
He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager

author:Teacher Huang born in the 90s

Introduction to agriculture-related certificates

He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager


Vocational Skill Certificate of "Senior Agronomist" and "Senior Agricultural and Forestry Planner".

○ Examination and training type of work:

"Senior Agronomist", "Senior Agricultural and Forestry Planner";

○ Agriculture and Forestry Planner:

It refers to the knowledge or professional talents of agriculture and forestry, ecology, garden plants and ornamental horticulture, landscape architecture planning and design, etc., specializing in agriculture and forestry, landscape architecture planning and design, urban construction, gardening, forestry departments and flower enterprises engaged in the planning, design, construction, cultivation and cultivation, maintenance and management of garden plants in scenic spots, forest parks, and various types of urban gardens and green spaces.

○ Agronomist:

refers to a person who has mastered the technology in agriculture and can promote the development of agriculture; Agricultural technicians mainly engaged in crops, horticulture, Chinese herbal medicine and edible fungus cultivation and improved seed breeding, agricultural product quality inspection, agricultural product storage and preservation and processing, agricultural education, agricultural environmental protection, agricultural law enforcement, agricultural comprehensive services, system construction and agricultural industrialization management.

○ Applicable people:

Persons in charge of agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and family farms related to agricultural planting, breeding, processing, circulation, etc., civil servants of agricultural and forestry planning and design, agricultural and forestry resources protection, local urban and rural construction, gardening, land and other departments, and personnel engaged in architectural planning and design, garden planning and design, landscape planning and design, outdoor space environment creation, etc., can apply for the examination.


He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager

Training Center of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Founded on March 1, 1957, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) is one of the three major academies of new China approved by the State Council, and is the largest, most comprehensive and strongest national agricultural research institution in China. The Training Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences was established in June 2014, aiming to give full play to the advantages of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in terms of talents, resources and bases, and integrate the strength of the whole academy to carry out continuing education. Relying on the three brands of "Training Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Continuing Education Base and Training Base for Developing Countries of the Ministry of Science and Technology", the center closely focuses on the actual needs of the development of modern agriculture in the mainland and the development needs of agricultural science and technology innovation for professional and technical talents, innovates ideas, broadens ideas, and carries out related training work such as improving the quality of scientific research personnel, building the capacity of party and government cadres, providing relevant training work such as the Belt and Road Science and Technology Aid, the promotion of practical production technology, and the main body of new agricultural operations, so as to provide talent guarantee for the innovation of agricultural science and technology in the mainland.

Three summers in agriculture

He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager
He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager
He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager
He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager


He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager

Online learning platform

The online learning platform of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Rural Revitalization Public Service Platform) is an official online learning platform developed by the Training Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to implement the requirements of the central government's document on comprehensively promoting the key work of rural revitalization, and with the strong support of the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager

Learning Platform:

Enquiry website:

1. Agricultural Vocational Skills Certificate:



Agricultural Technician

Fertilizer formulator

Professional manager of agriculture

Agricultural Brand Planner

Rural Project Manager

Rural e-commerce division

Smart agriculture manager

The training center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences will issue certificates through independent examinations.

Second, open a pesticide shop, pesticide operator qualification training 56 hours, pesticide operator training certificate, national general, pesticide store must.

He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager

Agricultural managers refer to those who rely on farmers' cooperatives and represent cooperatives to carry out refined management and management of large-scale land, and share the final profits, so as to become professional cooperative managers. By assuming the responsibility of the owner's property appreciation and preservation for the agricultural business organization with clear ownership, it is fully responsible for operation and management, and the professional agricultural management personnel who receive remuneration such as salary and stock options as the main way.

In today's agricultural field, the fertilizer industry is becoming more and more efficient, specialized, refined, convenient, friendly and irreversible in the integration of water and fertilizer. With the development of the agricultural economy, the demand for agricultural production is becoming more and more diversified. The state encourages and supports the development of enterprises with high scientific and technological content, with leading enterprises as the mainstay, and gradually integrates small enterprises and disadvantaged enterprises to adapt to the rapid development of the modern agricultural economy. Therefore, in order to stay ahead of the development of the fertilizer industry, the position of fertilizer formulators has become more important.

Through more than 56 hours of learning experience in agronomy, plant protection, pesticides, etc., familiar with pesticide management regulations, master professional knowledge of pesticides and pest control, and be able to guide the safe and reasonable use of pesticides.

Horticulturist refers to a senior technical application specialist who has the basic knowledge and skills of horticultural science, is engaged in fruit tree cultivation, seed breeding, improved seed breeding, commercial production, pest control, product storage and processing and application of new technology experiments, agricultural technology development and promotion, etc., and has certain production management and management capabilities.

An agronomist is a person who has mastered the skills of agriculture and can promote the development of agriculture; Agricultural technicians mainly engaged in crops, horticulture, cultivation and breeding of Chinese herbal medicine and edible fungi, quality testing of agricultural products, storage and preservation and processing of agricultural products, agricultural education, agricultural environmental protection, agricultural law enforcement, comprehensive agricultural services, system construction and agricultural industrialization management.

Sample Certificate:

He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager
He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager
He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager
He is a professional and technical title in agriculture and forestry, a senior agronomist, an agricultural and forestry planner, and an agricultural professional manager

Application Materials

One electronic version of the front and back of the applicant's ID card;

The electronic version of the applicant's small two-inch blue background bareheaded ID photo (within 30KB, JPG format);

The honorary certificate and the highest academic certificate obtained by the applicant during the period of engaging in agricultural professional work shall be provided by the enterprise operator (a copy of the business license);

Application form for skill level evaluation of professional and technical personnel (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences).

Agricultural and Rural Technical Skills Personnel Training Certificate, Trainee Training Confirmation.

To apply for the certificate, pay attention to the WeChat public account [Special Operation Certificate Encyclopedia]

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