
More than 20 folk artists gathered together just for ......

author:i Gold Mountain
More than 20 folk artists gathered together just for ......

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More than 20 folk artists gathered together just for ......

Recently, at the interview activity jointly held by the Jinshan District Folk Literature and Art Association and Xinhua Village, Fengjing Town, more than 20 folk artists gathered together to sort out and excavate the stories behind the place names, so as to retain the memory of nostalgia and better promote rural revitalization.

More than 20 folk artists gathered together just for ......

Xinhua Village is located in the middle of Fengjing Town, only 1.5 kilometers away from Fengjing Ancient Town, there are not only relics of the Anti-Japanese War in the village, but also many interesting and strange place name legends and stories, rich and colorful natural rural landscape and human resources. "Fengjing Ancient Town is creating an AAAAA-level scenic spot, and Legoland Shanghai Resort is also stepping up construction, in this process, Xinhua Village is so close to the town, how to better catch this high-quality development express has become an important part of the village. Wu Hongming, secretary of the general party branch and director of the village committee of Xinhua Village, said.

More than 20 folk artists gathered together just for ......
More than 20 folk artists gathered together just for ......

With these problems in mind, the village "two committees" discovered some advantages of the village after pondering, and aimed at the direction to implement them step by step. "On the one hand, we polish the background color of the countryside, actively carry out the construction of 'clean and beautiful villages', and rely on social capital to consciously introduce a number of homestays. On the other hand, it wants to use the advantages of Fengjing Ancient Town's cultural resources to create rural cultural symbols with its own characteristics. Wu Hongming said that it is necessary not only to retain the memory of nostalgia, but also to show the characteristics of the countryside to the outside world.

It is not difficult to excavate the universal rural culture, but it requires in-depth thinking if it wants to have a certain distinctiveness. So with a specific need, Wu Hongming found a cultural celebrity who went out from the village - Yu Linxing, deputy director of the Story Committee of the China Folk Literature and Art Association and chairman of the Jinshan Folk Literature and Art Association. "At that time, it can be said that it hit it off, and the direction of excavating the culture of place names was determined. Yu Linxing said that for folk artists, interviewing is an important way to accumulate creative materials and create excellent works. For Xinhua Village, the works of folk artists have consolidated the foundation of traditional culture and enhanced their understanding and self-confidence in culture. "It's a two-way win-win process. ”

The reason why the place name is chosen as the "breakthrough", in the interview, Yu Linxing also said the reason, the place name is a living fossil of local history, it reflects the local natural scenery, resources, cultural customs, social life and other aspects of the history, carrying a heavy culture and distinctive regional characteristics, is an important part of the process of rural revitalization, its uniqueness is self-evident.

During the day's wind collection activities, the folk artists went deep into the countryside, carefully observed, communicated with local villagers, and collected materials on the spot. In the future, they will also integrate rural culture and traditional elements into their works, and activate the internal power of rural cultural revitalization through literary and artistic means. Among them, there are many "big names" in the Chinese story industry, such as Yu Linxing and Mao Yichang, winners of the "Mountain Flower Award" of Chinese folk literature. It is reported that all the works will be completed in March this year, and after review, they will be compiled into a book, which will become an important carrier for Xinhua Village to promote and display rural culture.

"In the future, we will continue to do a good job in the Xinhua article of nostalgic memory, rely on the unique rural resources and cultural environment, actively revitalize the 'sleeping resources' such as idle homesteads, and develop experiential homestays, so that more people can know and understand Xinhua. Wu Hongming said.

Reporter | Gurry

Correspondents | Yu Xiang

Edit | Cheng Jiayu

Editor-in-charge | Cheng Jiayu Gan Yuqiong

More than 20 folk artists gathered together just for ......

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