
Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you


In the blink of an eye, 2023 is about to pass, and this year, Xin Jifei was born, a sentence of technology and hard work, so that everyone's attention was successfully focused on food safety.

So this year, many marketing accounts exposed many food safety issues, attracting the attention of a large number of netizens.

But do you know that those food safety problems that you frequently brush up on may be rumors!

Recently, China Food News and Financial Media made an annual food rumor video, revealing the true face of those so-called "food safety".

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

Fake eggs

I believe everyone has seen this news, a woman posted a video angrily saying that the eggs she bought were fake, because the yolk feels like rubber glue, and it can't be pinched no matter how you pinch it.

angrily accused the merchant of using fake eggs to confuse the real with the fake, and had no conscience.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

The video sparked heated discussions among many netizens, instantly pushing fake eggs to the forefront.

In fact, anyone with a little life experience can see what kind of fake egg this is, it is clearly a frozen egg.

But some netizens didn't believe it, and they firmly believed in this rumor, and took out a video of the processing and production of suspected fake eggs to try to convince other netizens.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

In fact, the fake egg making video is just the production process of egg toys, and there is no so-called "fake egg" at all.

After all, an egg is only a few cents, and a fake egg toy costs more than 1 yuan.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

Stinky tofu is soaked with additives

Stinky tofu should be a snack that many people like very much, but some bloggers posted a video saying that everyone's favorite black stinky tofu is soaked with the additive ferrous sulfate.

As long as you add a little ferrous sulfate to the basin, the white and clean tofu will turn black in an instant as soon as you put it in.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

This video scared many netizens, this black stinky tofu is actually made like this, where do you dare to eat it.

Don't be afraid, the process of making stinky tofu is true, but ferrous sulfate is not so scary.

On the contrary, it is also a nutrient that replenishes our body with iron. Moreover, it is allowed to use food additives.

Those bloggers are purely in the name of food safety, creating panic and anxiety for the public!

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

Fresh noodles have borax

Borax is an inorganic compound, once consumed, it will stimulate our stomach acid secretion, make us lose appetite and indigestion.

Someone posted a video saying that there is borax in the fresh noodles, and even in the wonton wrappers and dumpling wrappers, is this really fake?


Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

As long as you buy fresh noodles from regular channels, there will be no such thing as borax.

In the past, there were indeed illegal traders who added things to the noodles, but in recent years, under the severe crackdown of the relevant departments, this kind of thing will no longer happen, and there is no need to be too anxious.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

Vegetables are sprayed with formaldehyde to keep them fresh

Some bloggers broke the news that some small traders will spray formaldehyde on vegetables such as enoki mushrooms in order to make them fresher.

In fact, enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, etc. belong to endogenous formaldehyde, including the wheat we often eat naturally contains formaldehyde, and it is purely a rumor that vegetables are sprayed with formaldehyde to keep them fresh.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

I drank milk and had diarrhea because I drank A1 milk

Some bloggers spread rumors on the Internet, saying that some people drink milk and have diarrhea because they drink A1 milk, and A2 milk is of better quality.

There is no scientific basis for this at all, drinking milk to have diarrhea is due to lactose intolerance, and A2 milk is better than A1 milk without it.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

Farmed shrimp soaked medicine

There are rumors that the farmed shrimp we eat daily are all grown up in soaking in potions, and the whole body is poisonous.

Farmed shrimp will indeed be properly controlled, but it will never be as exaggerated as the Internet has reported. The white turbidity in the shrimp pond water is not a toxic substance, just algae.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

The reason why these rumors have attracted so much attention and heated discussions is because the public has long hated "technology and ruthlessness".

We are also more cautious about some food safety issues, and we will rather believe what we have than what we don't.

So how can we avoid these technologies and ruthless work in our daily lives?

1. Eat natural foods: Choose fresh ingredients and natural foods, and try to avoid processed foods. Natural foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, etc., are usually free of additives and preservatives.

2. Read food labels: When buying processed foods, read food labels carefully to understand their ingredients. Avoid buying foods that contain unhealthy ingredients such as additives, preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, etc.

For example, astronaut energy breakfast, everyone knows the name, it belongs to aerospace food, and it naturally follows the hygiene requirements of aerospace food.

The hygiene requirements for aerospace food are strictly higher than the national food industry standards, and they are also strictly higher than the general specifications for military food.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

Under such strict requirements, the astronaut energy breakfast not only achieves 0 preservatives, but also achieves 0 trans fatty acids, 0 sucrose, and 0 aspartame.

The content of the harmful metal substances raised above, and the astronaut energy breakfast is also strictly controlled.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

Not only health and safety, but also as an emergency food mainly used for astronauts to lose contact with ground personnel in special circumstances or return accidents, and need to live alone for a period of time, astronaut energy breakfast also needs to meet the energy and nutritional needs of astronauts for a day.

It can not only quickly replenish energy for the body, but also improve the body's endurance and provide continuous energy for the body for 6 hours.

If you want to pursue food with zero additives and easy to eat, the Astronaut Energy Breakfast is a good choice.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

3. Choose organic food: Organic food usually does not use chemically synthesized pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified technology, so it is less contaminated by additives and preservatives. Choosing organic foods can reduce the risk of absorbing additives and preservatives.

4. Eat less processed foods: Processed foods often contain more additives and preservatives. Minimize reliance on processed foods and choose fresh ingredients and homemade foods.

Fake eggs and borax noodles are all rumors, and Space Energy Breakfast will reveal food safety rumors for you

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