
2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

Travel Bureau

2024-05-28 22:12Published in Chongqing

On the eve of Qin L's listing, BYD typed 4 words "industrial miracle" in the promotional poster, which made many netizens curious about what black technology BYD took out from the technical fish pond this time, and dared to shout "industrial miracle" 4 words, after all, if the answer to netizens in the end is not shocking enough, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no moth in public opinion.

On the evening of May 28, BYD's fifth-generation DM technology was released, and at the same time, Qin L DM-i and Seal 06 DM-i were officially launched, and the price, battery life, and fuel consumption that netizens are most concerned about were finally revealed.

Both the Qin L DM-i and the Seal 06 DM-i are available in five configurations, with prices ranging from 99,800 to 139,800 yuan, and two pure electric ranges of 80km and 120km.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

The Qin L DM-i and the Seal 06 DM-i are both officially positioned as mid-size cars, so their benchmarks are also Camry, Accord and the like. Because the pre-sale price of Qin L DM-i was 120,000 yuan, as well as the benchmark object and other reasons, everyone guessed that the final price of Qin L DM-i was also about 110,000-150,000 yuan. Regardless of range and fuel consumption, this price is enough to deal a heavy blow to the joint venture brand fuel vehicle.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

It's easy to set a high price for a car, but it's not easy to get a low price, after all, car companies are not charities and have to make money. BYD can sell a car so cheaply, so that thousands of families can enjoy a car life, thanks to the full set of industrial chain built by BYD.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

The travel bureau learned that in addition to car tires and glass because BYD is reluctant to involve manufacturing, BYD can be self-sufficient from IGBT on-board chips to engine gearboxes, to three-electric technology, and more than 2,000 spare parts for a car. There is no middleman to make the difference, and this is the secret of BYD's cheap vehicles.

After talking about the price, let's see the battery life.

The Qin L DM-i will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and an electric motor, which has BYD's fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology, with the blessing of this technology, the Qin L DM-i can achieve a comprehensive range of 2,100 kilometers, and the official fuel consumption is 2.9L/100 kilometers.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

However, in the many media tests announced at the press conference, the average fuel consumption of the Qin L is 2.26/100 km, and the average fuel consumption of the Seal 06 is 2.11L/100 km.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

In terms of measured battery life, Qin L and Seal 06 have an average range of 2300 kilometers, and the longest even runs to 2500 kilometers.

The price of 99,800 yuan, the battery life of 2100+ kilometers, and the fuel consumption of 2.9L are lost, I really can't think of what to compete with the joint venture models of the same level, I personally don't want to brag about how powerful these data are, but the price and fuel consumption of Qin L and Seal 06 can really enable more people to drive new energy vehicles, reduce the cost of using cars, and avoid the trouble of waiting for buses and squeezing subways.

In terms of technology, compared with the current DM-i technology (P1+P3 single-speed series-parallel structure), the main change in the new hybrid system is that the motor output has passed through the planetary gear reduction mechanism, and then a dual clutch has been added to control the power flow.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

The maximum power of the 1.5L engine of the Qin L DM-i is 74kW, which is actually the same as the previous 1.5L engine, but it has been optimized in tuning, and the power output is smaller, but the thermal efficiency has become higher, reaching 46.06%. On the other hand, the power of the Qin L DM-i motor has become larger, and the maximum power of the motor is now 160kW.

As for why BYD will change in power distribution, the travel bureau believes that there are two reasons.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

First of all, after the engine power is lowered and the thermal efficiency is improved, the fuel consumption of the vehicle will be reduced whether it is hybrid mode or engine mode, and the DM5.0 system can achieve the ultimate range by relying on this part of the adjustment.

The second point is based on the consideration of the user use case.

Most consumers of BYD DM-i vehicles have difficulty using pure engine mode, and the average consumer who owns a home charging pile is using pure electric mode for daily commuting in 90% of cases, even on long-distance highways. The maximum power of the engine 74kW can fully make the Qin L DM-i car have abundant power at high speeds, and from the perspective of personal understanding of BYD DM-i technology, the hybrid mode of about 120km-130km per hour will not appear the perception of insufficient power. Of course, if you have to drive at 150km/h or 160km/h, then there's no need to talk about it.

On the whole, such a power allocation is better for consumers, but this practice is also called a reduction in many people's opinion.

However, the Travel Bureau believes that technology is never full of parameters, but there are trade-offs.

This hybrid engine cancels the complex valve mechanism, abandons the possibility of direct drive under low-speed conditions, and concentrates the working conditions of the internal combustion engine on a few working conditions such as power generation and high-speed direct drive, reducing the maximum power, but in the actual use of the car, such adjustments will allow users to have a better experience and better fuel economy.

For ordinary people, the engine does not need to integrate a lot of unclear technology, and the technology that can make the user have a better experience is called the technology.

In addition, the Qin L DM-i can be said to be a qualitative leap compared to the Qin PLUS in the chassis.

The Qin L DM-i uses a new platform, the P5 platform, which is a hybrid-specific platform that combines the advantages of BYD's DM and e-platform 3.0.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

Because of the use of the new platform, the chassis of Qin L DM-i has naturally been optimized, Qin L DM-i uses a four-link rear overhang, perhaps BYD's chassis tuning is not excellent in the eyes of everyone, but the hardware of the four-link is there, and its chassis will never be bad. In addition, the Qin L DM-i restoration plant is equipped with engine guard plate + battery guard plate + fuel tank guard plate as standard, and the bottom of the entire chassis is very flat.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

In terms of dimensions, the length, width and height of the Seal 06 DM-i are 4830mm/1875mm/1495mm, and the wheelbase is 2790mm.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

The length, width and height of the Qin L DM-i are 4830mm/1900mm/1495mm, and the wheelbase is 2790mm.

In terms of interior design, Qin L DM-i and Seal 06 DM-i follow two different styles, one is more calm and the other is more youthful. The look and feel are different, but the interior functions are almost the same, and there are no advantages or disadvantages to the two interior styles, depending on personal aesthetics and preferences.

2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

It is said that China's new energy vehicles are far ahead of the joint venture brand, but the medium-sized car market is still firmly controlled by the joint venture brand, the advent of Qin PLUS has broken the monopoly of the joint venture brand on the A-class car market, and the arrival of Qin L DM-i, I personally think that it will reproduce the growth route of Qin PLUS in the A-class car market, let us wait and see.

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  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy
  • 2.9L fuel consumption, 2,100 kilometers of endurance, 99,800 yuan Qin L makes the joint venture desperate, and friends are crazy

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