
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

author:Video quick cut Wang Director

How can ordinary people make amazing blockbusters as quickly as possible?

I believe this is something that many beginners in photography are thinking.

Today, I would like to share with you a photography technique that is particularly easy to shoot blockbusters - upward shooting.

Speaking of upward shooting, everyone is actually no stranger, and when you usually take portrait photos of girls, you must have a certain upward shooting angle.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

This can make people look thin and tall, and can avoid the embarrassment of insufficient leg length.

In fact, there are many more uses for upward shooting, not only for portraits, but also for photographing tall trees and buildings.

There are also many angles for upward shooting, which can be 45 degrees or vertical.

Different angles give people completely different feelings. Let's take a look at the effect.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

If you like to photograph trees, if you just stand not far away and take pictures of trees, I am afraid that no matter how beautiful the tree is, it will be mediocre.

But when we approach and look up to shoot, no matter how ordinary the tree is, it will have a different painting style.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

When we look up at the tall trees under the trees, we feel a huge visual impact.

There is an oppressive vertigo because the trees are converging in the middle of our perspective.

This will make the picture have a great sense of visual impact and novelty.

When we use the lens instead of the eyes, we can capture the effect of trees reaching into the blue sky and the canopy of the trees obscuring the sky.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

The advantage of the upward shot is that it can better highlight the height and slenderness of the subject.

In the case of trees, the dense canopy can be highlighted, and in winter, the structure and texture of the canopy can be clearly displayed.

When we walk in the woods, we only need to look up, and our eyes follow the trunk to the branches and then to the canopy, forming a guide line step by step.

The same is true for the presentation in the picture.

It has the dual role of vertical composition and guided composition.

You can also shoot with a mobile phone, so if you don't believe it, you can try it.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

When you shoot up in the woods, the surrounding trees converge in the frame, and there is a scene of radioactive lines.

So to highlight this scene, we need to pay attention to the position when shooting up, and try to stand in the middle of the woods.

In this way, the surrounding trees are more symmetrical when they enter the picture, which makes it more formal and beautiful.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

Of course, since the upward shot is to shoot directly into the sky, it is good that the trees are thick, but if they are not dense enough, the sky may be overexposed.

At this time, we can lower the exposure value appropriately.

If the forest is dense and there will be a lack of light, then the exposure value should be increased appropriately, or the exposure should be compensated.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

The effect of light and shadow is best when shot from the top in the woods, especially in the morning or afternoon when the sun is soft.

The result is a beautiful Jesus light effect, which is a very popular light and shadow effect for photographers.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

The starry sky in the woods taken at night is also a unique beauty.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

For a while, I couldn't tell whether this was a tree shot from the top or a river shot from the bottom.

Or the woods from above, where the roots are exposed.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

The old mottled trees and the ancient buildings and the rising sun give the picture a nostalgic and retro atmosphere.

The canopy of the tree renders a halo and highlights the mottled feeling.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

In winter, the rime fills the trees.

At this time, the vertical upward shooting method can maximize the romantic effect of the silver wrap.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

This one uses a long exposure to render the light shining on the leaves.

It looks like the leaves are like in the comics, but they are not very real.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

Shooting from the top can highlight the width of the canopy and the brilliance of the colors.

In particular, the different colors of the leaves of different trees converge in the shot.

The colorful picture is beautiful like a painting.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

Looking at these pictures, we explain the principle in terms of composition techniques.

Vertical upward shooting is typically the use of vertical composition.

This is especially suitable for shooting tall and straight tree trunks and skyscrapers.

It can greatly show the sense of danger of the subject.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

The bamboo forest is like ten thousand arrows launched into the sky.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

When I looked up, I noticed that the trees around me were gathering around me like people.

forming a circle, which is actually a visual dislocation.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing- Shooting from this angle makes it easier to make blockbusters!

After seeing so many photos of trees from above, did you get a lot of inspiration?

The next time you see a forest or a beautiful tree, you should be inspired.

If you don't know how to take pictures, you can still capture the dangerous feeling of vertical composition.

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