
Media: The national football team lost to Vietnam and Hong Kong, China, and no professionals dared to tell the truth after Fan Zhiyi

author:Righteous Chenxing said things

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Media: The national football team lost to Vietnam and Hong Kong, China, and no professionals dared to tell the truth after Fan Zhiyi

On January 2, 2024, Chinese football once again became the focus of society, but this time not because of a brilliant victory, but because of a 1-2 defeat to Hong Kong, China in the international football warm-up match. The defeat sparked widespread attention from the media and fans, as well as a reporter's deep reflection and reflection. Journalist Zhao Yu took to social media to review the sluggish performance of Chinese football in the past decade and expressed a unique perspective on professional commentary.

Fan Zhiyi, a famous figure in Chinese football, once issued a fierce criticism after a match in 2013, publicly reprimanding the team. This event became an iconic moment in the history of Chinese football. However, time flies, and Fan Zhiyi's voice fades away from the stage of Chinese football. In the past decade, Chinese football has experienced a series of lows, such as losses, closed training, and controversies on social media, which constitute the picture of a long-term downturn in Chinese football.

In the 2024 New Year, the Chinese men's football team will face Hong Kong, China at the Baniyas Stadium in Abu Dhabi. However, it was not a cheerful opener. The score of 1 to 2 made Chinese football once again immersed in the shadow of defeat. What's even more worrying is that three Chinese players were sent off for red cards in the game, which became a collateral regret for this loss.

Media: The national football team lost to Vietnam and Hong Kong, China, and no professionals dared to tell the truth after Fan Zhiyi

At the same time, Fan Zhiyi's name once again appeared in the media's sight. He put on a wonderful performance of 1 minute and 15 seconds in the TV series "Flowers". This moment is reminiscent of his public reprimand in 2013, and for a while, people feel the ten-year journey of Chinese football.

Looking back on the past decade, Chinese football seems so dull. The training is closed, the game is closed, as if the team lives in an opaque cover. Although this closure was interpreted as a protection for the team, in practice it became complacent, making Chinese football isolated from the rest of the world. Whether this method can really protect the team and promote progress has become an urgent problem for Chinese football to solve.

In the past decade, the Chinese team has lost to teams such as Vietnam and Hong Kong, China, which undoubtedly reveals the team's long-term slump. Social media is rife with fragmented complaints and clumsy whitewashing, and while there is some noise, it can be difficult to find a real voice and professionals who are willing to stand up and tell the truth.

Media: The national football team lost to Vietnam and Hong Kong, China, and no professionals dared to tell the truth after Fan Zhiyi

Fan Zhiyi was the face of Chinese football, and his reprimands were impressive. However, after him, no other professional has come forward to give a fair and frank assessment of Chinese football. This lack of professional commentary has raised concerns about the future of Chinese football.

In the face of the trough of Chinese football, we urgently need professionals to come forward and speak up with practical advice. As a collective sport, the development of football not only depends on the efforts of individual players, but also requires profound tactical layout, scientific training methods, and all-round support from professional management. And these problems need to be pointed out by professionals through objective and powerful comments.

The challenge of Chinese football is not only on the pitch, but also at the management level. How to formulate a more reasonable training plan, introduce more advanced technical means, and build a more efficient league system need to be deeply analyzed by professionals. And in the moment of silence of professionals, Chinese football seems to have lost an opportunity to face up to problems and actively improve.

Media: The national football team lost to Vietnam and Hong Kong, China, and no professionals dared to tell the truth after Fan Zhiyi

Fan Zhiyi once became the representative of Chinese football with his outspoken attitude, but one person's voice could not support the reform of the entire football system after all. As Zhao Yu said, there are no professionals in Chinese football to tell the truth, which is not only a criticism of the current situation, but also a worry about the future.

The problems of Chinese football cannot be solved overnight, but at least we should break the dull isolation, bring in the opinions of more professionals, form a multi-party consensus, and find a feasible reform path. The lack of professional commentary makes it impossible to solve the problems of Chinese football in a timely and effective manner, and also hinders the rational perception of the team by fans.

At the same time, Fan Zhiyi's performance in the TV series "Flowers" once again reminded people that football is not only a sport, but also a social phenomenon, a cultural symbol that is noticed and loved. The rise and fall of Chinese football is not only related to the interests of players and coaches, but also affects the hearts of millions of fans.

Media: The national football team lost to Vietnam and Hong Kong, China, and no professionals dared to tell the truth after Fan Zhiyi

How to develop the future of Chinese football needs to be discussed by more people who love football. Professionals stand up and speak the truth, which not only helps to correct the problem, but also helps to inspire the attention and support of the whole society for football. This is not only a call to the management of Chinese football, but also an expectation of the whole society.

Among the many problems facing Chinese football, the voice of professionals is particularly important. They have more experience and deeper insights, which can provide strong support for the reform of Chinese football. However, this requires football management to break out of closed mindsets, actively listen to professionals, and no longer be afraid of real criticism.

Behind a series of defeats, Chinese football needs not only the efforts of individual players, but also all-round reform and improvement. The fact that there are no professionals to tell the truth after Fan Zhiyi is an important problem that needs to be solved urgently in Chinese football. Only when professionals stand up and push Chinese football out of the trough through in-depth analysis and suggestions can this football-loving country regain its self-confidence and move towards a brilliant future.

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