
The Japanese table tennis world champion combination was upset! Zhang Benmeihe was defeated and stopped in the round of 16 in a thrilling way!

author:Xiao Cold


In the women's doubles of the Saudi Arabia Grand Slam on May 6, Japan's Miwa Haramoto and Miu Hirano suffered an unexpected defeat. Facing the cross-association duo of Australia's Liu Yangzi and Hong Kong's Ng Wing-lam, the Japanese pair finally lost 1-3 in a fierce confrontation and stopped in the round of 16.

The Japanese table tennis world champion combination was upset! Zhang Benmeihe was defeated and stopped in the round of 16 in a thrilling way!

The loss of this game was undoubtedly a heavy blow for the Japanese team. Miu Hirano, as Japan's world champion, has been in the spotlight for her performances. However, in this game, her cooperation with Zhang Benmeihe did not seem to be tacit, and there were frequent unnecessary mistakes, which made them have been in a passive position in the game.

The Japanese table tennis world champion combination was upset! Zhang Benmeihe was defeated and stopped in the round of 16 in a thrilling way!

In the first game, the Japanese pair were a little slow to heat up, but their opponents seized the opportunity to take an 11-8 lead. Entering the second game, the Japanese pair still did not find their form, and the mistakes continued, and they lost 8-11 again. At this time, the Japanese pair was already 0-2 down and the situation was precarious.

In the third game, the Japanese pair finally started to exert their strength, strengthened the landing point changes, and caused a lot of problems for their opponents. The scores of the two sides were tight, and in the end, the Japanese pair struggled to win the first game 12-10. However, in the crucial fourth game, the Japanese pair were unable to continue their form in the previous game, and eventually lost another game at 8-11 and were eliminated with an aggregate score of 1-3.

The Japanese table tennis world champion combination was upset! Zhang Benmeihe was defeated and stopped in the round of 16 in a thrilling way!

The defeat also exposed the problems that the Japanese pair had in terms of coordination and consistency. For the Japanese team, this defeat may be a reminder that they need to pay more attention to detail and cooperate in future competitions in order to go far in the international table tennis arena.

Zheng Yijing is in a brave state and advances to the next round

In stark contrast to the Japanese pair's defeat, Chinese Taipei's Zheng Yijing performed well in the women's singles. In the match against South Korean chipper Seo Hyo-won, Zheng Yijing played at a very high level and won comfortably with a score of 3-0 to advance to the next round.

In this match, Zheng Yijing showed her excellent technical and tactical qualities. Not only is she able to accurately judge the rotation and rhythm of the opponent, but she is also able to flexibly use various technical means to deal with different situations. During the match, she remained calm and focused, not being disrupted by her opponent's rhythm.

The Japanese table tennis world champion combination was upset! Zhang Benmeihe was defeated and stopped in the round of 16 in a thrilling way!

In the first game, Zheng Yijing quickly entered the state and took the lead 11-9. Heading into the second game, she was still in good shape and won again 11-9. In the third game, Zheng Yijing was even more powerful and easily won the game 11-4.

Zheng Yijing's victory not only accumulated confidence and experience for herself, but also brought glory to the Chinese Taipei team. As the core player of the team, her performance will directly affect the results and trend of the Chinese Taipei team in the game.

The Chinese Taipei men's team was wiped out

Compared to the singles matches of Japan's women's doubles and Zheng Yijing, the performance of the Chinese Taipei men's team in this Grand Slam is a bit bleak. With the veteran Zhuang Zhiyuan out, the Chinese Taipei men's team has been wiped out.

Zhuang Zhiyuan lost 2-3 to South Korea's Cho Dae-sung in the men's singles, and this match also became his farewell match. As a seasoned veteran, Zhuang Zhiyuan showed tenacious fighting spirit and fighting spirit in the game, but in the end he was unable to turn the defeat around.

In addition to Zhuang Zhiyuan, the other players of the Chinese Taipei men's team also failed to make a breakthrough. Lin Yunru was in poor form due to the impact of the flu and lost 0-3 to Zhuang Zhiyuan, while Gao Chengrui lost to Iran's Alamiyan and missed the promotion.

The defeat of the Chinese Taipei men's team also exposed their technical and tactical deficiencies. In future competitions, they need to pay more attention to technical and tactical training and improvement in order to achieve better results in the international table tennis arena.

The report of the women's doubles match of the Saudi Arabia Grand Slam shows the fierce competition and strength gap between players from various countries. The defeat of the Japanese pair, the victory of Zheng Yijing, and the defeat of the Chinese Taipei men's team all provided us with valuable lessons and lessons.

For the Japanese pair, they need to pay more attention to training and improvement in coordination and stability in the future games, for Zheng Yijing, she needs to continue to maintain her good form and strive to improve her technical level, and for the Chinese Taipei men's team, they need to pay more attention to technical and tactical training and team cooperation and cooperation in order to achieve better results and breakthroughs in future competitions。

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