
Football Digest December 21, 2023

author:Football Digest

Football Digest December 21, 2023

Editor: Sen Vision

The Tao is natural, the natural is simple, and the beauty of simplicity is eternal.

Football Digest December 21, 2023

Both of the top coaches in Shanghai have been dismissed. Shanghai Port's head coach Xavier led the team to win the Chinese Super League this season, but Xavier still left class.

Football Digest December 21, 2023

Shanghai Shenhua's head coach Wu Jingui, led the team to win the FA Cup, although there has not been an official announcement yet, but his replacement has been reported by the media. Even if the coach of the Chinese Super League champion and the FA Cup champion wins the championship, he still has to leave the class, which shows how difficult the work of Chinese football clubs is, and the pressure of coaches is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Wu Jingui has 3 out of 60, and at this age, he led Shenhua to win the FA Cup, which is definitely not a gloomy resignation, but an honorable departure.

Wu Jingui and Shenhua are called to come immediately, have fought fires many times, and led the team to win two FA Cup championships, as a leading coach, the career is successful, worthy of Shenhua; If there was no Shenhua club, there would be no achievements and fame led by Wu Jingui.

How many local coaches will there be in the 2024 season of the Chinese Super League? There are currently three local coaches, they are Yu Genwei, Chen Yang and Zhao Junzhe.

Notice of trial for Shijiazhuang Kung Fu of the Chinese league team.

Football Digest December 21, 2023

Yan Jun, the former president of SIPG, was expelled from the party.

Football Digest December 21, 2023

Yan Jun started his career in 1991 and successively served as General Manager and Secretary of the Party Branch of Shanghai United International Shipping Agency Co., Ltd., Secretary of the General Party Branch and General Manager of SIPG Container Waigaoqiao Terminal Branch, Secretary of the Party Committee and Manager of Zhendong Container Terminal Branch of SIPG, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director and General Manager of SIPG Jiujiang Port Co., Ltd., Assistant to the President of SIPG, Vice President, Member of the Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of SIPG.

SIPG Group has issued an announcement on August 1 this year: Yan Jun applied for resignation as director and president of the company due to work reasons.

Yan Jun had been investigated before his resignation, involving the case of Chen Xuyuan, former chairman of the Chinese Football Association and deputy secretary of the party committee. Yan Jun is also a native of Shanghai Hong Kong who was picked up by Chen Xuyuan.

The Argentine national team officially announced the donation of cold-proof materials to the earthquake-stricken areas in Gansu and Qinghai:

Football Digest December 21, 2023

At 23:59 on December 18, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Gansu Province. The disasters in Gansu and Qinghai have touched the hearts of people all over the world.

We will never forget that a year ago, when Messi led the Argentine national team to win the World Cup, tens of millions of fans expressed their love and support for us. This move that brought tears to our eyes, we also hope to repay the Chinese fans.

It was a cold winter, and the disaster was relentless. We feel love, and we want to pass on it. We donated cold-proof materials to the disaster-stricken areas in Gansu and Qinghai to help the people in the disaster-stricken areas resist the severe cold and fight the disaster.

Unite as one, overcome difficulties, come on Gansu!

Love knows no boundaries and we are with everyone.

Former Argentina international, who played for Hebei Huaxia Happiness in the Chinese Super League, was injured in an accident at his home and has now been admitted to the hospital. He suffered a fractured shoulder blade and a wound in his abdomen.

The British department of culture and sports opposes the participation of Premier League teams in the European Super League.

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