
China-Laos Railway Youth Talk (1)丨Young Lecturer Li Xinlu: The "Steel Silk Road" Connecting the Future

author:Kunming Information Port

Since the official opening of the China-Laos Railway to traffic for more than two years, the China-Laos Railway, as an international channel connecting China and Laos, has not only carried goods and passengers, witnessed the struggle and growth of countless young people, but also carried the deep friendship and common development dream of the two peoples.

On the occasion of the May Fourth Youth Day, the Cailong Community of Kunming Information Port launched the May Fourth Youth Day column "China-Laos Railway Youth Talk", aiming to listen to the voices of young people and share their stories of chasing dreams and forging ahead in the development of the China-Laos Railway.

China-Laos Railway Youth Talk (1)丨Young Lecturer Li Xinlu: The "Steel Silk Road" Connecting the Future

Young Lecturer Li Xinlu:

In 1997, my parents took me to Yunnan for a trip, and I sat on a green hard seat, which took 3 days and 3 nights; In 2011, I went to school in Kunming and took the express train, which took 38 hours. In the past few years, my friends have come to experience "there is a life called Yunnan", taking the high-speed rail line with the longest one-way mileage in the country, only 10 hours; Now I take my children from Kunming Mohan Port to Vientiane, the capital of Laos, and take the China-Laos Railway "Fuxing", which only takes 3 hours.

The rejuvenation of the country is thriving. The railway is winding, and the heart is connected.

During the Spring Festival this year, Ali of Vientiane Hotel took his family to Kunming on the China-Laos Railway, and Ali introduced them to "Shenjun in the east, Lingyi in the west, Xiangsu in the south, and meandering in the north". I can't tell at all that when he first came to China to study many years ago, he didn't understand the language, and he would blush when he talked to female classmates. The school developed a Chinese course to help him, his teachers and friends cared for him warmly, and other international students encouraged him. A year later, the shy boy had become the host on the stage of the college evening. Ali was amazed by the profound Chinese culture, and the extensive Chinese railway network made him realize the inclusiveness of Beijing, the rapid development of Shenzhen, the rich history of Xi'an, and the poetry and picturesqueness of Hangzhou...... He said: "Studying in China is like riding the 'Lancang' at a high speed, taking me to see a broader and better world. Now that the China-Laos Railway has allowed more Laotians to go abroad, my younger brothers and sisters will also come to China to study."

Ali's father, who took the old Chinese saying "to get rich first build roads" as his motto, actively participated in the construction of the China-Laos Railway, and witnessed Laos's "change from a land-locked country to a land-linked country". In their hometown, there are large areas of primeval forest, and the terrain is complex, and Ali's father and his co-workers have lamented the design of bridges and tunnels connecting the China-Laos railway line. The construction environment is harsh and the construction is extremely difficult, and the locals have praised Chinese technology + Chinese equipment + Chinese standards to make the Mowan section of the railway go to heaven and earth, and Chinese experts have brought out a group of high-quality "master craftsmen" for Laos.

"With a broad mind and an inclusive spirit, we will be the promoter and promoter of the great cause of building a 'community with a shared future for mankind'." Ali always remembered his education in China. He took the initiative to participate in the celebration of the opening of the China-Laos Railway - to Nakoli Hope Primary School in Tongxin Town, Pu'er, to do volunteer service activities for international students. At this important post station of the Southern Silk Road Tea Horse Road, the "Unity Dance" was danced, using art to promote mutual learning between China and Laos, and interpreting the friendship between China and Laos with action. He is well aware that the future of China-Laos friendship lies in young people, and the foundation of interconnection lies in the heart. He also taught Laotians to speak Chinese, so that more Laotian teenagers could hear Chinese stories and understand Chinese culture, so that they could have a goal for future study and the direction of building the motherland.

Now Ali will tell foreigners in Laos: "The Laos railway used to be only 3.5 kilometers, but today it is more than 1,000 kilometers, and it is a "miracle of mountains and rivers" in the vast land. The Belt and Road Initiative is a golden opportunity for Laos, thanks to the Chinese government and all the railway builders. He sang the newly learned song "Watching the Sea by High-speed Rail" and welcomed Chinese friends to Laos. In the spring city of Chaoci, take the high-speed train to see the sea, drink the water of Dianchi Lake in the early morning, and visit Vientiane Street at night...... (Song excerpt, 1 minute)

In the music video for the song just now, there is such a shot. He was the duty driver of the first train of the China-Laos Railway and was awarded the title of "National Youth Post Expert" by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.

Before the departure, he reported to General Secretary Xi Jinping sonorously, behind just 27 words, Hu Jian came to the railway after retiring from the army, from students, co-drivers to drivers, from freight drivers, bus drivers to "Fuxing" drivers, paid more than 3,000 days and nights, more than 100,000 times of painstaking training.

In 2021, the China-Laos Railway will start the selection of EMU drivers, and Hu Jian signed up as soon as possible. He found the relevant drawings and technical parameters of the China-Laos Railway, and memorized every bridge, every tunnel, and every ramp on the line. On weekdays, he regards every duty as a real battle, and every simulated operation of the China-Laos Railway as a decisive battle, and practices the superb skills of smooth driving and accurate benchmarking day after day. Hu Jian stood out among nearly 4,000 train drivers, and was successfully selected as the first batch of EMU drivers of the China-Laos Railway and was elected as the first train driver.

The geological conditions along the China-Laos Railway are complex, the ratio of bridges and tunnels is more than 87%, and the line ramp is large. In order to achieve the most comfortable riding experience, Hu Jian often got off work in the middle of the night and "relied on" to check information and find regulations. In order to feel the impulse point and degree of impulse of the train from the perspective of passengers, he used his off-duty time to take different carriages to find his feelings and make records. After exploring again and again, he knows everything about where the speed needs to be controlled and how many levels of handles need to be lifted in which section of the China-Laos Railway train, and he has also summarized a series of operating standards. It truly achieves "the car does not know the passengers, and the car parking passengers do not know". Hu Jian often said: "No matter how many trains are worth taking in the future, I will keep in mind the entrustment of the general secretary and the people just like the first train, and ensure the safe and smooth operation of the China-Laos railway and the hearts of the people of the two countries." ”

The China-Laos Railway is a road connecting the hearts of the two peoples, a road of hope paved by Camellia and Champa, a road of friendship for cooperation and development, and a "steel silk road" in the new era. Ten years after the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed, high-quality cooperation projects have become "national landmarks", "livelihood projects" and "cooperation monuments" in countries along the Belt and Road. Let the initiative of mutual learning between civilizations, mutual benefit and win-win results between countries, and mutual understanding and mutual trust and respect between people have become a blueprint into a reality.

Dear young friends, let us roll up our sleeves and work hard together, and unite and strive for the next decade, the second centenary, to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way! Let us continue to use Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions and Chinese strength to make new and greater contributions to the noble cause of human peace and development!

China-Laos Railway Youth Talk (1)丨Young Lecturer Li Xinlu: The "Steel Silk Road" Connecting the Future

Li Xinlu, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the High School Affiliated to Yunnan People's University, Deputy Director of the Young Workers Committee, Member of the Second Youth Work Committee of Chenggong District, Kunming City, "Outstanding Volunteer" of the China Youth Foundation, "Outstanding League Cadre" of Kunming City, Volunteer Docent of the Yunnan Museum of Nationalities to Strengthen the Sense of Community of the Chinese Nation, Chuncheng Youth Lecturer of the Kunming Youth League Municipal Committee, and Light Cavalry of National Unity and Progress. Previously, he served as a cadre of the Youth Development Department of the Provincial Youth League Committee (temporary post), and a youth representative of the Youth Exchange Program of all ethnic groups and the "Red Pomegranate Summer Camp" activity.

Source: Cailong Community

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