
The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in

author:Wuhan News Broadcast

During the "May Day" holiday, the World Garden Congress bloomed brilliantly, and the two major exhibition areas of Shahu Park and Wuhan Garden Expo Park became the "top stream" of spring. 39 new gardens, more than 30 million pots, more than 1,000 kinds of new and excellent flowers turned into "flower shows", garden roadshows, flower markets and other 37 cultural activities continue to bloom, swiping the circle of friends, attracting tourists from all over the country to go to Wuhan to share this flower event.

The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in
The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in

On May 5, the Wuhan venue of the World Garden Congress officially closed, but the enthusiasm of citizens to watch and enjoy flowers has not subsided. According to the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Gardens and Forestry, in order to comply with the needs of citizens, most of the exhibition areas and market activities will be postponed to May 12, and citizens can also seize the time to check in and enjoy the flowers.

300,000 people check in in 8 days! Citizens and tourists enjoy the flowers and visit the exhibition, and they can't wait to return

The World Garden Congress is the first international comprehensive flower show in China that integrates the model of "conference + exhibition + garden exhibition", and this year it is the first time to set up a venue in central China. In the past 8 days, 300,000 tourists have come to Han and met a romantic date with flowers.

26 family gardens, 13 enterprise exhibition parks, 45 merchant flower markets, as well as special gardens such as Yueji Garden and Hydrangea Garden "shine" unveiled, allowing citizens and tourists to call "dazzling eyes".

"The flower show is so beautiful, I'm very happy, I still want to see it!" On the morning of May 1, a tourist from Changsha dragged his suitcase to Shahu Park to see the flower show. In order to take good-looking photos, many tourists come in costumes, take pictures while walking, laughing and laughing all the way, and showing off the most elegant side among the flowers.

The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in
The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in

"Visiting the flower exhibition makes me feel like an art exhibition, as if I have walked into the world of flowers in oil paintings!" "Citizens and tourists often sigh when they check in the exhibition area of Shahu Park. Huang Linfang, the organizer of the conference, Zhejiang Hongyue Flower Co., Ltd. Operations Director and Senior Engineer of Landscape Architecture, introduced that in order to bring a more creative flower show experience to citizens and tourists, the flower show invited internationally renowned flower brand companies and professionals to participate in the exhibition, bringing more than 60 hydrangea varieties, 10 peony varieties, more than 30 clematis varieties and other international flower varieties. "The artistic display is also a highlight, integrating the art of painting into the flower show, there are flowers in the painting, and the flowers are picturesque, which is refreshing. Huang Linfang said.

In the exhibition area of Wuhan Garden Expo Park, in front of popular check-in spots such as hydrangea oil painting waterfalls and colorful flower walls, tourists took group photos one after another. Aunt Liu, who lives in Qingshan, specially invited a friend to come to enjoy the flowers, she said: "I went to the flower show in Shahu Park two days ago, and today I came to the Garden Expo Park. ”

The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in

Young people enjoy flowers and visit the garden, parent-child families camp among the flowers, aunts can't help but sing and dance, primary and secondary school students popularize science, flower enterprises and industry exchanges, and flower friends come to receive flower seeds...... By carrying out a variety of cultural activities and green activities to benefit the people, citizens and tourists of all ages enjoy the flower carnival and check in and take photos to send to Moments. Horticultural activities such as the "Wetland Garden's 'Beauty' Home" family gardening salon, garden roadshow, and lotus master class in Shahu Park allow visitors to immerse themselves in horticultural culture. The "Fanghua Competition" science popularization exhibition held at the venue of Wuhan Garden Expo Park in the Yangtze River Civilization Museum, as well as flash mob performances, popular science research, children's dramas and other activities added to the vitality.

"It's a blockbuster here, and the circle of friends I posted has attracted a lot of likes!" In the Yueji Park of Shahu Park, young tourists roam in the sea of flowers, recording the romance of youth with their lenses. In order to allow citizens to have a richer flower-viewing experience, Shahu Park has also taken the initiative to open up a shared green space for tourists to enjoy the spring sunshine. Citizens share the romance of flowers in a fancy way, making the city of Wuhan glow with more brilliant brilliance.

Yao Chonghuai, a professor at Huazhong Agricultural University and chairman of the Wuhan Society of Landscape Architecture, spoke highly of the flower show: "The Wuhan venue of the 2024 World Garden Congress is an important window for the development of Wuhan's gardens. The theme gardens of various styles presented by the Wuhan Convention Venue, the rich and colorful flower types and varieties, the innovative construction techniques and crafts, the open and shared exchange and interactive scenes and the academic activities that lead the development make this garden conference full of highlights and wonderful. ”

26 family gardens will continue to decorate Shahu Park

This flower show not only allows citizens and tourists to enjoy the beauty of the world's flowers in Wuhan, but also strives to mobilize the whole society to jointly create a wetland flower city and enhance the green well-being of citizens.

A total of 26 exquisite family gardens were exhibited in the exhibition area of Shahu Park, which will remain in the Shahu Park Wetland Art Park after the closing of the World Garden Congress in Wuhan. Zhang Qian, a garden engineer of the Shahu Park Management Office, introduced that the conference upgraded the original master garden, Yueji Garden, hydrangea garden, and iris garden in the Wetland Art Park, and there are currently more than 100 large and small gardens in Shahu Park.

According to the relevant person in charge of Wuhan Municipal Garden and Forestry Bureau, in order to create an immersive exhibition experience of "gardening + life", the conference launched the "Family Gardening Exhibition Area Collection Plan" in advance, attracting hundreds of horticulturists, garden families and university teams to actively sign up for garden construction.

The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in
The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in

In order to attract the public to participate in the interaction, on April 28, the "Best Popular Garden" interactive voting activity was launched on the Green Xiaowu platform, which attracted more than 100,000 views and likes as of the early morning of May 5. Combined with the expert review opinions given by the exhibition group in the early stage, the conference selected a number of family garden awards, such as the Special Award, the Best Popularity Award, the Comprehensive Display Garden Award, the Creative Design Garden Award, the Plant Application Garden Award, and the Excellence Award.

"In the past few days, I have been browsing the circle of friends, and I often see everyone basking in my garden. I am both happy and grateful to be able to build a garden in the park and be liked by everyone!" Wuhan citizen and horticultural designer Li Shihui and her Dutch husband jointly created the "Bad Hufofdorp Town Impression Garden" won the special award, she said: "This flower show has a wide range of radiation, horticulturists, university teams, and Internet celebrities have come. In the process of building the garden, everyone communicated, guided, and helped each other, and met a lot of friends, which benefited very much!"

In addition, the work of teachers and students majoring in landscape architecture design of Hubei Ecological Engineering Vocational and Technical College "Yu Xinyuan" won the best popularity award. The British garden-style work "Voice of the Wilderness" designed by Internet celebrity gardening blogger Bai Miao, and the work "Family Story" by teachers and students of Huazhong Agricultural University won the Comprehensive Exhibition Garden Award.

Polishing the new image of Wuhan's "Wetland Flower City"! Flower appreciators and horticultural enterprises love to come

In the exhibition area of Wuhan Garden Expo Park, a flower lover and horticulturist had a very lively appointment with a hundred flowers. Garden system units, enterprises and designers have made great efforts to create 13 enterprise exhibition gardens and 45 merchant flower markets.

The gardens are not only full of spring, but also have their own characteristics, which will make flower fans unforgettable.

  • The "Happy in the Flower City" garden built by Wuhan Urban Construction Group is dominated by wooden houses, stacked stone waterscapes, flower tubes and flower walls, which are integrated with more than 300 kinds of flowers to create a gorgeous and colorful visual experience.
  • The "My Garden" created by Wuhan Wujing Horticultural Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd. is composed of a rock garden, showing the beauty of nature through rock scenery and plant collocation, and the "Dream Back Yellow Crane Poetry Road" exhibition garden in Yellow Crane Tower Park uses 3D printing technology to copy Cui Hao's poem "Yellow Crane Tower" on the inscribed poem wall of the garden, so that visitors can enjoy the charm of Yellow Crane Tower culture while strolling and enjoying the scenery;
  • The "'wet' love and 'flower' meaning" garden created by Wuhan Academy of Garden Sciences symbolizes a small wetland with a small pond full of various water lilies, surrounded by wet iris, vermilion red, viburnum, Chu cherry and other flowers, implying that the wetland flower city is full of vitality;
  • The "Meet the West Garden 1910" displayed in Zhongshan Park, a century-old famous garden, organically integrates modern gardening technology with the profound history and culture of the park, and tells the "old park, new story" in an ingenious way.
  • Wuhan Agricultural Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan Qintai Ecological Environment Construction Co., Ltd., Wuhan Zhebo Agriculture and Forestry Industry Development Co., Ltd., Huilv Garden Construction and Development Co., Ltd., Wuhan Qintai Ecological Environment Construction Co., Ltd., Wuhan Optics Valley Ecological Garden Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Hubei Heyi Flower Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuhan Wuchang Municipal Construction (Group) Co., Ltd., Wuhan New Area Construction and Development Investment Co., Ltd. and other enterprises are also impressive.

"This flower show is a rare visual feast and design feast. Not only did I see a lot of flowers that I had never seen before, but the combination of flowers and art, and the combination of flowers and decoration and architecture were also very distinctive. Ms. Zhao, a Wuhan citizen who often visits flower shows, said.

The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in
The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in

"In recent years, Wuhan's flower brand has become more and more resounding, which has produced a strong radiation force on other regions in Hubei Province, and has gathered new momentum for the flower industry led by Wuhan. Huang Xuqi, head of Hubei Tongxin Flower Sea Agricultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said that they made a special trip from Yichang to Wuhan to participate in the exhibition, hoping to gain insight into the new trend of the flower industry through this conference, and at the same time open up a larger market and seek more cooperation. The theme of the enterprise exhibition garden they created this time is "Adventures in the Wild", and the local rare plants of Yichang such as dove tree, tobacco viburnum, and shrimp spine orchid are selected for horticultural matching, which is very popular with the public during the flower show.

"Our family's garden can also learn to grow some vegetables like this, which is both beautiful and delicious!" Aunt Chen, a citizen, took her family to Wuhan Garden Expo Park to visit the garden, and the enterprise exhibition park of Wuhan Agricultural Group Urban Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. dazzled them. More than 20 kinds of vegetables and fruits such as blueberries, kumquats, pumpkins, and peppers, as well as vanilla plants such as lemongrass, mint, lemon and thyme, are displayed in the exhibition park, which not only have ecological value, aesthetic value, but also edible value, allowing the public to experience the new form of garden life and obtain a new direction of home gardening consumption through the flower exhibition.

The World Garden Congress is closed, and the public can continue to check in

In recent years, Wuhan has started the construction of the wetland flower city, built a number of flower avenues, flower blocks, flower characteristic parks, and carried out a wealth of flower activities, and tens of millions of citizens enjoy the beauty of the four seasons and the happiness of flowers in Wuhan, the "wetland flower city". The relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Municipal Garden and Forestry Bureau said that he hoped that through the flower show, citizens and tourists would embrace the sea of flowers, so that citizens could feel the vitality of the city in the life of flowers, and at the same time strengthen industry exchanges and cooperation, jointly promote the construction of livable and resilient smart cities, and make green happiness within reach.

Reporter Zuo Jian, correspondent Sun Shu

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