
Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

author:See the world in the middle

In the entertainment industry, gossip is always more likely to cause heated discussions than plots. Recently, have you heard that? Wang Xingyue's studio made a big drama and turned the whole circle upside down!

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

Here's the thing: their hit TV series "Ink Rain Clouds" has come to an end, and it was supposed to be a cheerful farewell, but the male protagonist Wang Xingyue seems to regard himself as the focus. Wu Jinyan said goodbye to the fans of the drama decently, but the performance of this brother was a bit confusing. He posted a farewell Weibo and posted a bunch of selfie photos, which angered his fans.

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

What's more, the studio didn't say anything, and actually posted a climactic clip of the male protagonist dying in battle, and also hinted at the "be" ending. But the problem is that the director and producer clearly said that it was a "he" ending! Isn't this a pit for fans?

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

Fans are naturally furious, and they have accused Wang Xingyue Studio of not respecting art and only caring about the character of the male protagonist. At this time, director Yu Zheng also became popular, and hurriedly reissued the extra clips, wanting everyone to understand that the ending was actually quite perfect. As a result, before Mr. Zheng could catch his breath, the studio came to make trouble again.

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

When Yu Zheng saw it, he was also furious. He posted a denunciation of the studio: "You dare to desecrate my art! I'm going to fire you! He just wanted to clarify the beauty of the plot, and Wang Xingyue's studio made a fuss again.

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

Of course, there was an uproar on the Internet, and some people bombarded Yu Zheng, asking why fans knew in advance that the male protagonist was killed in battle? Some people feel sorry for Wu Jinyan and feel that she is too wronged. It can be seen that this turmoil will not be able to subside in a short period of time.

Yu Zheng had no choice but to make a hard move, announcing that he would expel those editors who posted videos indiscriminately, and he also scared to fire a thousand people! This saved Wang Xingyue some face, saying that he was just a "big kid" and couldn't understand these things. As a result, as soon as these words came out, netizens began to joke about him again, saying how did he become an innocent big baby again?

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

In the entertainment industry, the end of a TV series is often not the end, but the beginning of another more intense storm of public opinion. The ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was supposed to be a moment of joy for fans and actors, but because of the careless actions of Wang Xingyue's studio, it stirred up countless storms.

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

Starting from Wang Xingyue's farewell Weibo, he put himself in the spotlight rather than the whole of the series. This behavior has sparked dissatisfaction and questions from fans, who believe that the studio is overly glorious of the male lead and ignores the overall artistry of the other characters and the series. The subsequent release of the climactic clip added fuel to the fire, which ran counter to the original intention of director Yu Zheng, causing public opinion to be even more turbulent.

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

When Yu was facing this turmoil, although he tried to calm the situation by reissuing the extra clips, he still failed to reverse the misunderstood situation. His anger and determination spread through social media, announcing that he would fire editors who disregarded the plot and the director's wishes, as a sign of his commitment to his work and art.

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

However, these measures did not calm public opinion. On the contrary, Wang Xingyue's studio's further actions once again aroused heated discussions and doubts on the Internet. This turmoil not only made the ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" controversial, but also exposed all kinds of confusion and entanglements in the entertainment industry in the promotion of works and celebrity packaging.

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

Ultimately, this incident is not just a controversy over a TV series, but also a struggle for power, interests, and reputation behind the entire entertainment industry. From the director's adherence to artistic principles, to the fans' enthusiastic devotion to the series and characters, to the marketing strategy of Wang Xingyue's studio, each participant is defending or competing for its own interests and reputation.

Yu Zheng denounced Wang Xingyue's studio: resolutely defend the dignity of art, triggering a big discussion in the industry!

To sum up, this turmoil is not only a controversy about the ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds", but also a deep reflection on the culture and market-oriented operation of the entertainment industry. In today's increasingly rapid and diversified information dissemination, how to balance the artistic value of the work itself and the market benefit has become an important issue that every participant needs to face.

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