
India is playing tricks again? Modi refuses to participate in the SCO summit, Indian media: or related to China

author:Beacon front station

India is the host country of the 2023 SCO summit, but India did not host the SCO summit in person, and in stark contrast to the SCO summit, India held the G20 summit with great fanfare, underscoring India's caution. Kazakhstan is the host of the 2024 SCO summit, and now India is once again playing tricks, with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi refusing to participate in the annual SCO summit in Kazakhstan. Indian officials did not give a reason why Modi could not attend the summit, while the Indian media openly said that it was probably with China, because of the tension between India and China, for which Modi refused to participate in the SCO summit.

India is playing tricks again? Modi refuses to participate in the SCO summit, Indian media: or related to China

In fact, Indian Prime Minister Modi recently visited Russia, before Modi also went to Italy to participate in the 2024 summit of the Western G7 group, so there is no reason why Modi did not have time to participate in the SCO summit, the only explanation is that India is deliberately keeping a distance from the SCO, in fact, India is a member of the SCO, but now India's role is the same as the role of the United Kingdom in the European Union, India has become a disruptive role. India's failure to host last year's SCO summit and Modi's refusal to attend the 2024 SCO summit underscore India's playing tricks.

India is playing tricks again? Modi refuses to participate in the SCO summit, Indian media: or related to China

India is the object of active attraction by the West, especially the United States, as can be seen from Modi's many participation in the G7 summit, when the United States is actively encircling and containing China, India has its own unique aura, for which India has also floated. The SCO is a regional cooperation organization jointly promoted by China and Russia, and after India joined, India began to play a disgraceful role, and the two successive disturbances have already shown India's intentions. In fact, the fact that a number of countries have applied to join the SCO already shows the enormous influence of the SCO, and because of this, the United States is wary of the SCO.

India is playing tricks again? Modi refuses to participate in the SCO summit, Indian media: or related to China

The United States maintains its global hegemony through NATO, in the face of the expansion of the SCO, the United States is already worried that the SCO can compete with NATO, so it is anxious to divide the SCO, from the current SCO member states, India is the only country that the United States can influence, in the United States actively promotes the "Indo-Pacific strategy" stage, India also took the initiative to rush to the front line, which can understand the reason why India did not cooperate at the SCO summit, India is using its own actions to express its loyalty to the United States, According to the analysis of the Beacon Front Station, it is necessary to arouse vigilance against India's dynamics.

India is playing tricks again? Modi refuses to participate in the SCO summit, Indian media: or related to China

Today, the United States is trying to prevent the rise of China, and when the United States is wary of the SCO, it is bound to take action, and the United States is all-round to win over India, the United States has armed India, and the United States has exported a lot of weapons and equipment to India, the latest one is the MQ-9B unmanned aerial vehicle platform, and the MH-60R/S search and rescue anti-submarine helicopter, etc., the United States' purpose has been very clear, that is, to use India to contain the rise of China. India has played a very disgraceful role in many fields, in fact, India was originally a member of the RCEP, but in the end India announced its withdrawal from the world's largest regional free trade agreement, India gave up a huge market and opportunities, obviously to suffer.

India is playing tricks again? Modi refuses to participate in the SCO summit, Indian media: or related to China

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