
Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

author:Watching the world without wings
Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

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In a villa complex in the capital Beijing, a quiet and unique atmosphere quietly spreads.

A small carefully selected bungalow stands alone, with an expensive and extraordinarily ornate imported sedan parked in front of the door.

The portholes open wide to give a glimpse of the mirror-smooth marble floors inside the house, and the wide, bright study deep in the hallway.

In this elegant and comfortable study, Zhang Mozheng is engrossed in front of the computer to create. Her brows were sometimes furrowed, sometimes furrowed, as if she were suffering from some indescribable trouble.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

On the coffee table next to her, a trophy is quietly placed, which is the best new director she won for her directorial debut "28-year-old underage".

As the daughter of the famous director Zhang Yimou, Zhang Mo has been bathed in film art since he was a child. As soon as her first work was released, it aroused an enthusiastic response from a wide range of audiences, stood out among many emerging directors, and won wide attention.

What's even more striking is that the film "Sniper" co-directed by her father Zhang Yimou won a high score of 7.7 points for its excellent quality, making Zhang Mo win a number of best director awards and establishing her lofty status as an outstanding filmmaker.

At this moment, a burly little boy ran into the study happily, followed by a middle-aged man with an elegant temperament. "Mom, we're home! What are you working on now? The little boy shouted excitedly.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

Zhang Mo stood up with a smile, gently hugged her husband Meng Fanqing, and kissed her son's forehead affectionately. Back in 2013, she bravely stepped into the second marriage journey of her life and tied the knot with Meng Fanqing.

Now, they have a pair of lively and lovely dragon and phoenix fetal daughters, whenever a family of four gathers together, the happy smiles on the faces of the couple all show the sweetness and harmony of their lives.

However, the path Zhang Mo has traveled has not been smooth sailing. She was born in 1983, her father was the hot director Zhang Yimou at the time, and her mother was Zhang Yimou's first wife Xiao Hua.

Although her father cared for her, Zhang Mo's childhood life was always shrouded in a haze, and she did not lack fatherly love, but on the contrary, she witnessed her father dedicate that deep love to others.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

That year, Zhang Yimou won the "Golden Bear Award" for the movie "Red Sorghum" and became famous. It was supposed to be the pinnacle of his career, but it also became a turning point in his married life.

Zhang Mo witnessed first-hand the passionate extramarital affair between his father and the well-known actress Gong Li, as well as the breakdown of this seemingly perfect family. And after this marriage broke down, she faced more challenges in her life.

As a young child, she could not understand the intricate emotional entanglements between her parents, and could only perceive from daily life that her father did not hesitate to give up on herself and her mother because of a woman named Gong Li.

In her autobiography, her mother, Xiao Hua, expressed in words full of grief: "In the twenty years I spent with him, I seemed to have become a tragic character. This sentence undoubtedly deeply touched Zhang Mo's heart.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

At school, Zhang Mo was often subjected to cold words from his classmates. Some of them gloated and laughed at the breakdown of her family, while others criticized her father's actions.

In the face of these gossips, Zhang Mo's heart was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

She once had great admiration for her father and regarded him as a role model in life, but now, this admiration has gradually turned into a deep hatred.

After experiencing countless injuries, Zhang Mo began to instinctively avoid his father's concern. She indifferently refused her father's visit, and the little girl who used to affectionately call him "Dad" has now become so strange, which makes Zhang Yimou deeply shocked and heartbroken.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

When she first met Tovey, her meticulous care for Zhang Mo made her feel like a spring breeze and regarded him as the only hope in her life. In the face of his mother's advice, Zhang Mo retorted sternly: "Your own marriage is a mess, what qualifications do you have to interfere with my choice?" "Her love for Tovey seems to go above and beyond all.

Soon after their marriage, however, Tovey showed a very different side. He began to stay up at night frequently, and even got drunk at times. What's more, he is addicted to the pleasure of violence.

Whenever he lost control of his emotions, he would beat Zhang Mo, push her to the ground, and add punches and kicks.

Zhang Mo, who has a strong sense of self-esteem, initially chose to bear the pain alone, she was reluctant to let her parents know about her unhappy marriage, afraid of hearing them say "I told you ...... a long time ago", and even more worried that they would be disappointed.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

However, her forbearance did not exchange Tovey's restraint, but only fueled his arrogance, and the violence became more and more rampant, and finally she was bruised.

After two years of endless torture and several hospital treatments, Zhang Mo, who was physically and mentally exhausted, finally mustered up the courage to seek help from her beloved father. Faced with his daughter's devastated appearance, Zhang Yimou was so angry that he couldn't control himself, and said to Zhang Mo firmly and forcefully: "Divorce him immediately, return to China and let me take care of you."

This painful experience made Zhang Mo deeply realize that relying on others does not bring permanent protection, and only when he is strong can he truly protect himself.

Although he once harbored a deep grudge against his father, Zhang Yimou, as the years passed, Zhang Mo gradually realized that his father had been trying to mend the rift between their father and daughter.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

After the divorce, Zhang Yimou's inner guilt drove him to make up for his debt to his eldest daughter at any cost, and he was eager to regain his daughter's trust and love and eliminate the estrangement accumulated over the years.

At first, Zhang Yimou carefully selected gifts for Zhang Mo like a child, bought all kinds of school supplies, and tried to warm her soul through material gifts. However, this method failed to solve the problem at the root of the problem, and Zhang Mo remained indifferent to him, treating him as a stranger.

Therefore, Zhang Yimou adjusted his strategy. In 1999, he deliberately took 16-year-old Zhang Mo to the beautiful Sanya for a vacation, no matter day or night, the two have always been inseparable from each other. Recalling that warm time, Zhang Mo still has a feeling of being in a different world.

The touching pictures made Zhang Mo gradually realize that his father had always loved her. Although she once rebuked him harshly, she found that no matter when and where, her father was always the one who loved and cared for her the most.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

Her father's selfless dedication and love for her eliminated the mustard in her heart.

After the divorce, Zhang Mo was like a phoenix, she resolutely decided to devote herself to the journey of further study at the New York University Film School, and under the careful guidance of her father Zhang Yimou, her directing career also began to emerge, showing unlimited potential.

In his father's crew, Zhang Mo is not idle, but wears many hats. She not only held the important position of assistant director, but also took on many tasks such as editor, subtitler and translator.

Although the nature of the work may seem unremarkable, the heavy workload often makes her struggle day and night, even through the night. However, it was this arduous training that allowed her to accumulate rich and valuable front-line practical experience, and she quickly thrived before she knew it.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

Her father, Zhang Yimou, also consistently spurred her on and inspired her. Whenever Zhang Mo had doubts about the shooting technique, he always took the trouble to explain in detail the artistic concepts contained in it; Whenever she doesn't grasp the plot of the characters accurately, he will also give nuanced instructions on how to dig deep into the deep emotions in her heart.

It is under such a kind of master-apprentice and step-by-step guidance that Zhang Mo gradually mastered the essence and skills of the directing industry.

It wasn't until 2016 that after years of precipitation and study, she finally had the strong strength to direct films independently. With his debut film "28-year-old underage", Zhang Mo became a blockbuster, won a warm response from the audience, emerged among the new director group, and gained widespread attention.

A few years later, she fought side by side with her father Zhang Yimou and co-created the movie "Sniper". The work earned a high rating of 7.7 for its exceptional quality, earning Zhang Mo multiple awards for Best Director, thus officially establishing her high status as an outstanding filmmaker.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

There is no doubt that in addition to relying on Zhang Mo's own talent and unremitting efforts, her father Zhang Yimou also contributed to her careful cultivation.

From the initial experience gained as a crew member to the acclaim of independent directing, her father has always been by her side to give her unwavering support. Zhang Mo is fortunate to be able to work hand in hand with his beloved father as a partner to share glory and glory.

Today's Zhang Mo has been able to face the past calmly and let go of the attachment in his heart. She no longer harbors resentment towards Gong Li, and even treats the woman who once "destroyed" her family as a friend.

Looking back on the past, Zhang Mo was full of emotion. The words "tragic character" described by her mother Xiao Hua in her autobiography were like a hammer at the time, ruthlessly shattering her admiration for her father.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

In school life, Zhang Mo was often ridiculed by his classmates, some of whom gloated at the breakdown of his family or commented on his father's behavior.

All this made Zhang Mo, who was in it, feel extremely agitated in his heart, and his heart was full of anger and injustice!

However, after the divorce, his father Zhang Yimou quietly acted and actively tried to mend the rift that had arisen between them in various ways. He carefully selected gifts for his daughter, especially took her to the beautiful Sanya to spend a comfortable vacation, and also used his extensive interpersonal relationships to make great efforts for his daughter to successfully apply for a prestigious school in the United States.

Even on the sickbed, he still sticks to his daughter's side, patiently answers her questions, and takes care of her daily life. The touching scenes finally made Zhang Mo deeply understand: it turned out that his father had always loved her deeply.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

Time is like an arrow, and time is like a shuttle. Today's Zhang Mo is able to look back on the past with a broader and more tolerant mind. Her misunderstandings and preconceptions about the "vicious woman" she regarded as a "vicious woman" have faded over time.

After an unforgettable emotional entanglement, she finally understood a profound truth: only by forgiving others for their mistakes can she be truly liberated.

Therefore, Zhang Mo bravely embraced his father, who was once denounced by her as a "scumbag", and also chose to accept Gong Li, who once made her difficult to let go.

She is grateful to her parents for their selfless support and companionship over the years, and for giving her the qualities of perseverance and independence, which enabled her to stand firm and live a wonderful life despite all the challenges in her life.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Married to a foreigner twice, suffered domestic violence, how are you doing now?

Looking back on the past journey, Zhang Mo's life has experienced countless twists and turns and difficulties, but it is these hardships that have created her brilliant achievements today. As an outstanding film director, she has won warm praise from a wide range of audiences for her outstanding talent and unremitting efforts.

And on the road of family affection and love, she finally found her own happiness and satisfaction. We sincerely wish that Zhang Mo can make further achievements in his future film creation and present more breathtaking and excellent works to the audience.

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