
Ancient Chinese Medicine Book "Valley Prescription"

author:Cang'er Network Technology Studio, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City

0568 - The Valley Side

Ancient Chinese Medicine Book "Valley Prescription"

Title: "The Valley Recipe"

Engraving method: Engraving

Format: PDF eBook

Number of volumes: 1 volume

Size: 63.7MB

Number of pages: 44 pages

Date: Unknown

Author: Unknown

Brief introduction:

Ming Ou Shi Haishu. Mingfu Tang Shoushitang carved book. Collection of the Cabinet Library of the National Archives of Japan. The first is the title page, which contains "Bao Bao Lu / Valley Convenience Fang / Joint Issue / Futang Shoushitang Collection Board". The first "Baby-Keeping Record" is Chongzhen Bingzi (1636) Fei Dao's "Benyan", and Tianqi Bingyin (1626) Chen Lian's "Preface to Baby-Protecting Record". The second is the directory. The second is the main text, and the frontispiece is signed as "Bao Bao Lu / Min Fu Tang Ou Shi Haishu". At the end of the volume, there is Ou Shihai's "Zhilu Infant Source Committee". "The Valley Prescription" is the first of Chongzhen Jimao (1639) Lin Wenxiong's "Valley Prescription Preface" and Chongzhen Jimao Ou Shihai's "Convenient Fang Xiaoyin". The second is the directory. The second is the main text, and the signature of the person responsible for the frontispiece is the same as that of the "Baby-Keeping Record".

According to the preface and frontispiece, the author is Ou Shihai. However, the author of "The Valley Recipe" is also recorded as "Tang Ou". Wanli Wuwu (1618), gave birth to a daughter and died, because of the Song and Yuan Dynasty family books, the Ming Dynasty "Bao Bao Quanshu", "Wan Family Copy" and Xue Ji Zhu Shu to read it, realized that his hometown in the child umbilical cord, mouth washing,, pox rash, etc., all have bad laws, so write the book "Bao Bao Lu". Ou Shi once traveled in the valley, saw a lot of patients, but because the city is far away from the medical treatment and it is not easy to seek medicine, so Chongzhen has written "Valley Prescription", which is attached to the "Baby-Keeping Record".

There are 15 articles in "Babycare Record", which selects the parenting experience of various books, and describes the correct methods of children's newborn care, children not crying, umbilical cord cutting, and mouth washing. It also describes the treatment method of umbilical wind, which is said to be suitable for children to be born with moxibustion, and pregnant mothers eat more pepper, ginger and garlic hot things to cause children to suffer from milk teeth. Thereafter, the "waiting for childbirth" describes the method of dealing with dystocia. It is also said that "mothers should not eat more ginger" and "Baolong pills should not be used generally". Finally, the source of acne and acne rash should be avoided. Although the above arguments are not comprehensive, they are based on common and error-prone points.

"The Recipe for the Valley" was written for the emergency treatment of the poor countryside. The book lists 97 kinds of diseases, including deprivation, coma, poisoning from various drugs and food, suicide by hanging, sudden disasters (drowning, falling, etc.), acute heart pain, acute epidemics, critical illness of women's childbirth, various surgical carbuncles, swelling and poisoning, various animal bites, swallowing copper coins or needles by mistake, fish bones, soup burns, gold sores and falls, eye, ear, nose, tongue, teeth and throat emergencies, severe stool, dry and wet cholera, dysentery and malaria, bleeding, hernia, etc., and finally "the method of refuge and stop children from crying". Although the above-mentioned emergency relief methods are copied from the books of their predecessors (and the sources are later noted more), not all of them are based on the author's experience, but they can also facilitate the emergency response of the people.

There are seven book seals in the front and back of the book: "Taki Collection Book Seal", "Jijuden Book Record", "Yushudo", "Tanba Motoyin Reading Secretary", "Medical Book", "Library of the Book Bureau", and "Japanese Government Library". The first five seals indicate that the book was originally stored in the Ming Dynasty and the second year (1765) of the Taki clan to create the Jijukan. In 1791, the museum was converted into an Edo shogunate-run medical museum. "Yu Xiu Tang" is the number of the many epochs of Jiantang. Many epochs have read this book. The last two seals were made during the Meiji period when the book was transferred to the Library of the Library and then to the Cabinet Library. In another book, there is also a seal of "Books with Residence", the source of which is unknown.

Ancient Chinese Medicine Book "Valley Prescription"
Ancient Chinese Medicine Book "Valley Prescription"
Ancient Chinese Medicine Book "Valley Prescription"
Ancient Chinese Medicine Book "Valley Prescription"

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