
Children have a strong physique, how to eat? | Popular science time

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Children have a strong physique, how to eat? | Popular science time

May 20 is Chinese Student Nutrition Day.

When it comes to enhancing children's physique, some parents may habitually ask: what supplements should I take, what medicines should I take? In fact, a reasonable diet is a good way to improve children's physique, and children of different ages have different priorities.

Children have a strong physique, how to eat? | Popular science time

Within 6 months of age is the first peak period of growth and development in a person's life, the growth rate of length, weight, and head circumference is the most rapid, and the demand for energy and nutrients is relatively higher than that of any other period, but the baby's gastrointestinal tract and liver and kidney function are not yet mature, and the ability to digest and absorb food is low. At this stage, breast milk is the most ideal food for infants, which can ensure the healthy growth of the baby's physique, and is most suitable for the baby's digestion and metabolism, and can meet the baby's comprehensive nutritional needs. In addition, breast milk is rich in antibodies (IgA), which can help children reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases, and it is recommended to adhere to exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months.

Proper supplementation of vitamin A and D can provide the material basis for physical growth, neurological and psychological development. Due to the low vitamin D content in breast milk, it is recommended to supplement vitamin D 10 micrograms (400U) daily 1~2 weeks after birth; If the child is born prematurely or twins, appropriate iron supplementation is also needed.

Children have a strong physique, how to eat? | Popular science time

Breast milk is still an important source of nutrition for infants and young children at this stage, but breastfeeding alone can no longer fully meet the child's energy and nutrient needs, and it is time to add complementary foods reasonably.

From the age of 6 months, children should gradually introduce a variety of foods into their diet, starting with iron-rich pureed foods, such as iron-fortified baby cereal, meat puree, and liver puree. However, it should be noted that only one new food is introduced at a time, and after 2~3 days of adaptation, no adverse reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, and rash, other new foods are added, from less to more, from thin to thick, from fine to coarse, and gradually realize food diversification.

Grains such as thick porridge, soft rice, noodles can provide energy for infants, animal foods such as livestock and poultry meat, eggs, fish and shrimp, liver and other animal foods are rich in high-quality protein, fat, B vitamins and minerals, vegetables and fruits are an important source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, beans are a source of high-quality protein, vegetable oil can provide energy and essential fatty acids, are essential for the growth and development of infants and young children at this stage and maintain a healthy physique. Of course, vitamin D supplementation also needs to be continued (400 units/day before 1 year of age, 600 units/day after 1 year of age).

Children have a strong physique, how to eat? | Popular science time

The diet of preschool children should be provided by a balanced diet consisting of a variety of foods, and children at this stage should consume an average of more than 12 foods per day and more than 25 foods per week.

A variety of foods include:

(1) Cereals and potatoes and miscellaneous legumes: more than 3 kinds per day and more than 5 kinds per week;

(2) Vegetables, fungi and fruits: more than 4 kinds per day, more than 10 kinds per week, no less than 300 grams of vegetables and fruits per day, of which dark vegetables account for 1/2;

(3) Fish, eggs, livestock and poultry food: more than 3 kinds per day and more than 5 kinds per week;

(4) Milk, soybeans and nuts: an average of 2 kinds per day and more than 5 kinds per week. Milk and eggs are the best source of high-quality protein and calcium, which is an important nutrient for maintaining growth and development and a healthy physique. Preschool children need to consume 300~500 ml of milk or equivalent milk products per day, and can choose liquid milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products without added sugar; One egg a day, preferably boiled or steamed. Children aged 2-5 years old have strong metabolism, high activity and sweating, so they need to replenish water in time, and they need to drink 600~800 ml of water every day.

Children have a strong physique, how to eat? | Popular science time

School-age children are in the stage of growth and development, and they also face academic pressure, and they have higher energy and nutrient requirements to maintain growth and health and physical fitness. If you want to have a good immune function, you must first have "ingredients", and a balanced diet is the best source of these "ingredients".

A balanced diet provides a variety of nutrients to support optimal immune function. Children should eat a variety of foods, with reasonable nutrition, three meals a day, regular rations, and regular diets. Eat breakfast every day, and eat breakfast well, breakfast food should include cereals and potatoes, vegetables and fruits, milk, animal foods, beans, nuts and other foods of three or more categories; Daily intake of carbohydrates (cereals and potatoes), protein (fish, shrimp, eggs), fiber (vegetables and fruits), and dairy products. School-age children should have a light diet, less salt, less oil and less sugar. Drink plenty of water, in small amounts many times, preferably plain water, and drink less or no sugary drinks.

Children have a strong physique, how to eat? | Popular science time

Children should enhance their physical fitness, improve their immune function, and supplement vitamin A and D appropriately on the basis of a balanced diet. Children who are picky eaters, do not like to eat fruits and vegetables, and have few outdoor activities are prone to vitamin A and D deficiency; Rapid growth and development during infancy and adolescence and high iron demand may affect the growth and development of adolescent girls due to menstruation.

Reasonable diet is the basis for children and adolescents to improve their physical fitness and enhance immunity, and only by laying a solid "foundation" - a balanced diet, and constantly obtaining the "materials" needed by the immune system - high-quality protein and important vitamins - A and D, etc., can children have a healthy body.

Source: Student Health News, Healthy China