
Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

author:Kiki said entertainment

CCTV's first beauty: Zhou Tao's early life and career start.

Zhou Tao was born in a scholarly family in Huainan, and grew up with a mature heart in the care and teaching of his parents.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

At the age of 16, her performance at the school's theatrical evening had already shown her artistic talent, which attracted the appreciation of teachers.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

But Zhou Tao's father initially disapproved of his daughter's career in the art industry, asking her to focus on cultural Xi.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

However, under the mediation of the head teacher, Zhou Tao still made up his mind to pursue his artistic dream.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

After graduating from high school, Zhou Tao was admitted to the Communication University of China. During her time at school, she attracted the attention of many boys, but Zhou Tao had no distractions and focused on her studies. At a talent show, she was impressed by the recitation of the school grass Yao Ke, and the two fell in love ever since.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Unexpectedly, Zhou Tao's parents opposed her emotional life, which brought some twists and turns to her life. After graduation, Zhou Tao and Yao Ke got married, but soon the two separated due to work arrangements, and the newlyweds' trials followed.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

During his work at Beijing TV Station, Zhou Tao's hosting strength grew day by day. Continuous Xi practice and improvement have made her style more and more exquisite, and the ratings have continued to rise, becoming a famous host of the station.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

While her career was in full swing, her marriage faced a bottleneck, and she finally divorced due to irreconcilability. However, this also made Zhou Tao find himself and prepare to embark on a new journey.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

The light of the stage: Zhou Tao's years in the Spring Festival Gala

With the new peak of the Spring Festival Gala every year, Zhou Tao's reputation is higher and higher year by year. With a warm and friendly personality and rich hosting experience, she can speak well with different guests, making each episode of the show as new as a try.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Especially in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Spring Festival Gala, Zhou Tao left a very good impression on the world as the host. In her more than 20 years of stage career of hosting the Spring Festival Gala, she has had countless wonderful moments and accumulated rich experience.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Bumpy life: Zhou Tao's family and marriage twists and turns

Just when his career was consolidating, Zhou Tao's family life was not smooth. The first marriage broke down due to the separation of the two places due to work, and it was difficult to reconcile the differences between the two parties, and they had to divorce in the end. Zhou Tao lives alone in Beijing, and his livelihood is extremely difficult.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Late one night, Zhou Tao unfortunately fell and injured herself on the way home, and she had to burn charcoal to keep warm in the cold small room at that time. At this moment, Lu Yun, an entrepreneur who has known each other for a long time, came to visit, and seeing that she was not easy to come by, the two gradually developed a good feeling. Later, Zhou Tao gave birth to her daughter Xiangxiang, and Lu Yun's family also took good care of her. Although the age gap between the two is quite large, their relationship is stable.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

However, after Xiangxiang suffered from autism, Zhou Tao also fell into a difficult predicament. Under the pressure of his daughter's illness and family, Zhou Tao and Lu Yun occasionally had disputes. It's just that by facing difficulties together, their love is stronger and deeper.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Literary Youth: Zhou Tao's artistic talent and educational background

Zhou Tao was born in a scholarly family and was educated by a good family education since childhood. Unlike her peers in diplomacy, she prefers to immerse herself in books and Xi various art forms. Especially in music and drama, Zhou Tao showed great talent and enthusiasm.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

In a school art show, although the other students were handsome and sweaty, Zhou Tao completed all the programs with ease and shined. Since then, the teachers have recognized her potential and made suggestions for considering art colleges.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

However, Zhou Tao's father wants his daughter to focus on cultural Xi. But at the insistence of the head teacher and herself, she agreed to her decision to engage in art. It is also the rich literary and artistic accomplishment that has laid a solid foundation for Zhou Tao's future hosting career.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Emotional entanglements: Zhou Tao's first love and love choice

The earliest emotional entanglement in Zhou Tao's life originated from his first love on campus - Yao Ke. Yao Ke is very popular in school, and countless girls like him.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

At first, Zhou Tao only regarded him as a school grass figure worth looking up to, but as she came into contact again and again, she was gradually attracted by Yao Ke's talent and charm.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

At a school evening, Yao Ke's recitation performance was particularly good, and Zhou Tao couldn't help but be fascinated by his talent. Since then, she has had subtle feelings for Yao Ke.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

However, Zhou Tao grew up in a family with a strong cultural atmosphere, and her parents were extremely demanding of her. They expected Zhou Tao to focus on learning Xi, and did not allow her to be emotionally tied up during this important period.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Under the opposition of his parents, Zhou Tao and Yao Ke's relationship was quite secretive. The two can only take advantage of every opportunity to get along and secretly share each other's affection. Zhou Tao also began to struggle in his heart, and it was difficult to choose a balance between his parents' expectations and his own mind.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

After graduating from college, the paths of the two were inevitably separated. Yao Ke stayed in Beijing, while Zhou Tao had to choose to return to Huainan and work in a small county town.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

The different living environments and work contents of the two places have dealt a heavy blow to their feelings. After Zhou Tao's sacrifice again and again, he still failed to save this first love on campus.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Career Transition: Zhou Tao's Career Development and Challenges

Leaving Yao Ke, Zhou Tao entered a new stage of life. She began to devote herself wholeheartedly to her work, and soon made a name for herself on local TV with her hosting prowess. But this environment in Huainan may not give Zhou Tao a bigger stage, and she begins to miss the past that Beijing has given her.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Once, a senior executive of a Beijing TV station inadvertently came to Huainan to inspect and heard Zhou Tao's name. The senior management was optimistic about Zhou Tao's talent, so they took the initiative to recruit her into the film crew of Beijing TV. Since then, Zhou Tao has officially returned to Beijing and started her glorious hosting career.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

However, after entering Beijing TV, Zhou Tao also faced many tests. The pressure of competition at a higher level and the requirements for more detailed choreography and directing have brought unprecedented challenges to her work. Zhou Tao works more than ten hours a day normally, and she constantly improves and exercises, just to bring the best quality program experience to the audience.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

After years of study and tempering, Zhou Tao has gradually grown into a well-known first-class host. She has a unique style and a strong sense of responsibility, attracting trillions of fans. Finally, she was invited to appear on the stage of CCTV and became one of the most well-known Spring Festival Gala hosts in China.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Second married life: Zhou Tao's marriage to entrepreneur Lu Yun

While working at Beijing TV, Zhou Tao met Lu Yun, an entrepreneur who was 8 years older than her. The two got close from friends, and as the relationship became more and more stable, Zhou Tao became dependent on and admired Lu Yun.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Lu Yun is a successful entrepreneur with good living conditions and is always considerate of the people around him. Especially in the lonely days after Zhou Tao's divorce, it was Lu Yun who did not leave her alone. He silently shared Zhou Tao's worries and gave her spiritual and substantive support.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

At the last moment of Lu Yun's mother's life, Zhou Tao accompanied him and witnessed his true feelings. At that moment, Zhou Tao decided to be with Lu Yun and accompany him. The two held a low-key wedding in 2008 and began their second marriage.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Mother's responsibility: Zhou Tao's love for his daughter Xiangxiang

Soon after marriage, Zhou Tao and Lu Yun gave birth to their daughter Xiangxiang. Since then, Zhou Tao has faced a new balance between his career and his mother. She had to be separated from each other and had a high degree of coordination between work and taking care of Xiangxiang.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Zhou Tao attaches great importance to the growth of Xiangxiang. Although she is busy with her career, she always finds the best time to spend with Xiangxiang. Whether working at home or in other places, Zhou Tao will personally cook for Xiangxiang, urge her to learn Xi, and take care of her growth.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Xiangxiang also likes to be with her mother. When Zhou Tao was busy with work, Xiangxiang would wait for her at home alone, and sometimes leave a "boudoir gift" in the foyer to surprise her mother. Zhou Tao saw it in his eyes, and his maternal affection for his daughter was growing day by day.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Back to glory: Zhou Tao's career revival and happy life

After entering the marriage hall with Lu Yun, Zhou Tao put more attention on the family. Although she is a talented host, as a mother, she hopes to be able to accompany her daughter Xiangxiang as she grows up.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

During this period, Zhou Tao reduced his workload, mainly responsible for the hosting of large-scale programs such as "Spring Festival Gala", and stayed at home to take care of Xiangxiang the rest of the time.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

However, although the family life is happy, Zhou Tao's inner desire for the stage has not weakened. One day, when she was watching TV in the living room, she was seeing a familiar program, and the host was Zhang Yu, a former classmate.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Looking at Zhang Yu's performance in the show, Zhou Tao couldn't help but feel emotional, and he was also pleased with Zhang Yu's achievements. But at the same time, she also realized that if she kept reducing her workload like this, she would probably be forgotten by the stage.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

After discussing with Lu Yun, the two decided to hire a nanny to take care of Xiangxiang, so that Zhou Tao could return to the TV circle and participate in the recording of more programs. After a period of running-in, Xiangxiang has also adapted to life with the nanny.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Zhou Tao boldly took over the hosting of many programs, and soon regained his state. Her acting skills and hosting level have improved significantly, and she has won unanimous praise from the audience and the director.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Eternal beauty: Zhou Tao's undefeated demeanor

Today, Zhou Tao has entered middle age, but her charm and talent are still dazzling. She has been appearing on television screens for decades, impressing with her bold and restrained acting style.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

With the growth of skills, Zhou Tao's hosting has become more and more unhurried, his tone is handy, and he has mastered the essence while retaining the sincerity and simplicity of his original intention.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

In addition, Zhou Tao's beauty is also rich and unique. Her facial features are delicate and three-dimensional, with far-reaching contours, and her smile is like art itself.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

Even though she grows over the years and shows wrinkles slightly, her skin is white, her figure is well-proportioned, and her temperament is elegant and elegant. Her unique personal style also gives a timeless aesthetic.

Betraying your first love and marrying a rich man, wake up Zhou Tao, CCTV is not a fig leaf for your marriage!

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