
Jieguanting community carried out the "Care for Growth, Happy June 1st" care for children in need

author:Sichuan Minsheng Network

61 is a fantasy journey to chase dreams,

There is expectation, love, joy, and ......

June 1st is a song,

Happiness, innocence, and immaturity are the notes of jumping;

June 1st is a poem,

Romance, fantasy, softness are flowing melodies.

Today is the 74th International Children's Day

New Era Civilization Practice Station of Jieguanting Community, Nanhe Street, Lizhou District, Guangyuan City

All the staff wish all the children a happy "June 1st"!

Jieguanting community carried out the "Care for Growth, Happy June 1st" care for children in need

In order to make the children in difficulty in the jurisdiction spend an unforgettable "June 1st" Festival, this morning, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Jieguanting Community, Nanhe Street, Lizhou District, Guangyuan City, together with the Community Women's Federation, the Community Care Working Committee, the Youth League Committee, and the "Caring Mother" team, carried out the "Care for Growth, Happy June 1st" care for children in need.

Jieguanting community carried out the "Care for Growth, Happy June 1st" care for children in need
Jieguanting community carried out the "Care for Growth, Happy June 1st" care for children in need

Volunteers came to the homes of children in need and gave them "June 1st" growth care gift bags. As the saying goes, "a child with a mother is like a treasure, and a child without a mother is like a grass", and the "caring mothers" express their love for the children by giving them a hug and playing games and interactions, so that children in difficulty and left-behind children can also really experience the warmth of having a mother. The "caring mothers" had an intimate conversation with the children, inquired in detail about their life and study, and encouraged them to face difficulties, strive to be good teenagers in the new era of diligent study, love of labor, self-reliance and self-reliance, and strive to grow into pillars worthy of the construction of a strong country and the great task of national rejuvenation.

Jieguanting community carried out the "Care for Growth, Happy June 1st" care for children in need

In addition to the "Caring Mother" team, the Community Care Working Committee, the Women's Federation, the Youth League Committee and other organizations, the practice station also hopes that more people will pass on love, care for children, and accompany the growth of children, not only on "June 1st", but also in daily life.

Childhood is very short, time is very long, while the child has not grown up, while you are not old, while the time is just right, cherish this time to accompany the child to grow up.

Jieguanting community carried out the "Care for Growth, Happy June 1st" care for children in need

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Jieguanting Community issued the following proposals: It is recommended that you take your example, put down your mobile phone, listen sincerely, communicate on an equal footing, "see" your children, pay attention to empathy, cherish companionship, and spend a happy holiday with your children!

Source: Nanhe Street, Lizhou District - Editor: Yang Ying

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