
The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

author:Eagle Exploration Station

Have you ever seen those ferocious animals, like sharks, creepy in movies?

They open their bloody mouths and can swallow a person in an instant.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

However, the killers in reality may surprise you, and those seemingly harmless animals can easily take the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

The double face of the dog

The dog, known as the most loyal companion in the world, has a long history.

Since 16,000 years ago, humans have domesticated wolves to make them the dogs they are today.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

They have accompanied humans through a long period of time and have become an indispensable part of people's lives.

Dogs not only take care of the home, but also bring us joy and comfort as pets, and even play an important role in some areas, such as guide dogs, drug detection dogs, etc.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

However, while dogs are friendly most of the time, they can also pose a threat to humans and spread rabies, a deadly infectious disease.

Rabies is an infectious disease with a high mortality rate, killing almost 100% of those who die.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

According to statistics, dogs are the most important vector of the disease, accounting for 99% of infections, and every year, about 50,000 people die from rabies worldwide, the vast majority of whom are infected by dog bites.

Behind this tragedy, stray dogs and pet dogs are undoubtedly the main culprits.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Although the use of wound washing and rabies vaccination is an effective measure to prevent rabies, the problem is further exacerbated by poor sanitation and a lack of adequate preventive measures and education in some remote areas of Asia and Africa.

Therefore, in the process of daily contact with dogs, the public should always maintain a high degree of vigilance and strengthen their awareness of self-protection.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

If you encounter a dog with abnormal symptoms such as irritability, convulsions, or salivation, you should stay away immediately to avoid unnecessary danger.

While cherishing the warmth and companionship that dogs bring us, we must also always be alert to potential crises to ensure the safety and harmony of humans and dogs.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?


In this world of creatures full of distinct personalities, puffer fish are undoubtedly fascinating in appearance and behavior.

In addition to its warrior-like appearance, the puffer fish also has spikes, like sharp weapons.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

When a danger comes, their instinctive reaction is to transform into an inflatable spherical monster and quickly fill themselves with air or water with an eerie threat.

This outward manifestation of fugu's self-defense is not just for the sake of being pretty, but rather a reflection of the resoluteness of the pufferfish monarchy, a self-protective force that both intimidates the aggressor and warns any threat that wants to approach it to retreat.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

However, the cuteness of the animal kingdom is far less than the powerful weapons it possesses, and it contains a deadly venom known as tetrodotoxin, which is considered one of the most powerful biotoxins in the world.

Even when a deadly substance like cyanide is dwarfed, puffer fish is still 1,000 times more powerful than its torturous power, and there is no antidote to the toxin.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

However, this quality of the puffer fish has not stopped people from pursuing its deliciousness.

In Japan, people still love it, even though about 50 people are poisoned by eating fugu every year, and about 10 people die.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Fortunately, although there is currently no antidote to tetrodotoxin, it is still possible to save the life of the poisoned person with the help of first aid measures.

It is worth mentioning that although puffer fish are highly venomous, they do not actively attack humans.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Typically, puffer fish will only act defensively when threatened or when they feel trapped.

Therefore, when people come into contact with puffer fish, they need to pay attention to respecting the survival rules of these creatures and take appropriate precautions to avoid accidental injury.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?


Scorpions are known for having a highly venomous tail and a unique appearance.

They belong to the order Arachnids of the phylum Arthropoda and are slender in size with a curved tail and are equipped with a pair of huge chelella and tail spines.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

The tail spikes of scorpions contain venom, some of which are even deadly neurotoxins.

Of the approximately 1,700 known species of scorpions worldwide, only 25 are fatal to humans.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

It is important to know that scorpions are mostly distributed in dry environments and prefer to hide in shady places, which has led to a fairly common phenomenon where scorpions get into people's shoes.

Therefore, the common scorpion bites in life also tend to occur in places where scorpions are hidden.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

To prevent being stung by a scorpion, people often shake their shoes before putting them on to make sure there are no scorpions inside.

It is very important to understand the biological characteristics of scorpions and take precautions accordingly.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Freshwater snails

Although the freshwater snail may seem harmless, crawling slowly and bulky, it hides a deadly risk.

These creatures often like to inhabit damp land or riversides, and are manipulated by others.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

However, freshwater snails were once considered plague gods.

This is because they carry and transmit a deadly parasite that triggers schistosomiasis and turns countless villages into "ghost villages".

Schistosomiasis, also known as "potbelly disease", has a serious impact on the lives of patients.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

When the ability to work is lost, women can no longer have children, children become dwarfs, and social cohesion fades, people's lives become unsettled.

According to the World Health Organization, schistosomiasis transmitted by freshwater snails kills more than 200,000 people each year.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

This terrible disease spreads in a variety of ways, including eating undercooked snails or not cleaning one's body after touching contaminated water.

It's not just food, in some areas, snails have also become an unintentional plaything.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

However, people are not aware of the deadly hazards carried by the bodies of these tiny creatures.

Freshwater snails, as a latent host of deadly parasites, remain a problem that we cannot ignore.

With a deep understanding of how it spreads and effective precautions, we are able to effectively protect ourselves and our communities from this potential threat.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Triatomine bugs

Speaking of the triatomine bug, it is estimated that many people will feel very unfamiliar.

But friends in Guangzhou probably heard this name, and it is estimated that it suddenly appeared in their minds.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

The triatomine bug is huge, ugly in appearance, with orange-black stripes, and its head is terrifyingly shaped like an awl, so people nickname it the "king of psyllids".

The deepest impression of this bug is undoubtedly that they carry and transmit Chagas disease, and the early symptoms of this disease are often ignored by patients, so the American countries vividly call the disease "new AIDS".

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

If you are accidentally bitten by a trypanosoma bug, the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi carried in its body will invade the human body and infect individuals with weak resistance.

In some severe cases, these bugs can even cause organs to swell and eventually burst, causing sudden death.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Triatomine bugs prefer environments with high humidity and abundant bacterial reproduction, so they often move in shady and humid places, especially around human habitation, and they will choose hidden places to breed and grow wildly.

Therefore, once the traces of triatomine bugs are found, corresponding fly and insect control measures should be taken immediately to protect personal and family safety.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?


In our daily lives, there is a seemingly insignificant creature, but if its harmfulness is underestimated, it can bring disaster - mosquitoes.

Although mosquitoes are tiny in size, barely a centimeter, this does not ignore the enormous threat they pose.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

According to relevant news, the number of deaths caused by mosquito bites is as high as 720,000 every year, which also makes mosquitoes a veritable "apex killer".

There are about 3,600 species of mosquitoes in the world, and they can be divided into dew-sucking and blood-sucking mosquitoes according to their main blood-biting behavior.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Mosquitoes, especially the blood-sucking mosquitoes, use special sensors to stimulate the epidermis of humans and animals to detect the presence of feedable blood.

Throughout human history, mosquitoes have caused the loss and loss of countless lives, especially malaria, an infectious disease caused by parasites, for which mosquitoes are the only intermediate host.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

In 1929, malaria killed 2 million people, and today about 300 million people are infected with malaria every year, of which 720,000 are due to mosquito-borne viruses, which is equivalent to 2,000 mosquitoes dying every day.

This number is terrifying and chilling.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Not only that, mosquitoes can also transmit more than 80 diseases such as dengue, Japanese encephalitis and chikungunya, among which dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis are the most serious.

If these pathogens come from people who have been inhabited, the person who is bitten may be infected with the pathogens, so being bitten will not necessarily infect everyone with the disease, mainly depending on whether the mosquito carries the pathogen.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

However, when infected mosquitoes bite healthy people, these diseases tend to enter the body with a high viral load, and there is a possibility that these viruses can spread in humans for a long time.

However, it is important to note that mosquitoes are not only well-known as "top killers", they also play an important ecological role in nature.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

For example, mosquitoes are an important food source for many wild birds and bats, and they also become an important link in the food chain of natural waterfronts.

However, the human threat to mosquitoes must not be ignored.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

Mosquitoes love to inhabit wetlands and water bodies, which brings a lot of inconvenience to our lives.

In cities, they have become a persistent problem that plagues the flowers and plants, not only with their buzzing noise, but also with mosquito bites that keep people awake at night.

The first of the six animals that kill the most people kills more than 720,000 people every year, which ones do you know?

We dare not ignore the dangers of mosquitoes, nor can we deal with them unplanned.

Only by remaining vigilant and taking preventive and control measures can we have a relatively safe and comfortable living environment.

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