
His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

author:Apple says entertainment

In 1998, for 38-year-old Li Qiang, it was a turning point in fate. In the hit drama "Water Margin", he played the treacherous, greedy and lustful Ximen Qing. This role not only made him famous overnight, but also became the most classic and impressive image of Ximenqing in the hearts of the audience.

With his superb acting skills, Li Qiang interpreted Ximenqing's cunning and obscenity to the fullest, making the audience hate this villain so much. However, an unexpected disturbance ensued.

Li Qiang found that since he played the role of Ximenqing, many women have stayed away from him in real life. Those panicked eyes and deliberate distancing made him cry and laugh.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and thought, "Could it be that I really became Ximenqing in their eyes?" Although this misunderstanding is frustrating, it also makes Li Qiang more determined to prove through his actions that he is two completely different people in and out of the play.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

In an interview, he once said helplessly: "I am a very upright person in real life, completely different from Ximenqing. Despite this, Ximenqing's role has brought great career opportunities to Li Qiang.

After starring in "Water Margin", his acting career ushered in a turning point, and the drama continued. From "Ping's Trace" to "Celebrating More Than Years", Li Qiang has participated in many well-known works, and gradually transformed from an unknown young actor to a powerful actor loved by the audience.

This experience made Li Qiang deeply realize that the charm of an actor lies in creating different roles, but the real challenge lies in how to maintain oneself outside of the role. He always believes that as long as he sticks to his heart, someone will eventually see his true side.

In 1960, Li Qiang was born in Yantai, Shandong Province, in an ordinary working family. As the youngest child in the family, he has had a big dream since he was a child - to become a soldier.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

In order to realize this dream, the young Li Qiang did not hesitate to exercise hard and shape his figure to be strong and tall. Every morning, he would wake up on time, run on the playground, do push-ups, and prepare for his future military career.

However, fate always likes to joke. When he was in high school, Li Qiang, who was full of expectations, applied for special forces and pilots. Although his cultural achievements were quite outstanding, he eventually fell short due to vision problems.

When he learned that he had failed the medical examination, Li Qiang was extremely frustrated. His once-firm goal suddenly became blurred, and his heart was full of confusion and loss. Just when Li Qiang was at a loss for the future, his sister pointed out a new path for him - acting.

My sister has loved acting since she was a child, but she failed to do so because of her parents' opposition. She pinned her unfulfilled dreams on her brother and encouraged Li Qiang to try this new field.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

At first, Li Qiang, who knew nothing about acting, inevitably hesitated. He once asked his sister: "I don't even have a little acting foundation, can I really do it?" The sister told him firmly, "You have talent, but you haven't discovered it yet."

Give it a try, and maybe you'll find a new direction in life. With the encouragement of his sister, Li Qiang decided to embark on this unknown path. He first entered the repertory theatre, where he underwent several years of acting training.

As his understanding of the performing arts deepened, Li Qiang found himself gradually falling in love with the profession. In order to further improve himself, he was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy.

From the drama stage to the classroom of the film school, Li Qiang gradually found a new direction in life. He sighed: "If I had successfully enlisted in the army, I might not have discovered my love for acting.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

Sometimes, what seems like a setback can be a turning point on the way to a bigger picture. This experience made Li Qiang understand that the path of life is not static. If you lose one dream, you may gain another ideal that is more suitable for you.

It is this open-minded and courageous attitude that laid the foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry. In 1984, Li Qiang officially stepped into the showbiz with the romance film "Girl and Boy in the Year" and started his acting career with hope.

However, the reality is far harsher than imagined. In the 4 years since his debut, Li Qiang has fallen into the dilemma of having no drama to film. As one of the few individual actors, he had to face the cold reception of many directors.

Li Qiang recalled: "At that time, many directors were reluctant to use individual actors, thinking it was too troublesome. Every time he sees other actors busy, but he can only sit at home and wait for the phone, Li Qiang inevitably has mixed feelings in his heart.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

But he didn't give up, but used this time to keep honing his acting skills. It wasn't until 1988 that the door of opportunity opened for him again. Li Qiang returned to the film and television industry and successively starred in many works such as "Happy Heroes", "Overseas Chinese Love", "Westbound Prisoner Car", "Love on Ice", "Flying Tigers" and many other works.

Despite this, his name is still not widely known. Every time he saw his scene cut or flashed on TV, he would sigh secretly, but he never gave up his love for acting.

Li Qiang often said: "Although that period was hard, it made me understand the importance of perseverance. Every role, big or small, I give it my all. "In 1998, the opportunity finally came.

In the hit drama "Water Margin", Li Qiang played the role of Ximen Qing. This role not only made him famous in one fell swoop, but also paved the way for his subsequent acting career. The audience was impressed by his superb acting skills, and "Li Qiang's version of Ximen Qing" became the most classic image in the hearts of many people.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

Since then, Li Qiang's acting career has ushered in a turning point. He has participated in many well-known works such as "The Shadow of Ping", "Jinyiwei", "Piranha Incident", "Oath Eternal", "Halfway Brothers", "New Jade Guanyin", "Breaking the Game", "Mekong River Case", "Hunting Ground", "Celebrating More Than Years", "The Bottom Line" and many other well-known works.

Li Qiang's list of works continues to expand, and he has also transformed from a young newcomer to a powerful actor in the hearts of the audience. Looking back on these difficult years, Li Qiang often sighs: "Success is never achieved overnight, it requires time, patience and the determination to never give up."

His experience has also inspired many young actors to understand that working hard in the entertainment industry requires not only talent, but also perseverance and courage in the face of setbacks.

While his career is gradually on the right track, Li Qiang's love life has been in a blank state. A failed romance in his early years left a deep shadow on him. It was a relationship with a lover who was also an actor, but because both of them were busy filming, they got together less and left more, which eventually led to the breakdown of the relationship.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

This experience made Li Qiang have a strong fear of marriage. He once confessed: "I even thought at one point that I would never get married in my life." "However, fate is always full of surprises.

At the age of 48, Li Qiang met Li Shu at a party. Li Shu is not only a beautiful woman, but also a strong woman with a successful career. She used to be an excellent editor, and now she has opened her own company and has become a wealthy female boss.

The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. Li Qiang recalled: "At that time, the first time I saw Li Shu, I felt that she was different. When we chatted, we found that there was a lot of common language, as if we had known each other for many years.

What Li Qiang didn't expect was that it was Li Shu who took the initiative to propose. Facing the sincere confession of Li Shu, who was 9 years younger than him, Li Qiang was excited. He thought back to those lonely days in the past, and suddenly realized that happiness could really come so suddenly.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

Li Qiang said: "When Li Shu proposed to me, I realized that what I had been waiting for was such a person. She convinced me that love and marriage are worth it. "The relationship came and went fast.

Considering that they are no longer young, Li Qiang is 48 years old and Li Shu is 39 years old, and the two soon entered the palace of marriage. At the wedding, when Li Qiang took Li Shu's hand and walked on the red carpet, tears of happiness flashed in the corners of his eyes.

He secretly vowed in his heart to cherish this hard-won happiness. Li Shu's family background also gave Li Qiang a sense of belonging. Her father is the well-known director Li Yalin, her mother is the performance artist He Xiaoshu, and her sister is the well-known director Li Tong.

This family full of art makes Li Qiang feel extremely kind. Li Qiang often said: "My father-in-law is a director, my mother-in-law is a performing artist, and in this family, I have become the most ordinary one."

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

But it is this 'ordinary' that makes me cherish my current life even more. This belated love not only filled the vacancy in Li Qiang's heart, but also allowed him to rediscover the meaning and direction of life.

Life after marriage is like a dream come true for Li Qiang. However, Heaven has an even bigger surprise in store for the newlyweds. When Li Qiang was 52 years old, he ushered in the most important role in his life - his father.

When the nurse handed the baby into his hands, the new father, who was over half a hundred years old, burst into tears of excitement. Li Qiang carefully held the child, feeling the miracle of life, and his heart was full of expectations for the future and love for his family.

He once lamented in an interview: "I never thought I could be a father at this age. The arrival of this little life has given my life a new meaning. With the birth of the child, Li Qiang's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

He has completely become a "strict wife", but he enjoys it. Li Qiang not only followed the advice of his wife Li Shu everywhere, but also took the initiative to hand over the salary to her to take care of. Whenever someone laughs at him for being afraid of his wife, Li Qiang always smiles and says: "When you meet a good wife, it's right to listen to her."

This family, which came a little late, gave Li Qiang an unprecedented sense of happiness. He often lamented that if he hadn't met Li Shu, if he hadn't had this lovely child, how incomplete his life would have been.

Every time he hugged his son and looked at his wife, Li Qiang's eyes would shine with happiness, as if the whole world had become better because of this small family. Li Qiang once said emotionally at a family gathering: "My life has a second spring.

became a father at the age of 52, although it was a little late, but happiness was not too late at all. This belated happiness made Li Qiang cherish the good life in front of him even more, and also allowed him to find a new balance between career and family.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Qiang is 64 years old. Despite being over the age of six, he is still active in the entertainment industry, interpreting one role after another with superb acting skills. Recently, he also participated in the highly anticipated "Celebrating More Than Years 2", showing his acting skills that year.

In family life, Li Qiang is even happier and content. Although the nature of his work caused him to often get together with his wife Li Shu and leave them less, this did not affect their relationship in the slightest. On the contrary, this long-distance relationship-like relationship keeps their love fresh.

Every time they reunite, they cherish it doubly, just like a couple in love. Li Qiang often said: "My father-in-law is a director, my mother-in-law is a performance artist, and my wife is a successful entrepreneur.

In this family, I became the most ordinary one. But it is this "ordinary" that makes Li Qiang cherish his current life even more. He knows that true happiness does not lie in the evaluation of the outside world, but in the inner satisfaction and the company of his family.

His father-in-law is a director, his mother-in-law is a performing artist, and he was proposed to a rich woman at the age of 48 and has a son when he is old

Despite his busy career, Li Qiang always puts his family first. He laughed and said that he was a "strict wife", not only following his wife's advice everywhere, but also taking the initiative to hand over his salary to Li Shu to take care of.

This kind of thoughtfulness and trust makes their relationship deeper and deeper. Looking back on the past, Li Qiang was full of emotion. From the confusion of his youth to the success of middle age, and then to the happiness of his twilight years, his life has experienced too many unexpected turns.

But it is these ups and downs that have made him who he is today. Finding a balance between career and family, Li Qiang finally reaped his own full life.

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