
A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

author:Sweet ponies


A magical creature in Chinese mythology and legend, the Pegasus is so large that it can climb mountains and mountains and leap into the sky at a very fast speed, and it is rumored that when the Pegasus gallops through the sky, its speed can catch up with the flying eagle.

Therefore, it is also known as the "divine horse", and it is also the king of the legendary horses, and is usually considered to be the divine horse in the sky, with divine powers.

In Western mythology, there is also a creature called "Pegasus", which is said to be a creature that can soar in the sky, with strong wings, and its appearance is very similar to that of a horse, so people named it "Pegasus".

Although modern science believes that the Pegasus is a fictitious creature, a "Pegasus" has really been discovered in Hubei.

Does this Pegasus really exist, and what kind of creature is it?

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

First, there is a "heavenly horse" in Hubei.

This kind of "Pegasus" is a very magical creature, people in Hubei Dawu County and Suizhou City have seen its traces when hunting, this "Pegasus" shape and the mythical Pegasus has the same thing, it is very similar to a Pegasus with its own saddle.

The creature is larger than a horse, but has the same hooves as a horse, and its hooves are the same as those of a horse, but it has a creature that looks very similar to a hyena and has very sharp teeth.

The head of the mane is very thick, the mane is also very thick, and the whole body is covered with a layer of golden hair, which looks very smooth.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

Its head is very similar to that of a cow, but it has two round eyes, which is very cute, but it is not as tame as a horse, and its temperament is very fierce, and it once attacked two villagers and bit them, so the locals will be very nervous when they see this creature.

This creature is called the "Pegasus", but it has nothing to do with horses, and through a detailed comparison of the characteristics of this creature, it was finally concluded that this "Pegasus" is actually an animal called the Chinese serow.

The Chinese serow is a species endemic to the mainland, its body is very petite, only half the size of a horse, and weighs only about 150 kilograms, which is lighter than a wild boar, so people think it is very similar to a horse at a glance.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

But in fact, the Chinese serow is more like a cow with a mane from the appearance, so people generally call it "four dislikes", and some people call it "four different likes", this is because its appearance is very peculiar, the body size is the same as the horse, but the head is as big as the cow, and you can also see a very thick mane on the head, so people call it "four dislikes".

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

, the living habits of the Chinese serow.

Chinese serows live in the central and southern regions of the continent, mainly in Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces, they live in high-altitude mountainous areas, so they are called the "king of snow-capped mountains", mainly living in the high mountains between 2000 and 5000 meters above sea level.

The Chinese serow is a predominantly herbivorous animal, feeding mainly on herbaceous plants, mosses and lichens, and they live in steep mountainous areas, so they are very agile and can easily jump over obstacles such as ravines, cliffs and obstacles.

The Chinese serow is very secretive, they are mainly active in the early morning and late afternoon, so people have long thought that they are a nocturnal animal, but in fact the Chinese serow is a daytime animal.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

They usually come down in the evening to feed and then return to the cave before dark, so it is difficult to see them during the day.

Chinese serows mainly live near rivers, lakes and streams, which are very humid, so Chinese serows can easily find sufficient food here, so the Chinese serows living here are very large, but also very thin, so they are very afraid of heat.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

Chinese serows mainly reduce their body temperature by sweating, so the environment they live in is generally very humid, so they can lower their body temperature by sweating.

The Chinese hyena is a very ferocious animal, and people have found some animals sacrificed by them in their living environment, and these animals are not eaten after being killed by the Chinese serow, and are directly thrown aside.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

This shows that the Chinese serow is not another animal that is inadvertently killed in the process of foraging, but is actively attacking, so it is believed that the Chinese serow is a very ferocious animal.

The Chinese serow is very stubborn, in order to defend their territory and children, they can fight with any animal, not afraid of any creature, people have tried to use reindeer to domesticate the Chinese serow, but in the end it was unsuccessful.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

Therefore, people call the Chinese serow "stubborn temper", and in order to defend their children, the Chinese serow can fight anyone, and even die.

People have found a lot of scars on the skull of the Chinese serow, these scars are left by the Chinese serow when fighting each other, they will hit each other's heads with their skulls, so it can be said that the Chinese serow is very fierce, and it is definitely not an animal that people can domesticate.

3. Reproduction and protection of Chinese serow.

The Chinese serow is a social animal, they live in a group, the number of the group is generally about 20 to 30, but there are also people found to number more than 100 Chinese serow groups.

Chinese serows generally mate in the fall, the pregnancy time is about 7 to 8 months, each litter generally only gives birth to one small serow, the baby serow is relatively small when born, weighing only 10 to 20 kilograms, but they are very alert, can quickly adapt to the environment, and can quickly carry out activities.

After birth, the baby serow usually lives by its mother's side, and it is not until about 1 year old that the baby serow gradually becomes independent and begins to live its own life.

The Chinese serow is a very precious animal, and people did not do much research on the Chinese serow at the beginning, mainly because the area where they live is very remote, and it is difficult for people to come into contact with them.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

However, with the increasing hunting of wild animals, the living environment of the Chinese serow has also been greatly threatened, so people have begun to do some research on the Chinese serow, and the Chinese serow has been protected since 1975.

The Chinese serow is also listed as a national second-class protected animal, so that the population of the Chinese serow will be protected to a certain extent and will no longer be threatened by hunting.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

However, due to the fact that the conservation of the Chinese serow has not been done very well, the number of Chinese serow has not increased significantly in recent years, and it is still on the verge of endangerment.

In 2008, a villager in Jiangxi Province found a Chinese serow while chopping wood, and the Chinese serow may have gotten lost, so it went to the human living area.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

Since people don't know much about the Chinese serow, the villagers thought that the Chinese serow had just accidentally come here while hunting, so they sent it to a zoo in Nanchang.

The Chinese serow was very excited after being sent to the zoo, but the zoo staff had no way to amuse it, so the life of the Chinese serow in the zoo was very boring.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal

A Chinese serow even slammed its skull against a wall in a zoo and eventually killed itself, and this Chinese serow avenged his companion with a clear intention of dying.

After this incident, people have strengthened the protection of the Chinese serow a lot, so the number of Chinese serow in the wild has gradually increased, which also shows that the animal protection work in the mainland has made great achievements, and the ecological environment has been gradually improved.

A Pegasus is not a horse, but a cow? With the stubborn temper of death Mingzhi, it is still a second-class protected animal


Although the Chinese serow is not a horse, its image and temperament are very cute.

People should also take into account the resource needs of human beings when carrying out animal protection work, and should not blindly shrink the living space of wild animals, but should live in harmony, respect each other, and tolerate each other.

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