
If you have symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath after "Eryang", today I will introduce you to two Chinese patent medicines. The first is Qinhong Cough Granules, which includes Manshan Red, Skullcap and Storm Horse

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine

If you have symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath after "Eryang", today I will introduce you to two Chinese patent medicines.

The first is Qinhong Cough Granules, which includes Manshan Red, Skullcap and Storm Horse Skin.

This drug is mainly used to treat asthma caused by lung fever, phlegm, and lung depression. Modern pharmacological studies have also confirmed that Qinbanghong cough granules have cough suppressant, asthma and anti-inflammatory effects.

The second is Cough Asthma Shun Pill, which includes Houttuynia cordata, melon seeds, mulberry white bark and other traditional Chinese medicines.

This drug is mainly used to treat asthma caused by phlegm turbidity and lung qi loss. Cough and asthma pills can promote the lungs and dissolve phlegm, relieve cough and asthma, and have a good relieving effect on symptoms such as shortness of breath, yellow and thick phlegm, chest tightness and irritability.

Both of these Chinese patent medicines are aimed at the symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath that occur after the "second yang", if you have similar symptoms, you may wish to try these two medicines. But it needs to be used under the guidance of a doctor!#Qingfeng Plan# #中医#

If you have symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath after "Eryang", today I will introduce you to two Chinese patent medicines. The first is Qinhong Cough Granules, which includes Manshan Red, Skullcap and Storm Horse
If you have symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath after "Eryang", today I will introduce you to two Chinese patent medicines. The first is Qinhong Cough Granules, which includes Manshan Red, Skullcap and Storm Horse
If you have symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath after "Eryang", today I will introduce you to two Chinese patent medicines. The first is Qinhong Cough Granules, which includes Manshan Red, Skullcap and Storm Horse

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