
Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"You say you can't eat spinach for heart disease? I'll have to ask the doctor. Uncle Wang Yuquan held the vegetable basket with a puzzled face. As a retired chef, he knows a lot about food, but this is the first time he's heard it. The old neighbors in the community are also gossiping, some say that spinach is rich in iron, and some say that spinach will affect the health of people with heart disease.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

So, Uncle Wang decided to take advantage of the time to go to the hospital for a physical examination this week, and ask the doctor by the way what was going on.

Uncle Wang came to the hospital in the center of the city early in the morning and walked into the consultation room of the cardiology department. Dr. Su, a veteran doctor who specializes in heart disease. He has always been the kind of doctor who is both rigorous and kind, and can always patiently answer patients' questions.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

"Dr. Su, I heard that people with heart disease can't eat spinach, is that true?" Uncle Wang cut straight to the point.

Doctor Su smiled, and the gaze behind the glasses was gentle and serious: "Uncle Wang, in fact, many patients have similar questions about this problem. Spinach is rich in a variety of trace elements and vitamins such as iron, calcium, and vitamin K. ”

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

"But for people with heart disease, the key is the vitamin K it contains. Vitamin K is important for blood clotting, which may have some effects on people who are sick with anticoagulant medications. This is because anticoagulant drugs work primarily to help reduce blood clotting, while vitamin K may increase the tendency of blood to clot, thus canceling each other out. ”

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Dr. So took out a booklet on dietary guidance that explained in detail the dietary precautions for heart patients. "It's not that you can't eat it, but the amount should be moderate. If your dose of anticoagulant medication is stable and your blood test results are stable, it's okay to eat some spinach in moderation. But the key is to maintain this stability, and regular blood tests are required. ”

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Dr. Su also mentioned that in addition to spinach, there are several other aspects that heart disease patients need to pay attention to in their diet: "For example, high-sodium foods should be eaten as little as possible, because they can increase the burden on the heart. Foods high in fat and sugar should also be controlled, which are not heart-friendly. ”

Uncle Wang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and he realized that diet is so important for heart health, and it is not exactly what you can't eat, but more about how to eat.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Dr. Su smiled and nodded, and gave Uncle Wang some specific dietary advice to help him better manage his heart health. Uncle Wang left the clinic with a lot of gains, and he decided to share these valuable suggestions with his neighbors and benefit them when he returned home.

When it comes to heart health, however, in addition to these regular recommendations, there are some lesser-known but extremely effective foods that can help us better maintain our heart health.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Citrus fruits. Not only are they an excellent source of vitamin C, but they also contain high amounts of flavonoids, which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Flavonoids lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation while improving the function of blood vessels, which is essential to prevent hardening of the arteries as well as heart attacks. So, consuming the right amount of citrus fruits every day will not only make you enjoy the deliciousness, but also protect your heart.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Moving on to celery, an often overlooked vegetable that is actually a small treasure trove of heart health. Chemicals found in celery, such as ellagic acid, have been shown to lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. Additionally, celery's high moisture and fiber are also great for people with heart disease, as they can help maintain clean and healthy blood vessels.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Purple foods such as purple cabbage, blackberries, and purple potatoes. Anthocyanins are found in these foods, which have powerful antioxidant effects. Anthocyanins fight free radicals, protect the heart from damage, and may reduce the risk of heart disease. So, try adding some purple food to your diet to not only make your plate more colorful, but also add points to your heart health.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, especially in deep-sea fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly effective in reducing the risk of heart attack, suppressing inflammation, and regulating blood lipid levels. Eating omega-3-rich fish on a regular basis can significantly improve heart health, which is why heart health guidelines often recommend adding to these foods.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

With these less common but extremely effective dietary recommendations, we can not only increase the variety of our foods, but also protect our hearts more holistically.

Dietary diversity is one of the keys to good health, and the principle of eating in moderation and balance applies to heart health. So, let's try to incorporate these beneficial foods into our daily diet to fuel our hearts.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

The lifestyle habits of people with heart disease are one of the key factors in maintaining their health. In addition to diet, other aspects of life also have a significant impact on heart health. Some of the lifestyle changes that are essential for people with heart disease may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but they are extremely effective ways to protect the heart.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Exercise is often thought of as a symbol of health, but for people with heart disease, it is especially important to choose the right type and intensity of exercise. Aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or relaxing cycling, can help strengthen the heart muscle and improve the heart's ability to pump blood. This type of exercise does not require the heart to be under great stress for a short period of time, but rather helps the heart work more efficiently.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Stress reduction is also a part of heart disease patients. Learning how to manage stress, for example through meditation or simple deep breathing exercises, can be an effective way to reduce mental stress. In fact, relaxation techniques such as meditation have been shown to reduce the recurrence and mortality of heart disease because they improve the regulation of the autonomic nervous system and reduce the risk of arrhythmias.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

The quality and duration of sleep. A good night's sleep can help regulate the inflammatory response in the body while maintaining hormone balance, which is very beneficial for heart health. In addition, preventing the occurrence of sleep apnea is another key point, as this condition repeatedly causes sudden changes in heartbeat and blood pressure during the night, posing an additional burden on the heart.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Through these lifestyle modifications, patients with heart disease can significantly improve their quality of life and reduce the occurrence of cardiac events. While these habit changes take time and effort, the long-term benefits are unmatched for heart health.

Each recommendation should be adjusted under the guidance of a physician to ensure that each activity is appropriate for the patient's specific health condition. This holistic approach is not just a treatment for heart disease, but a lifestyle shift aimed at leading to a healthier, more fulfilling life for people with heart disease.

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

(All names have been changed)

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Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible



[1] Yu Xiuchan. Investigation of the risk of malnutrition in patients with chronic heart failure and the improvement effect of individualized nutritional support, China Food and Nutrition, 2024-06-14

Can't eat spinach for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible