
When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

author:Star Rambler
When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?


Topics such as the use of solar energy to solve the energy crisis, the improvement of human civilization, and the construction of Dyson spheres by extraterrestrial civilizations were discussed. It mentions that the use of solar energy to solve the energy crisis may be the key to breaking down the barriers of civilization, and one can't help but want to know more. Want to know how solar energy will affect the future of humanity? Let's look down!

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

Harnessing the energy energy can solve the energy crisis

The sun is the foundation of human existence, and without the energy of the sun, the earth would be pitch black and life would disappear in the cold. So the sun is our friend and best friend because the energy it has is absolutely the sum of the energy that we have. The main reason why we can't feel this is because only a small part of the solar energy on the earth is used by us, which is why the current solar power technology is too inefficient.

But the development of human civilization is gradually improving, we have used firewood to cook at the beginning, and now we can complete the same operation through induction cookers. At this level, we can think of current energy use as burning a higher form of firewood, fossil fuels.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

In comparison, it produces almost no smoke and dust during use, and the calorific value is extremely high, which keeps the environment clean while obtaining energy. So from this point of view, fossil fuels are an upgraded version of firewood, and firewood has also become a civilizational barrier between us and countries and regions that have less energy development than us.

From this point of view, the current level of human civilization is not so high, and the level of energy available to us seems to be the most accurate indicator of where we are at the moment, compared to our own industrial and production technologies.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

If understood in this way, then the use of solar energy to solve the human energy crisis seems to be the key to breaking this gap. At the same time, we should also know that if the level of human civilization is raised to a higher level, fossil fuels are likely to become firewood and grass that we dig up ourselves to burn, and the real advanced energy source is solar energy.

At this point, if you look back and imagine the current use of energy, it is as if primitive tribes were as surprised as they were when they saw us burning oil for our meals, and they couldn't understand how firewood and grass could have escalated to such a level.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

From this analogy, it can be seen that the current problem facing mankind is not only the problem of energy, but the problem of our own development. While there have been initial breakthroughs in the use of solar power generation technology, we need to continue to work on other aspects to make it work, such as improving the efficiency of power generation.

And if this is really opened, humanity will usher in a new round of industrial revolution, in which we will use solar energy as the basis for the whole production, which is undoubtedly the best news for the current environmental protection work, and will completely change the balance of power between humans and other species.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

The current level of civilization of mankind is low

If there is one of the biggest problems in human society today, it is the exploration of the universe. Compared to us, we can say that we have been handy on Earth for many years, and in the universe, the current stage of human civilization development seems to be not enough to use a telescope to look at other planets.

The main reason why we can't really get out of the earth is that we can't find a suitable energy supply after leaving the range of the sun, because the energy at the disposal of human beings is like firewood and grass, which is only suitable for use at the doorstep.

If it were to be upgraded to the point where it could feed the entire species for development and survival, it would be at best a few more bags of firewood and grass, which would be completely insufficient for a cosmic journey spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

From this point of view, if humanity really wants to upgrade its civilization level so that it can be able to roam freely in space as it does on Earth, the problem to be solved is the problem of energy.

At present, fossil fuels are in a very advanced position as an energy source for human use. Not only does it not produce any pollution during use, but it can also provide us with an extremely rich amount of energy.

In this sense, it is no longer ordinary firewood and grass, but a civilized barrier between us and those places that use wind and hydroelectric power. But it seems that it is still far from achieving the energy supply standard for space travel.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

So if humanity wants to take this step, it is not simply by inventing a new type of energy source. Unlike previous industrial revolutions, the impact of this change will not only be limited to human life and production methods, but will completely change the relationship between us and the universe.

If there really is an energy source that can do this, and if it is mastered and used by us, then human beings are truly qualified to develop new continents in the universe.

This is very important for the species as a whole in the long run. The Earth will eventually be destroyed, and as the population continues to grow, that day will likely come before we leave here to explore our new home.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

If human beings had not mastered the survival skills and technologies that were relatively independent of the earth at this time, then the extinction of species might be a matter of the moment. In a sense, the elevation of civilization is not simply to prove our superiority with other species, but a response to the necessity of human survival and development on a material basis.

At the same time, only by truly standing on a higher level of civilization can human beings better safeguard what they have. Otherwise, even if we have more awareness and awareness of environmental protection, we cannot put it into practice due to the limitations of technology and conditions, and we can only watch everything be destroyed in the end.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

Alien civilizations build Dyson spheres

It can be said that the Dyson sphere is a giant machine group centered on the sun, in which various functions can be realized, such as generating magnetic fields to protect the planets around the star from harm; Collects solar energy into other forms of energy and emits or absorbs light to complete various activities. Theoretically, as long as enough machines are connected together, such a large and powerful Dyson sphere can be formed.

Because the Dyson sphere can help alien civilizations solve the problem of energy supply, and its scale will take a long time to complete even for advanced civilizations. Therefore, in the observation records of astronomers, it is very unlikely that there are signs of extraterrestrial civilization activity.


There is another reason that is also very important. Judging from the trajectory of human development, it is not possible to build a Dyson sphere alone. Even if the entire species were to work together and devote all their resources to this project, it would probably take a long time to succeed.

Especially at this stage of technology, it is difficult to imagine how we can capture and utilize this large and energy-intensive machine fleet before the construction of the Dyson sphere is completed.

At the moment, all we can do is send out some light to say hello to them, and to truly grasp the energy and harness it is like a distant dream. If extraterrestrial civilizations really exist, and are able to do this, then their level of technology must be many levels higher than ours.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

At the same time, because the Dyson sphere is so large, it is necessary to require a lot of raw materials in the construction process. As is customary, a Dyson sphere of this size and power must be made of countless metals, and the number of them is definitely not small. Then the alien civilization either has unimaginable mining power, and can take all the raw materials needed from the planet in a few decades and hundreds of years; Either they can suppress other planets in the same position as if they were appropriating resources themselves, and squeeze everything they need from the medium and long term.

From these two points, the construction of the Dyson sphere is indeed in line with the characteristics of extraterrestrial civilization activities. But from a technical point of view, the Dyson sphere is still a dream to the extent that humans currently grasp and understand. We can't even imagine the scale of energy that runs and reserves in it, let alone how to control such a behemoth.

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?


The topics such as the development of human civilization, energy issues and the construction of alien civilizations such as Dyson spheres are deeply discussed, which is thought-provoking. Mankind should continue to strive to upgrade the level of civilization and use clean energy such as solar energy to solve the energy crisis, so as to better safeguard the future of the earth and mankind. What are your thoughts on solar energy solving energy problems? Come and leave a comment to share your views!

When human civilization moves towards a second-level civilization, is it possible to create a Dyson sphere?

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