, family, time, self-worth, relationships, and more also need attention.

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

Source: Panoramic Vision

Yan Ning, a professor at Tsinghua University, mentioned a conversation between himself and his students in a CCTV speech.

At that time, the TV series "Ode to Joy" exploded, and a student came to say to her:

Mr. Yan, I thought about it for a while, Andy's status in the financial world must not be as high as your status in the academic world, and Andy's work intensity must not be as high as yours. But look at how much money she makes.

You work so hard every day, and your salary is much less than hers. Look at how beautiful people's clothes are, don't you feel unbalanced in your heart?

Yan Ning did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically:

Do you think Andy is happier than me?

Has money become the only measure of one's happiness?

She was very emotional:

I think there's one thing that's very fair to a person, no matter who they are. It's that you come to this world, and the fairest thing is to live to die.

Since everyone's final destination is the same, have you ever thought about what kind of life you want in this world?

For me, it just feels like I'm simply going to like the world of science.

Over the years, I have heard many people lament that they are unhappy and worthless.

In fact, it is not that they are becoming more and more impetuous, but that they are becoming less and less confronted with themselves.

Take the "deposit of millions and own several companies" advocated by some people as the goal of his life, and constitute his own reference system.

In a way, sometimes envying others is not a bad thing, but it proves that we are too eager to get better.

We also have to admit that everyone is born from a different starting line.

In the world, each has its own cultivation and its own way of living.

Instead of using someone else's ruler to measure your own life, you should consider how to play the cards in your hand well.

As the saying goes, there is only one true heroism in the world, and that is to love life after recognizing the truth of life.

The one who has been running for life, the one who is trying to give your family a better life, isn't it your own hero?

Instead of looking up at other people's starry sky, it is better to find your own happiness.

What is the level of a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in China? Sorry, this is the truth of most people's wages

作者:小嗲。 来源:十点读书(ID:duhaoshu)。

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