
Bear Girl from Game of Thrones, how she became the right-hand man of the King of the North

author:6. Wind and rain 6

Game of Thrones is an American drama adaptation of George Martin's fantasy novel A Song of Ice and Fire, which tells the story of a brutal power struggle between various families for the Iron Throne on the fictional continent of Westeros. In this game, there is a character who has not had many scenes, but she has deeply touched the hearts of the audience, she is the Countess of Bear Island, Lady Lyanna Mormont, a ten-year-old girl with a brave, upright, and loyal heart, who is a loyal supporter of Jon Snow, King of the North, and his savior in the most difficult moments. How did she become the right-hand man of the King of the North? Let's take a look back at her performance in Game of Thrones.

Bear Girl from Game of Thrones, how she became the right-hand man of the King of the North

The little queen of Bear Island

Lyanna Mormont is Lord of Bear Isle in the North, her family is a traditional ally of House Stark, her name is in honor of Eddard Stark's sister Lyanna Stark, whose mother and sisters were killed at the Red Wedding, her uncle Jorah Mormont is a loyal knight of the Dragon Mother, and her uncle Jao Mormont is the leader of the Night's Watch. Although she is young, she has extraordinary wisdom and courage, she is not afraid of strong enemies, does not succumb to pressure, does not cater to power, she is only true to her own beliefs and conscience, she is the little queen of Bear Island, and the pride of the North.

Bear Girl from Game of Thrones, how she became the right-hand man of the King of the North

Reject Stannis and pledge allegiance to Stark

When Stannis Baratheon, claiming to be the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, issued a conscription order to the Northern Princes, Lyanna Mormont replied with a single sentence: "Bear Island does not recognize the King, but only the King of the North, named Stark." "This letter shows her loyalty to the Stark family, but also expresses her disdain for Stannis, she will not change her position because of his momentum and threats, she will only follow her heart, she is a little girl with backbone.

Bear Girl from Game of Thrones, how she became the right-hand man of the King of the North

Support Jon in the battle of the bastards

When Jon Snow and Sansa Stark decide to retake Winterfell and drive out the brutal Rams Bolton, they call for help from the families of the North, including Bear Island. When they arrived on Bear Island and met Lyanna Mormont, they were struck by her aura, who was only ten years old but not at all stage frightened, and she directly questioned their identities and motives, saying, "As far as I know, you are illegitimate and that Lady Sansa is married to the Bolton family or to the Lannisters, and there is so much news that you can say anything." She also said, "I understand that my responsibility lies on Bear Island, on everyone on the island, why should I sacrifice the life of even one of my people for someone else's war?" It wasn't until Davers Seaworth was impressed with her sincerity and affection that she decided to support Jon, saying, "The Mormonts have been loyal to Stark for thousands of years, and we remain true to them today." Although she could only send 62 troops, she said: "Every Bear Island person can fight ten inland guys." Her words made Davers admire: "As long as they have half the courage of Miss, the end of Bolton is just around the corner." Not only did she send troops, but she also followed Jon herself and participated in the battle of the bastards, and she proved her courage and conviction with her actions, she is a responsible little girl.

Champion Jon and proclaim King of the North

Bear Girl from Game of Thrones, how she became the right-hand man of the King of the North

After the Battle of the Bastards, Jon and Sansa managed to recapture Winterfell, driving Rams Bolton out and avenging the Starks. They gathered the leaders of the families of the North to discuss their plans for the future. At this meeting, Lyanna Mormont once again showed her imposing and righteous attitude when she rebuked the families who did not send troops in the battle of the bastards, saying: "Your son was slaughtered at the Red Wedding, Lord Mandalay, but you refused to be drafted. You swore allegiance to House Stark, Lord Glover, but when they needed it most, you turned down the call-up. And you, Lord Severn, your father was skinned alive by Rams Burton, and you still refused to be drafted. But the Mormonts don't forget, the North doesn't forget, there is no King of the North except Stark, I don't care if he's an illegitimate child or not, he has Ned Stark's blood in his blood, and he's my king from today until the end. Her words embarrassed the treacherous, and the heroes woke up from a dream, and they swore an oath to proclaim Jon Snow as King of the North. The words of Lyanna Mormont, an influential little girl, were the key to driving this historic moment.

Bear Girl from Game of Thrones, how she became the right-hand man of the King of the North

Confront Jon and defend the North

When Jon Snow and the Mother Dragons reached an alliance and led the army back to Winterfell to prepare for a decisive battle against the Night King's army of the dead, Lyanna Mormont was not silent because of their majesty and favor, she still stood her ground and opinion, she would rather offend the Dragon Mother than speak up for the interests and dignity of the North, she bravely said to Jon: "Your Majesty, you are no longer Your Majesty, are you, you were the King of the North when you left Winterfell, but when you came back you were a ...... I don't know exactly who you are, Lord Duke, or if you're nothing. "Once upon a time, we made you King of the North. Her words made Jon feel stressed and guilty, and he tried to explain his choice, saying, "Yes, ma'am, that was the glory of my life, and I will always be grateful for your trust. But when I left Winterfell, I told everyone that we need allies, or we're dead. And now I'm bringing my allies home and fighting alongside us. I have to make a choice, do I keep my throne or keep the north? Lyanna Mormont didn't say anything more, but her eyes and expression showed her disappointment and dissatisfaction with Jon, who was a principled little girl.

Fight the Night King, martyrdom

When the Night King's army of the dead struck and Winterfell fell into an existential crisis, Lyanna Mormont refused the persuasion of her uncle Jorah Mormont, saying, "My army is well trained, women and children are no exception, I have fought before, and I will fight this time." She also said, "I will not hide underground, I swore to fight for the North, and I will do what I say!" She led her soldiers and resisted bravely, she faced a giant ghoul several times taller than her, she did not flinch, she did not fear, she bravely rushed forward, with her last breath, stabbed the dagger into the eye of the giant ghoul, and died with it. Her sacrifice in exchange for a glimmer of life in Winterfell, her feat, shocked everyone, she is a little girl with a spirit of sacrifice.

brief summary

Lady Lyanna Mormont is a unique character in Game of Thrones, although she is only ten years old, she has an unyielding, uncompromising, unafraid heart, she is the right-hand man of Jon Snow, the king of the North, and a role model for the people of the North, she uses her words and deeds to show the backbone and glory of the North, she is a little girl worthy of admiration and learning. Her story allows us to see another power in Game of Thrones, that is, the power of faith, which can make a little girl, a little bear girl, a little hero, and a little legend.

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