
After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

author:Thousands of piles of snow


Wong Kar-wai's new drama "Flowers" has finally been broadcast, and it has received the expectations of many Wong Kar-wai fans before it was broadcast.

After the broadcast, Wong Kar-wai really lived up to the expectations of fans, and used his lens to convey the world's industrial-level aesthetic language of the film industry.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

The light and shadow are gorgeous and colorful, and every frame is the degree to which a screenshot can be used to make a picture.

But in addition to the aesthetic language of the camera, this drama also tells the truth of life.

When Ah Bao found his uncle and wanted to Xi learn from his uncle to do business, his uncle said that doing business requires capital, some people rely on their families to give, and some rely on their own savings, but you don't have any, so you can only borrow.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

If you want to borrow 100 yuan, you have to earn 280 yuan to start making money, because among the 280 yuan, 100 yuan to repay the principal, 20% to repay the interest, 20 yuan to pay the cost of living, 40 yuan to spend on equipment, etc., in total, you need to earn 280 yuan for the business, which is difficult.

After finishing speaking, Uncle Ah Bao explained a few things.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

The first thing is to borrow 6,000 yuan to buy A shares, and after two weeks, no matter what position you have to sell;

The second thing, after losing 3,000 yuan, borrowed another 10,000 yuan to buy B shares, and it was still sold after 2 weeks.

With the second stock, Po made a lot of money. After making money, Ah Bao held the money and waited from six o'clock to twelve o'clock in the place agreed with his uncle.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

After passing the inspection of these two levels, Uncle Ye thought that Ah Bao had potential and was willing to take him to do big business.

If you change to one that lacks concentration or long-term vision, you may leave with the money you earned.

After all, hundreds of thousands of dollars were already a very large amount in Shanghai at that time.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature


A person's life is either trapped by a house or a car, or by a ticket or a woman

Po was hit by a taxi as soon as he appeared, but fortunately, he picked up a life.

After picking up a life, he began to investigate who was behind this incident.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

In the end, it turned out that Uncle Gen's son did it.

Uncle Gen had been following Ah Bao to do some stock trading business, and gradually made a little money.

But after making money, I want to make more money.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

When Po was about to be appeased by the Kirin Club, the Kirin Club revealed to Po the information of several new stocks that were about to be listed.

After learning about the news from other places, the partners who followed Ah Bao to buy the stock told the partners who followed him and ordered them not to buy them.

Uncle Gen, who followed Ah Bao to speculate in stocks, watched the stock keep rising, and others were making money every minute, so he turned red and rolled his eyes.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

Seeing that there is still a big distance between today's stock price and the apex price that Bao said, he used the money of the seven aunts, eight aunts and colleagues, plus his own pension money to make up 20 million studs.

As a result, the stock market performed unsatisfactory, and Uncle Gen was completely penetrated, and he lost all his money.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

Uncle Gen, who couldn't bear the pressure, committed suicide, and Uncle Gen's son counted the account on Bao, so there was a scene where Bao was hit.

Uncle Gen was originally a person at the bottom of society, engaged in low-level work and lived a hard life.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

After following Bao Feihuang Tengda, his inner desire was fed bigger and bigger, so that in the end, he couldn't stop the car, couldn't control his desires and human weaknesses, and finally ended up with both people and money.

If Uncle Gen can control his desires, even if he is not rich, his family is rich and rich, and his life is definitely stable.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature


Commander Cai was sad about the beauty pass and betrayed his friends, resulting in Uncle Gen's death

In this drama, it was Commander Cai who went to meet the Kirin Club with Po.

Regarding the trend of the new stocks, only Ah Bao and Commander Cai know.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

The Qilin Club will not allow them to leak the news, if it is not leaked by Po, then it must be Commander Cai.

After the incident developed, he found out that Commander Cai was in love with Phoenix, so he told his lover the news.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

But I didn't expect that my lover's mouth was not firm, so I told the people around me, and others told Uncle Gen, which led to Uncle Gen's tragedy.

And after the tragedy, when Ah Bao was misunderstood as a leaker, Commander Cai did not explain, but pulled him to cushion his back, block the bullet for himself, carry the black pot to the Qilin Society for himself, and bear the revenge of Uncle Gen's son.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

Although all this was caused by Commander Cai, in the face of such a thing, he did not choose to take the matter down and give his brother Bao justice, but let Ah Bao take the blame.

This can also see the darkness and unpredictability of human nature that Wong Kar-wai wants to convey.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature


Mr. Fan is a strange commodity to live in, and the price starts from the ground, and stealing chickens is not a loss of rice

Mr. Fan, who opened his own factory, went to Shanghai to talk about business, and happened to meet the opening of Zhizhenyuan.

The proprietress of Zhizhenyuan learned that Mr. Fan had a relationship with Mr. Bao, and hoped that Mr. Bao could attend his opening ceremony because of Mr. Fan's relationship and build momentum for his opening, so she invited Mr. Fan to participate in the opening ceremony.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

After Mr. Fan was invited, the business friends he made one after another.

In Zhizhen Garden, Fan summed up and met Mr. Bao's opponent Mr. Wei, and in order to make more money, Mr. Fan swayed between Mr. Bao and Mr. Wei to raise his worth.

And Mr. Fan almost succeeded.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

But because Mr. Wei's strength couldn't catch up with Mr. Bao and he couldn't eat more than 800,000 goods, Mr. Fan had no choice but to turn around and cooperate with Mr. Bao, losing 1.2 million yuan in vain.

In the 90s of the last century, 1.2 million yuan was an astronomical amount, after all, the 10,000 yuan households at that time were already very rich, let alone millions of yuan.

Mr. Fan has a bad heart and has no integrity in doing business, which leads to stealing chickens and rice.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature


The business war of Zhizhen Garden can fill an entire scientific examination room

In this TV series, in addition to the analysis of human nature and the interpretation of life, this drama is also quite exciting for business warfare, and it can fill the entire scientific examination room.

Everyone in the Zhizhen Garden seems simple, but in fact, they have their own little abacus in their hearts.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

When the audience thought that the honest Fan was always lost by the beauty of Li Li, the owner of Zhizhen Garden, in fact, what you didn't see was that Fan was always using Zhizhen Garden as a springboard and wanted Jiang Taigong to fish.

When you think that Zhizhen Garden is just a place to eat, in fact, you don't know that Zhizhen Garden is a huge information distribution center.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

When you think that Li Li is just a simple proprietress who runs a restaurant, in fact, she has a deep background and unfathomable internal force, building momentum behind her back, using the relationships between all parties to manipulate people's hearts.

When you think that Reiko, the proprietress of Jingdong Night, is just driving a tattered hotel proprietress who can't make ends meet, you don't know that she has actually blocked a knife for Po and is worth a lot of money.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

Behind everyone's back, there is a bottomless identity, and there is another identity beyond the superficial identity you can see.

The intricate relationships, complex human feelings, you come and go, and psychological control are all extremely high-end assessments, but all calculations and lack of mind will not be able to go to this point.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

Although the business environment and living environment have changed a lot, the challenges of human nature and desire have never changed.

After watching the four episodes of Flowers, in addition to the lens aesthetics, I found that this drama has a thorough explanation of life and human nature

How many people were trapped in the stock market because of their desires, how many people are trapped because of their desires now, how many people were betrayed because of their friends, and now there are so many betrayals, and how many people are playing tricks in business wars, and how many people are now the same.

There is nothing new under the sun, and this drama is not so much to show the prosperity of Shanghai, but to show the human nature, human heart, and desire that are common in ancient and modern times.

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