
To the reader: altruism is also the salvation of oneself

author:Ke Yun Road

While helping others, you will have a deeper awareness. All great virtues have experienced suffering that others do not know, and it is only in the end that they have achieved great wisdom beyond ordinary people.

To the reader: altruism is also the salvation of oneself

Li Luqin: Hello!

I read your letter carefully and read the slide show "Good Parents Are Better Than Good Schools" that you did.

The slides are quite good, not only with excerpts from the text, but also with the producer's interpretation of the content and the counseling of the consulting object, which is very vivid and artistic, and you can see that you have put your heart into it.

To the reader: altruism is also the salvation of oneself

Good Parents Better Than Good Schools: The Chinese Children's Success Act

You talked about your life experience, your mental journey over the years, your confusion and pain, and how you walked out step by step through hard work and devoted yourself to public welfare, and these efforts and progress are worthy of respect.

Only those who have experienced these pains and struggles can better understand the suffering of others and better help others on the basis of empathy.

You said that you led more than 100 consultants to do nearly 100 public welfare sessions during the epidemic, and helped nearly 1,000 people with one-on-one consultations, what a great cause. Altruism is also the salvation of oneself, and while helping others, oneself will have a deeper consciousness. All great virtues have experienced suffering that others do not know, and it is only in the end that they have achieved great wisdom beyond ordinary people.

You hope that you will be more diligent in your profession, very good wishes, Mr. Ke blesses you.

I have written a lot of books on traditional culture and psychology over the years, some of which are available now (such as the nine books published by Henan Literature and Art Publishing House), and some of which cannot be reprinted for reasons that you can understand, but used books are still available online, so you might as well give them a try.

I would like to see you and understand your feelings, and thank you for your understanding and love of my writings. But objectively, no matter how long a conversation is, it is not as rich as a book.

Reading my book is the best communication with Mr. Ke.

Looking forward to your progress!

Best wishes!

Ms Ke May 31, 2024

To the reader: altruism is also the salvation of oneself