
"Mooncake Wars" on the new, traditional crafts now baked puff pastry mooncakes hidden in the dry, play a new trick

author:Shangguan News

On August 20, 2021, almost a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the mooncake war of various merchants has begun ahead of schedule.

"Mooncake Wars" on the new, traditional crafts now baked puff pastry mooncakes hidden in the dry, play a new trick

In fact, for Shanghainese, although the mooncake has its seasonality, but the freshly baked mooncake, especially the freshly baked fresh meat mooncake, has long become the white moonlight in the hearts of workers in the four seasons. Tired on the way to work, hungry and swollen, dinner has not moved to order what takeaway, out of the subway station, smell the aroma of fresh meat mooncakes, the moment, what a cure?

Faced with a ready-made market where consumers do not need to be educated, Hema Xiansheng has chosen to evolve itself. Taking advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake sales schedule, Hema launched a series of traditional puff pastry freshly baked mooncakes with strange tastes, trying to refresh people's understanding of the taste of mooncakes again.

"Mooncake Wars" on the new, traditional crafts now baked puff pastry mooncakes hidden in the dry, play a new trick

The first is the "cold pot skewer" mooncake. Beef breast, beef blinds, beef hoof tendons, beef tongue, tripe, porcini mushroom sauce, plus bean skin, tofu bamboo, bamboo shoot raw materials strung together, with a fresh and spicy vine pepper pot bottom, a mouthful of a thousand flavors, with the starch comrades upgraded from white rice to milky puff pastry.

In addition to the taste of cold pot skewers, the classic fresh meat mooncakes, crayfish mooncakes, hairy crab mooncakes, flowing milk yellow mooncakes and other popular flavors have been sold in hema stores since the beginning of July this year.

"Mooncake Wars" on the new, traditional crafts now baked puff pastry mooncakes hidden in the dry, play a new trick

Freshly baked puff pastry mooncakes with temperature have attracted many consumers.

In addition, Hema also joined hands with Shanghai's long-established enterprises Yuelaifang and Dexing Hotel to launch a joint salted egg yolk fresh meat mooncake and beef mooncake, and also put on the shelves of the Jade Buddha Temple's net vegetarian mooncake, so that the vegetarian mooncake that originally needed to queue for 3 hours to buy can be shortened to 30 minutes and delivered to home to enjoy.

The reporter also noted that the mustard salmon flavored mooncake developed by Hema in 2019 became a traffic driver at that time, and this time it also successfully "returned" to sell.

"Mooncake Wars" on the new, traditional crafts now baked puff pastry mooncakes hidden in the dry, play a new trick

The mustard salmon mooncake returned to the scene due to the flow, proving its popularity.

Hema Workshop's R&D chef Zi Ya introduced to reporters that the essence of Su-style freshly baked mooncakes is first of all puff pastry. The mooncake puff pastry of Hema Workshop will be iteratively upgraded like a new mobile phone every year: from the production of a single sample to the mass production of the factory, the ratio of sugar, oil and water will be finely adjusted according to the temperature changes of that year.

If you want to "wrap" the idea of cold pot skewers into the mooncake, but also bring good taste, you need to be solid in the filling, not pinched when the puff pastry is wrapped, the mouth should be smooth and not revealing the filling, and the strength should be pinched when knocking the seal. From the research and development stage to the training of production line workers, it is necessary to go through a rather rigorous process.

"Mooncake Wars" on the new, traditional crafts now baked puff pastry mooncakes hidden in the dry, play a new trick

Making puff pastry mooncakes is a great craft.

Nowadays, whether it is the traditional Cantonese and Su-style mooncakes or the fashionable ice skin and ice cream mooncakes, the use of sufficient materials and good materials is becoming the "inner volume" direction of this industry.

The spring youth group packages everything, and the autumn mooncake packages everything, becoming the twice-yearly strange box opening award of netizens. However, the package itself is not a problem, delicious is the key, just by gimmick to do products is only a flash in the pan after all, want to innovate a new taste from the traffic explosion into a long-term business, you need to seriously follow the specifications and logic of product development, but also need to go through time and the market fully verified.

"Mooncake Wars" on the new, traditional crafts now baked puff pastry mooncakes hidden in the dry, play a new trick
"Mooncake Wars" on the new, traditional crafts now baked puff pastry mooncakes hidden in the dry, play a new trick

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Chunhai Text Editor: Zhang Chi Photo Editor: Zhang Chi Editor Email: [email protected]

Source: Author: Dong Tianye

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