
Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

author:Workshop of Broken Thoughts

Good guys, the protagonist of the Japanese historical game is actually a black man?

The first trailer for Assassin's Creed: Shadows, a new installment in the Assassin's Creed series produced by Ubisoft and based on Japanese culture, has finally been released, in which the black protagonist Samurai Yasuke, who has been previously revealed by the news, officially appears.

Unexpectedly, this appearance was a stone that stirred up a thousand waves.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

The most frustrating point of the player is that this is obviously a game of Japanese culture, but it still uses black people as the protagonists. Good guys, the "shadow" in the title of Affection you literally refers to black people, right? This familiar, suffocating sense of disobedience instantly overwhelmed people. In fact, this is the first time since the birth of the Assassin's Creed series that the protagonist is not a "local".

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

Insulting jokes

And this work has also aroused the disgust of Japanese players in Japan, and the ratio of the trailer of the Japanese version of the blow to 2,000 has come to 2,000 to 20,000. This is despite the fact that the Assassin's Creed series did not have much popularity in Japan.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

In the comment section of the video, players from all over the world expressed their dissatisfaction with the game.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned
Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

And on the 5ch forum in Japan, the Japanese brother's speeches are also varied, but obviously more than fierce anger, yin and yang, self-deprecation and saying that it doesn't matter.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned
Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned
Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned
Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

But on platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, etc., the opposition of European and American buddies who hate zzzq is obviously more direct and intense, and in the face of players' doubts about the black protagonist, there are still some pro-zzzq sticks who jump out, thinking that criticizing and criticizing this work because of "black" is racism. So the bandit logic of "why can't blacks be XX, you dare to refute it is discrimination" is staged again. This style of play can be described as too classic.

And the reason why Ubisoft was able to do this so blatantly this time is naturally prepared. Because Yasuke did exist in history. And there are many literary and historical materials to corroborate. Ubisoft also stated that this is the first time in Assassin's Creed that players can play as a real historical figure.

However, there is no clear historical evidence to prove that he was a samurai.

At present, the only book that claims Yasuke to be a samurai and gives a relatively complete account of his life experience is by Thomas Lockley, an Englishman living in Japan.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

But just like the hot comments of netizens: "Ubisoft is even more excited to see a black samurai in Japan than to see a gold mine." ”

This kind of behavior of pulling the flag as a tiger's skin cannot gag everyone's mouth. Not only are the majority of players unhappy to watch, but even sober-minded black players don't like this kind of deliberate pandering.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

Kaida, a black blogger, recorded a video saying that it is stupid to use Japan as a background and not use a Japanese male lead. We know exactly what they mean, and it's annoying. It's as silly as setting a story in Africa and then deciding to use a white male lead.

The official reason for Ubisoft's choice is simple: the team likes it.

"As for Yasuke, from the very beginning we thought that it was a very good way to tell the story of the arrival of the Portuguese about the crisis in Japan. The team loved the character of Yasuke, and we thought we could use him to discover Japan. ”

And the one who is specifically responsible for leading the writing of the script of this work is this:

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

The bio clearly states that he is the "lead witter" of Assassin's Creed Shadows, and his watchlist includes the familiar Sweet Baby!

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

Good guy, it's you again, but it's not surprising, after all, the founder of the organization was born under Ubisoft, and other companies can infiltrate it so ruthlessly, how can his old club let it go.

If you don't know what this thing is, you can check out the video we did some time ago. To put it simply, as long as you see a game related to Sweet Baby, don't buy it, run away!

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

Editor-in-chief of the screenplay

Another senior screenwriter named Giles Armstrong also jumped out on the 16th of this month to say that he participated in the writing of the script of this work, and praised Alissa in a tweet. He also believes that the story of Assassin's Creed Shadows will be a "feast" that players can enjoy.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

This senior screenwriter has made a lot of ideologically obvious statements before: "There are too many white people in the game now", and so on.

And what exactly is the feast that this screenwriter is referring to?

It is reported that the main creative team of this work also has a Japanese "literature" professor consultant named "Sachi Schmidt-Hori". The cultural direction of this person's research is more "special". The "crystallization" of her research is a book about the overly "close" relationship between monks and boys in ancient Japan. In view of the "cutest height difference" between the tall Yasuke and the Japanese giant Oda Nobunaga, it can only be said that this big job and ruthless work are really coming. There is speculation that the ban between Yasuke and Oda Nobunaga, a black man, may really be staged.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

And in September 2022, there was a news report that in order to accurately and truly reproduce the worldview of this work, so as to achieve the original flavor, Ubisoft hired a local consultant. Now I know that the co-author of you is the original flavor of this aspect?!

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

Not long after that, the development team reported that due to frequent sexual harassment by director Jonathan Dumont, the entire project team was in a terrifying atmosphere, and employees refused to participate in the development and applied for transfer.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

In the past 10 years, Yasuke has been very active in the film and television and ACG industries. He has appeared in several comics. He also appeared many times in works such as the glorious "Nioh", "Nobunaga's Ambition", and "Sengoku Warriors". If the Black Panther male lead had not died, he would have starred in the Warner-made Yasuke movie, and the preparation for this film does not seem to have stopped. Netflix has also recently made an animation about Yasuke. Coupled with the publication of Assassin's Creed: Shadow and Thomas Lockley's related works, from popular works to book biographies, it can be seen that the black Yasuke is known to the world as a samurai, and it is the result of many years of matrix-style output. This incident can also be seen as a typical case of how to make a historical figure from scratch by codification and falsification have a profound impact on people. If the future of black ZZZQ can still be extremely long-term, then perhaps Yasuke can turn into a sharp nail of ZZZQ and be deeply embedded in the spineless Japanese culture in front of the United States and the West. After a long time, it is not difficult to see more unimaginable ruthless lives come out.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned
Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned
Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

Let's take a look at the screenwriter who once left Ubisoft, and the Japanese script he wrote for Assassin's Creed is not such a story at all. There is no black Yasuke, but a young Japanese protagonist "Yamauchi Taka", which revolves around the story of him and Oda Nobunaga, Hattori Hanzo, and the Sword of Eden. The whole story goes to a lot of old AC flavor. Maybe that's what players want. Of course, this premise was later used in the iOS card game Assassin's Creed: Memory.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

At the same time, just after the release of the trailer for this work, Ubisoft's stock market also ushered in a sharp fall, and it is obvious that the market is not optimistic about ZZZQ. Well, all I can say is likely.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

And in the comment section of the trailer, a large number of players are calling for not to pre-order Ubisoft's game. They have all received widespread acclaim.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned
Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

And in the developer interview video of this work, there are also countless players who popularize science and criticize the real situation of Misuke. Of course, there is also a lot of historical nihilism among foreigners, and remarks such as "don't be so serious" are also everywhere, so the debate is naturally fierce.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

In fact, the trailer did not show the gameplay, and it was previously reported that there were major problems in the development of the game, and that there was sexual harassment and abuse within the studio, which caused a large number of employees to leave, etc., and it was predicted at the time that the situation was so serious that the game may have to be postponed until 2025.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

Now, coupled with people's antipathy to black protagonists, Assassin's Creed: Shadow is basically powerless.

In fact, players were still very much looking forward to the Assassin's Creed of Eastern culture.

The Assassin's Creed series has always been very good at portraying the people and landscapes, and even the series' contribution to the reconstruction of Notre Dame Cathedral has been a good story.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

Especially in today's Ubisoft-style canned gameplay, the portrayal and presentation of customs and customs are already the few remaining selling points and trump cards of the series.

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned

And there was also a wolf and Tsushima to foreshadow, as long as it is done well, the Japanese version of Assassin's Creed is bound to be a big hit.

But at this time, there is no problem in engaging in this kind of snack, saying that you can't live if you do your own evil.

But it's not difficult to find it from the current point in time.,This project was probably established in the years when black ZZZQ was the most rampant.,Now it's done just in time to catch up with the current trend.。 Ayu: This will be a typical representative of eating Xiang and not catching up with the heat.

In the end, I want to say,Make a game and make a good game,In the past two years, players have finally found that the existing manufacturers are really not worth supporting,Some time ago, "Sword Star" also taught a lesson to many manufacturers, as long as you are willing to serve players with your heart, still worry about the game not selling? As for those manufacturers who still carry private goods in the game or even turn private goods into main dishes, they will only be unpopular and slowly disappear in the end, so Ayu, you should have a snack!

Japanese historical theme, but the main character is black? The new Assassin's Creed game has overturned


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