
On May 5th, the beginning of summer, remember that "eat 4 things, do 1 thing" has a good meaning of health and safety, and the old tradition needs to be inherited

author:The food of the snow peaks

May 5th, the beginning of summer, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 4 things, do 1 thing", health and safety means good, and the old tradition needs to be inherited!

Time flies, spring will pass in a blink of an eye, and then May 5 will usher in the beginning of summer, the beginning of summer is the seventh solar term in the 24 solar terms, and it is also the first solar term of summer. With the arrival of "Lixia", it also heralds the farewell to spring, and summer has begun, and Lixia is also known as "the end of spring". Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the etiquette of the beginning of summer, and many places will hold summer ceremonies on this day of the beginning of summer. No matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 4 things and do 1 thing", which means health and safety, and the old tradition needs to be inherited!

On May 5th, the beginning of summer, remember that "eat 4 things, do 1 thing" has a good meaning of health and safety, and the old tradition needs to be inherited

1: Noodles

As the saying goes: "the dumplings of the beginning of summer, the noodles of the summer solstice" eating dumplings in the beginning of summer is our local long-standing food custom of the beginning of the summer, dumplings imply happiness and perfection! The beginning of the summer is coming, remember to eat dumplings~

On May 5th, the beginning of summer, remember that "eat 4 things, do 1 thing" has a good meaning of health and safety, and the old tradition needs to be inherited

Recommended: [Eggplant Meat Dumplings] Ingredients: 500 grams of flour, half a round eggplant, an appropriate amount of meat filling, a little soy sauce, minced green onions, minced ginger, a little salt, and an appropriate amount of peanut oil.

1. Put the flour into the basin, add an appropriate amount of water and noodles, knead it into a smooth dough and knead it well for a while.

2. Add soy sauce, salt, minced ginger and a little peppercorn powder to the meat filling and mix well, add peanut oil and mix well, finally put the chopped eggplant into it and mix well, finally add a little minced green onion, and mix well with chopsticks, so that the delicious dumpling filling is adjusted.

3. Knead the dough fully, knead it into a small dough of the same size, press it flat, roll it out into a thin dumpling skin with a rolling pin, wrap it in the filling and pinch it tightly, the dumplings are ready, boil water in the pot, boil the dumplings and take them out.

Two: eggs

According to the old people in the family, eating "summer eggs" is not afraid of heat in summer, which means peace and health! Eating eggs in the beginning of summer is a very classic food custom. Many places have this custom, mainly the practice is slightly different, or boiled tea eggs, or boiled spiced eggs, or boiled white water eggs, or boiled shepherd's cabbage eggs, etc., we follow the local food customs, picture a good head!

On May 5th, the beginning of summer, remember that "eat 4 things, do 1 thing" has a good meaning of health and safety, and the old tradition needs to be inherited

Recommended: [Boiled eggs with shepherd's cabbage] Ingredients: eggs, shepherd's cabbage, red dates, a little salt.

1. Pull out the pursed cabbage with the roots, pick a handful is enough, drop the dirty part, leave only the cleaner part clean, put it in a casserole, and put it in an appropriate amount of water.

2. Put an appropriate amount of eggs into the pot, add red dates, ginger slices, and a little salt, bring to a boil over high heat, change to low heat and cook slowly for 2 minutes, and simmer until cooked.

Three: Lixia tea

On the day of the beginning of summer, drinking Lixia tea is a custom in many places, according to the old generation: "Drinking Lixia tea, summer is not difficult". On the day of the beginning of summer, make a pot of "Lixia tea" with the new tea of that year, and drink it with the whole family, which means peace and health.

On May 5th, the beginning of summer, remember that "eat 4 things, do 1 thing" has a good meaning of health and safety, and the old tradition needs to be inherited

Four: Cherry

In the beginning of summer, cherries are freshly listed, many places have food customs in the beginning of summer solar terms, cherries are one of them, cherries are not only delicious but also mean prosperity, praying for prosperity in the new year, smooth and safe!

On May 5th, the beginning of summer, remember that "eat 4 things, do 1 thing" has a good meaning of health and safety, and the old tradition needs to be inherited

Remember to do 1 thing during the beginning of the summer solar term:

After the beginning of the summer solar term, the temperature will gradually rise, and people will inevitably be irritable and angry, and their appetite will also decrease. We are suitable for a light and nutritious diet in our diet. Foods that are easy to digest and rich in vitamins should be eaten, and large fish, meat, and greasy and spicy foods should be eaten sparingly. With such a diet and reasonable exercise, we can spend the summer safely and healthily!

On May 5th, the beginning of summer, remember that "eat 4 things, do 1 thing" has a good meaning of health and safety, and the old tradition needs to be inherited

Feng'er's words:

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