
#鼻炎针也不能根治过敏性鼻炎#头条热榜是的, there is no cure for allergic rhinitis. Now it is the most effective prevention and treatment plan to control rhinitis without flare-up

author:Pediatrician Bao Xiulan


Yes, there is no cure for allergic rhinitis. Now it is the most effective prevention and treatment plan to control rhinitis without flare-up. There are generally three common and effective treatments: allergen avoidance, medication, and desensitization therapy.

🟩1. Avoiding exposure to allergens is the key to prevention.

The easiest way to prevent allergic rhinitis is to avoid allergens.

If your child is allergic to pollen, you should give up growing flowers and plants indoors, close doors and windows when spring comes, and buy an air purifier to purify the air if necessary. If your child is allergic to dust mites, create a clean, ventilated and dry home environment, wash and change bedding frequently, and do your best to reduce dust mites. If the child is allergic to animal dander or feathers, parents should discourage the idea of keeping small animals at home, and dispose of all down-filled bedding and down jackets.

If there is no way to avoid it, prepare in advance to keep the allergens out of the nasal cavity by using nasal filters, special masks, pollen blockers, etc.

🟩2. Medication

Like many diseases, allergic rhinitis can be treated mildly and intensively, mainly with oral or nasal medications, combined with topical saline irrigation of the nasal cavity. If the child's learning, exercise and sleep are not disturbed by allergic rhinitis, it is mild, and nasal antihistamines (levobastine hydrochloride spray, etc.) and oral second-generation antihistamines (cetirizine, loratadine) are generally required, and the course of treatment is generally not less than 2 weeks.

If allergic rhinitis interferes with your child's learning, exercise and sleep, it is moderate to severe. In addition to oral anti-white [triene drugs (Shunerning)], hormonal nasal sprays [mometasone furoate (Neshuna)] and [fluticasone propionate (Fushuliang)] nasal spray treatment should be used, and the course of treatment is more than 4 weeks.

It should be noted that whether it is oral medication, nasal medication, or nasal lavage, it should be purchased and used under the guidance of a doctor to avoid the risk of drug-induced rhinitis.

🟩3. Desensitization therapy

Desensitization therapy, commonly known as immunotherapy, has a definite effect on the effect of therapy, which is to stimulate the body by increasing the dose of allergens sequentially, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the body and achieving the desensitization effect. Desensitization treatment is not a panacea, and the effects are limited to dust mites, some common pollen, some molds, and cat and dog hair.

#鼻炎针也不能根治过敏性鼻炎#头条热榜是的, there is no cure for allergic rhinitis. Now it is the most effective prevention and treatment plan to control rhinitis without flare-up
#鼻炎针也不能根治过敏性鼻炎#头条热榜是的, there is no cure for allergic rhinitis. Now it is the most effective prevention and treatment plan to control rhinitis without flare-up
#鼻炎针也不能根治过敏性鼻炎#头条热榜是的, there is no cure for allergic rhinitis. Now it is the most effective prevention and treatment plan to control rhinitis without flare-up

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