
"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!


"Flowers": A TV series storm with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast

Since the launch of the TV series "Flowers", it has been involved in a huge storm of audience evaluations, and negative word-of-mouth has been flooding. Although the premiere and premiere celebrations of the series have superstar stars and grand promotions, which are addictive and eye-catching, ordinary netizens have commented that the story is overlooked, the negatives are smeared, and Hu Ge's performance is also considered to be unsatisfactory in Wong Kar-wai's first TV drama production. What caused this storm of bad reviews for this popular show?

"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!
"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!

Slow Story: The collision of image and story

The first problem is that the narrative pace of the plot is too slow, which is in stark contrast to the video narrative that the great director Wong Kar-wai is good at. The picture in the play is too exquisite, but the plot is not compact enough, especially in Hu Ge's scenes, his performance seems a little slow. This trade-off makes it difficult for the audience to find the true core of the story in the visual feast, and it is also criticized by the audience.

"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!

Anachronism: The Republican controversy of "Flowers".

Secondly, "Flowers" is set in Shanghai in the 90s, but the audience thinks that the Republic of China style is too strong and out of touch with the times. Although the '90s are very modern, the set design chosen for the show has always felt like a time vibe from the novel The Romance of the Disappearance. This dislocation of the times affects the audience's sense of substitution, making it difficult for the plot to arouse the audience's emotional resonance.

"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!
"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!

Picture Aesthetics and Drama Viewing Experience: The Price of the Beauty of Light and Shadow

The third problem is that the colors are too dim or the camera's shutter speed is variable, which stands out for the quality of the film, but not for an audience that uses a lot of handheld devices. Some argue that the camera speeds up or slows down, creating difficulties in how to convey the storyline, thus obscuring the introduction of the first scene. One-sided emphasis on visual effects but ignoring viewing facilities, resulting in people's requirements for the viewing quality of film and television works has a negative impact on people's audio-visual enjoyment.

"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!

The story floats: the clash between the mysterious blank space and the down-to-earth

In the end, the plot was criticized for floating and not being grounded enough. The audience thinks that too much emphasis on mystery and blank space makes it seem god-like, which is contrary to the realist style that has become popular in recent years. The way the characters appear is accused of being too deliberate and greasy, with the flavor of the old society. The audience is Xi to the realist style of film and television works in recent years, and finds it difficult to accept this erratic narrative form.

"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!
"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!

Hu Ge is difficult to save: the dilemma of the TV series debut

Although the performance of the protagonist Hu Ge has been highly praised, most viewers feel that the plot of this drama is too slow, the era setting is too old-fashioned, and the shooting technique is relatively low-key and dull, so that even with such an excellent performance by Hu Ge, it is difficult to save the reputation of the first work of the director of this TV series. Director Wang's films often leave gaps in people's imagination, and he has even publicly stated that it is a bit tricky to solve many complex storylines. Although everyone wants to know which direction the story will develop, they are still worried about whether the plot of "Flowers" will have a climax.

The ending is uncertain: the challenges and opportunities of "Flowers".

Overall, while many people have not responded well to the premiere of "Flowers", it also shows that fans and audiences are increasingly demanding the quality of good TV shows, and it exposes the expectations that people have for the famous film director Wong Kar-wai's attempts in the field of TV dramas. A successful TV series is not only good visual effects and high-level acting skills, but also requires a rigorous and meticulous script and storyline that is in line with the direction of today's social development. "Flowers" is facing opportunities and challenges, and it can present a more fascinating picture for the audience through a more rigorous plot design and a narrative that is closer to the times. In the future, we will wait and see whether "Flowers" can usher in a turning point in the audience's doubts and regain the audience's attention.

"Flowers": The TV series with bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, netizens shouted: Hu Ge can't be saved!

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