
Making money is the best feng shui for a family

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

Someone said: "80% of the bad things in a family are due to lack of money." ”

It is true that for a family to prosper, money is inseparable, and this is not to encourage money worship, but to live a real life.

"Home and everything is prosperous", such a truth, everyone can understand. However, if we analyze it deeply, we will find that harmony is to make more money, and to make money is to be more harmonious.

Therefore, making money is the best feng shui for a family.

Making money is the best feng shui for a family


A child's view of money is the best future for a family.

It is the lifelong responsibility of parents to educate their children well, and grandparents are also actively involved, for fear of mistakes.

But how to educate children has become a headache for many families.

Grandparents only know how to spoil their children and protect their shortcomings everywhere. Even if the child makes a mistake, he will not scold, what the child wants to buy, try to be satisfied.

It is also proposed that the rich raise their daughters and the poor raise their sons. Let the daughter realize the life of the princess, and let the son know the pain of not having money.

A host said in the first lesson of the school year: "When educating children, you choose to earn money instead of disciplining children, and when the children grow up, the money you work hard to earn for a lifetime is not worth a year of failure." ”

Yes, if a child does not have a correct view of money from an early age, then when he grows up, the probability of being a loser increases.

A good family, adults will not send a wrong signal - children, although you spend money, don't be afraid, there are parents and parents.

Children have no concept of money, and they have formed a "keep taking" mentality, and they can't control their consumption, so their parents have to suffer a big loss.

Around me, there are often relatives who complain that their children are disobedient and use all their pocket money to buy game equipment, and there are also teenage children who spend thousands of dollars in one go, just for the game characters they like, and have more equipment.

On the platform of "Strait Consumer News", it was written that a college student in Zhengzhou, Xiaoniu, participated in the activity of "free" receiving things, walked into the store, and caused the tuition fee to be cheated away.

After investigation by the relevant departments, it was found that the store mainly did "ovarian maintenance", and the calf was a boy, and the cow's head was not in the horse's mouth.

In the end, Mavericks asked for their tuition back. But there are also long lessons.

Similar encounters with calves should have been encountered by many people, but children who are not deeply involved in the world are more likely to fall into routines. The root cause of this is that the concept of money is not correct, and I don't know the truth of "taking advantage of advantages and suffering big losses".

If you want your family to thrive, it is important to educate your children. You can't just force your child to study, you have to let him adapt to society as soon as possible, know the pain of making money, and experience the difficulty of making money.

Let children be in charge of the house as soon as possible, and when they become adults, they will indeed have the ability and courage to be in charge, and education will be considered successful.

Making money is the best feng shui for a family


The earning power of parents is the best blessing for a family.

As the saying goes, "A rich man is difficult to be a man without money." ”

If parents don't make money hard, it will be difficult for the family to function. The saddest thing is that the family is poor, and the husband and wife are noisy, resulting in both disappointments, and no one is willing to make money, forming a vicious circle.

In a good family, parents are the pillars, division of labor and cooperation, and work is not tiring.

Wang Rong, one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, although his family is not poor, he has thought of many ways to make money. For example, if the son-in-law wants to make a fortune, Wang Rong will only lend money to the son-in-law and force the son-in-law to repay the money as soon as possible, and build a large garden.

During the day, money was earned, and at night, the husband and wife counted the money together, full of laughter.

The relationship between Wang Rong and his wife has always been very good, and he also left an allusion to "Qingqing and me".

Many people say: "The worst feng shui in a family is to blame when something happens." ”

But why do they reproach one another?

Men work hard to make money, women dislike too little money, so they blame; men make money, but women don't earn a penny, but pick and choose...... All these things are the source of reproach for one another.

If the husband and wife work hard to make money, even if they work in the factory, they can earn thousands of dollars a month, and the living expenses for a year are more than enough.

Both husband and wife experience the difficulty of making money, and there is less blame.

If the husband and wife start a business together and are very busy, then there is no time to quarrel. On the other hand, it is more likely to comfort each other.

Adults have no money, what can they do to educate their children, be filial to their parents, pursue poetry and distant places?

Making money is the best feng shui for a family


Everyone makes money, spends money, and saves money, which is the biggest tacit understanding of a family.

In "The Outer History of Confucianism", Yan Jiansheng was a very picky person, and before he died, he was worried about two wicks, which was too oil-intensive.

But what is the use of the prison guards leaving behind a large amount of money?

His son died young, his original wife died young, and he himself died young. Leaving his wife Zhao and guarding the family business for the rest of his life. In the end, the family business was "occupied" by his brother Yan Gongsheng.

I like the idea that "the one who can spend both money and make money is the happiest person because he enjoys two kinds of pleasure." ”

If you want your family to thrive all the time, you must not be too stingy, but "live within your means" – earning more than you spend, being frugal and ensuring that you have a balance every year.

The family has developed the Xi of frugality, and also knows how to spend money to be the most "cost-effective", wealth will continue to increase, and family members are at ease with each other.

If we sincerely study the method of "frugality", we can also improve the virtue of being a human being -- to be a clean and clean person, not to provoke right and wrong, and not to lose money unexpectedly, and not to covet wealth without virtue.

Making money is the best feng shui for a family


Money is not everything, and no money is everything.

Feng Shui for a family involves many aspects, but making money is the most important.

Making money is closely related to family atmosphere, personal ability, life choices, attitude towards things, money concept, etc.

From the perspective of an ordinary family, you should do at least four things: study to improve your ability to make money, practice and accumulate experience in making money, be thrifty and leave a good family style, and take responsibility and lead the direction of the family.

A happy life is never a castle in the air, not a cake to satisfy hunger, but is built on the basis of material abundance and inner abundance.

For the rest of our lives, be kind to the money in our hands, and use good steel on the blade.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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