
There is a standard duck blood vermicelli soup to have a taste

author:Bright Net

Standards first, strict implementation, and strengthening supervision are conducive to building a solid foundation for the quality and safety of the food industry. From snail powder and crayfish to duck blood vermicelli soup, more and more local government departments and food companies have realized that setting standards is the only way to quality, branding and industrialization. It is expected that more traditional cuisines can make new flavors that consumers like, go out of the region, and float in the world.

Recently, there is a piece of news with its own aroma and hooking people and insects that has attracted attention, saying that the Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has issued production standards for fast food duck blood vermicelli soup, stipulating that the material package containing duck blood, duck intestines, duck liver and other duck products and broth must weigh more than 50% of the whole weight, and the proportion of duck products in the material package should exceed 50%. Consumers who like this bite are looking forward to it.

Although there are already similar products on the market, from the quality point of view, the standard duck blood vermicelli soup will indeed be more "fragrant", because the hard indicator of "duck content" of more than 50% avoids cutting corners and is conducive to maintaining the flavor of the instant soup. More importantly, the standard delineates the safety bottom line, keeps the quality threshold, allows consumers to buy with confidence, and also gives the regulatory authorities a regulatory grip. This is the experience of the food industry for many years: standards first, strict implementation, and strengthening supervision can build a solid foundation of quality and safety.

There is a standard duck blood vermicelli soup reputation will also be more "fragrant". It is reported that the criteria are set with the intention of applying for intangible cultural heritage. If the application is successful, it will definitely improve the recognition and reputation of the product. However, duck blood vermicelli soup is only a nanjing feature, has not yet formed a regional brand, once it is large, it is inevitable that the mud and sand will fall, and there may be foreign "Li ghost" rubbing heat. Therefore, in addition to applying for heritage, it is recommended that Nanjing city pay close attention to applying for national geographical indication products, strengthen protection, and avoid consumers from buying counterfeit products.

Another advantage of national geographical indication products is that there is an international communication system, which can better protect product quality and credibility at home and abroad. For example, after the EU-China Geographical Indications Agreement came into force, hundreds of geographical indications from the EU and China were protected in each other's markets, including Qianjiang lobster, Sichuan kimchi, Korla fragrant pear, etc. In the future, with the deepening of foreign economic and trade exchanges, the scope of protection will be further expanded. If you can join this rank, the "Nanjing Duck" will be easier to swim out to sea.

Under the dual role of quality and word of mouth, driven by the two markets at home and abroad, the standard duck blood vermicelli soup market will also be more "fragrant". Previously, due to the lack of safety standards, production specifications, etc., only a small number of Nanjing food enterprises tried to produce instant duck blood vermicelli soup, and many of the products sold on the market were produced from other regions and on a small scale. After the introduction of production standards, Nanjing enterprises can apply for a food production license for fast-food duck blood vermicelli soup, make local snacks into industrially produced convenience foods, and then enter the tables of thousands of households through e-commerce platforms, supermarkets and other channels.

This "standard - quality - brand - retail" food industrialization road, "net red" Liuzhou snail powder has gone through and successfully. In 2016, Guangxi Liuzhou issued a mandatory local standard for snail powder food safety; in 2018, "Liuzhou snail powder" was approved as a geographical indication trademark; in February this year, the local government issued the "Geographical Indication Certification Trademark Liuzhou Snail Powder" group standard to promote the high-quality development of the industry. In 2020, the sales revenue of the whole industry of bagged Liuzhou snail powder is about 24 billion yuan, which is exported to more than 20 countries and regions overseas, and has repeatedly created "miracles" in the international and domestic food markets.

Duck blood vermicelli soup is catching up. According to reports, the Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has issued a number of food production licenses. If the standards are strictly implemented, the marketing is effective, and the channels are smooth, the duck blood vermicelli soup with a good consumer base is entirely likely to be among the tens of billions of yuan categories like Liuzhou snail powder.

It should be reminded that food safety standards focus on safety, and indicators closely related to consumer health such as mold, heavy metals, and nitrites should be strictly controlled; standards and operating specifications for food production should not be too thin and too wide, leaving room for innovation for enterprises. For example, if a company wants to launch a crayfish-flavored duck blood vermicelli soup, it is bound to add crayfish to the package, and the duck product may be reduced accordingly, and it may not be able to meet the standard of 50% of the "duck content". In this regard, it is advisable to leave room for enterprises to play and leave it to the market to choose.

From snail powder and crayfish to duck blood vermicelli soup, more and more local government departments and food companies have realized that setting standards is the only way to quality, branding and industrialization. Just like the crayfish-flavored snail powder and the rattan pepper flavored duck blood vermicelli soup, we expect more traditional foods to make new flavors that consumers like, go out of the region, and float around the world.

Author:She Ying

Source: Economic Daily

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