
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

author:Zuimei Nanzhuang
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

30-minute living circle, convenient transportation,

Chinese-style courtyard with complete facilities

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In the Ludao Lake area of Nanzhuang, Chancheng, in the center of a city full of high-rise buildings and busy traffic, there is a Chinese-style building, and each courtyard is full of atmosphere under the background of trees on both sides.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

Courtyard-style park, the group of virtuous gatherings

Walking into the Gaoge courtyard, the courtyards rely on each other, and the 31 courtyards are combined into a large courtyard. rockery, stone pavement, wooden cabinets, bamboo chairs, mortise and tenon structures...... Walking into one of the courtyards, you will see the shadow of Chinese aesthetics filling the entire space.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

Relaxation, comfort and privacy are the first feelings given here, do you think it is a homestay? That's wrong, new media training, custom jewelry, home decoration, Chinese Academy and so on are all corners here, and the main business of each courtyard is different, a variety of formats are beautiful, harmonious symbiosis, is a real sense of the courtyard park.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

It is suitable for work and hard work, and it is also suitable for walking and talking. Come to a courtyard, or order a cup of hand-poured coffee, or taste a cup of ancient tree banzhang, or come to an ice cream cake, delicious is always a perfect match with life, the yard is big, lies in the change of scenery, the wonder of the yard, is that there is always a location for you.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

The large swimming pool and camping tents, which sound far from Chinese, complement each other in the Gaoge courtyard. In the glass house on the side of the stone road, there is a modern home swimming pool, and the overall effect is noble and elegant; The camping installation by the small bridge and flowing water is an ingenious combination of Chinese style and Nordic style, which is more leisurely.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

The dream yard shows its affinity

"I have always had a courtyard dream, and I hope that the Gaoge courtyard can provide a new space for 'fellow travelers' who have a courtyard dream." Sister Mei, the head of the Gaoge Courtyard, said. At the beginning of its establishment, the courtyard was a commercial land to be built, but at the insistence of Sister Mei, the idea of building a courtyard gradually took shape, and finally formed a Gaoge courtyard.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

"Come over for dinner at noon today!" "We picked the grapes, and you taste them!" "I just made tea, let's drink it together!" Scenes like this are common in the yard, and the yard keepers who come from all over the world often "visit the door", and friends and family have become synonymous with each other.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

Mr. Luo, the manager of the courtyard, is the first merchant to reach the intention of settling in, he thinks that the Chinese style is attractive and charming, and the Gaoge courtyard is to fulfill his dream of the courtyard, and when decorating the courtyard, Sister Mei has provided a lot of creative ideas, which he feels very satisfied. In just a few months after opening, the yard has become an Internet celebrity check-in place, and it has become a good place for a family to rest on weekends and negotiate business.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

As a native of Nanzhuang, Miss Pan, the owner of Jingli Jewelry, and her partner also chose Gaoge Courtyard. Talking about the location, she said that it is rare to find an office park with high-end elegance and strong privacy in Nanzhuang, and the neighborhood is harmonious, and the temperament of the yard makes them affirm their determination to open a store here.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

For the future development, Sister Mei believes that happiness is the first, and hopes that every manager who settles in can reap the joy, and the 31-seat courtyard will become a "family", and also hopes that more managers of different formats can join the Gaoge Courtyard. "Doing beauty projects in the courtyard and opening the Chinese medicine hall in the courtyard also sounds like a lot of fun." Sister Mei said with a smile that she imagined that there would be more industries that could collide with Gaoge Courtyard to create sparks.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

Industry empowerment, with the natural fragrance of musk

Sister Mei said that she is a very "stubborn" person, and insisting on opening a courtyard-style park is one thing she thinks she has done right. Shortly after the completion of the Gaoge Courtyard, a move by the manager of Ziyang Academy made her more determined to make her own courtyard.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design
Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

The manager of Ziyang Academy is a native of Anhui, he and his wife after 80 have been looking for a suitable yard in Foshan to open a store, by chance, after seeing a friend in the circle of friends sent a picture of the Gaoge courtyard, they drove from Anhui to Nanzhuang, and it took only 3 days to settle down.

Fulfill your "yard dream"! Nanzhuang, a creative park, shows the aesthetics of oriental design

Why can Gaoge Courtyard attract customers to settle in?

Look in the big picture

Thanks to the Green Island Lake area

Good location advantages and business resources

  • In terms of transportation, starting from Ludao Lake, it can reach Chancheng Center, Xiqiao, Lecong and other places within 30 minutes, sitting at the Jihua West Exit of Foshan First Ring Road, and complete subway and bus facilities.
  • In terms of commercial modules, Nanzhuang is the capital of Chinese ceramics, with ceramic industry bases such as Huaxia Ceramic City, Ceramic Headquarters Base, and Porcelain Sea International gathered, and the headquarters of Xingfa, Dongpeng and Wrigley are set up here, with a strong corporate atmosphere.
  • In terms of entertainment facilities, Green Island Plaza and Yonglida Plaza provide a variety of options for eating, drinking and playing, relaxing and watching

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